The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

To Beckon and Drag in

“……Well, well, milady.”

“Good afternoon, Lord Marquis Savini.”

Soon after, the Marquis eyes moved towards Ricardo who walked in front of Francesca. As their gazes crossed, Francesca suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling.

(Huh? Why is Ricardo not greeting him…….?)

Ricardo was always the most formal and a stickler of manners and etiquettes, so it was quite rare to see him remain so quiet. Last time, everything was so panicky back when they met beside the river so it made sense but, that was not the case this time around.

(Could it be that Ricardo already happened to meet with the Marquis at some other time before this?)

While she was pondering over these things, the Marquis suddenly followed up with a question.

“——–young lady, is your servant still in this forest?”


Francesca felt anger rise as she took a stand and stared directly at him.

“Of course he is! Graziano is an extremely important caretaker of mine, and he’s like my little bro as well.”


“In fact, my father is even thinking of taking him in as his own adopted child and ready him to become the next family head as well.”

When she said that, Marquis Savini looked a bit shocked.

“That child, may become the head of the Calvino household?”

His face, that resembled Graziano a lot, distorted slightly in response.

“………I see. By telling me this info, you are trying to make me feel more relieved, correct?”

It would seem the Marquis had seen through Francesca’s thoughts.

(Right now, the thing Graziano is most worried about is that he may get misunderstood to be aiming for the Savini heir’s seat. On top of that, his life may get targeted and might drag me into the problem as well. In that case…….)

She didn’t know how accurate her hypothesis was.

But if she was indeed correct, then by explaining that Graziano was actually going to be adopted into the Calvino house, this doubt and misunderstanding should be resolved at least a little.

“Milady, I do not know just how well you understand the circumstances of my household but—–…..”

The Marquis sighed, and then slowly walked towards Francesca.

“The position of an ‘adopted child’ is quite vague. In a battle for succession, every single person that has the head’s blood flowing through them is put up for comparison and at times, brothers end up killing each other as well.”

“You need not worry. I am the only daughter of our house. There is no one else who could endanger Graziano’s position.”

“And when you get married milady, are you saying you aren’t going to have any children either? The outsider will remain the head for only one generation and when the time comes for the next head after him, they will want someone from the direct bloodline again……”

Looking down on Francesca with clear displeasure on his face, the Marquis spoke.

“If you really wish to prove that him inheriting the Calvino house will stop him from aiming for the position of our Savini family’s successor,——-You, milady, must become his bride yourself and give him an absolute grip on that position, to quell our doubts that is.”


The atmosphere seemed to freeze over, and anger could be sensed in the air.

But before Francesca could speak again, Ricardo stepped forward to defend her.

“Lord Savini, I believe you should take back that last statement.”

“Oh? I simply spoke common sense and nothing more though?”

“Alas, saying that to a noble lady who is already betrothed can be seen nothing other than clear disrespect in my humble opinion. I owe a debt to Francesca as well, and if you are going to damage her honour, I simply cannot let that slide, regardless who the opposite party may be.”


Marquis Savini sighed again, and then turned his back to Francesca.

“In any case, that child being anywhere around me is a legitimate annoyance. That fact remains the same.”

“Lord Savini………”

“I can only wish that……….he disappears before he comes into my sights ever again, that is all.”

Those words cold and sharp as a blade itself. She was simply glad that Graziano was not nearby to hear them.

(But Graziano is in this forest only because he was ordered to stop the assassination attempt at the Marquis..)

After the Marquis had left, still standing inside the forest, Francesca looked towards Ricardo.

“……thank you for helping me Ricardo. But, if possible I’d like to talk to you a bit more before we head back, do you mind?”


She wanted to confirm the particulars about this strange sense of discomfort she felt just now.

Under Francesca’s direct stare, Ricardo finally relented and said [very well] as he closed his eyes and sighed.


“—–Leonardo, is he back in his room already?”

“Yes. Aldini-sama had been away from early morning today so, he’s taking a nap in his room, he said.”

In the evening, after she had been escorted back to the villa by Ricardo, Francesca was told that by a servant of the Calvino family as she looked up towards the stairs that headed to the second floor.

(Sun’s about to set soon, but it’s still evening. And he’s taking a nap at such a weird time…….?)

“He even said that he didn’t want dinner but, what should we do? Lady Francesca?”

“……..Let’s see, well, for now do as Leonardo said. But, I might need to use the kitchen later tonight if you don’t mind.”

“Understood. Then in that case, we’ll continue making everyone else’s dinner as planned.”

Francesca handed over her hat to him while giving her thanks to the servant that had come all the way to the forest to aid them.

“Ricardo said that he’ll check around the area I was attacked one more time until dinner. What of Graziano?”

“He said he wanted to re-train himself again so currently, he’s sparring other members in the courtyard. I will go and take part later as well.”

“I see……..I wanted Graziano to investigate something for me. Can you hand over this piece of paper to him for me? Also, I’ll be spending some time in my room alone as well!”

Saying that, she walked up the stairs. Making sure she didn’t make much noise, the room she headed towards was in fact, not her own.

“Leonardo, are you awake……..?”

She called out to him in a low voice, to which a single sound came from inside.


She slowly opened the door, and approached closer to Leonardo’s bed. Checking up on him from close by, Francesca was now confident.

(I knew it.)

Leonardo was laying flat on top of the bed sheets and was sluggishly tossing and turning on the bed. His pale body seemed to lack strength in it, and his body was all rolled up like a cat trying to sleep.

His breathing seemed lighter, and his eyes that looked towards Francesca seemed defenceless and hazy.

Like a child who had just woken up, but it didn’t seem like he had been napping peacefully either.

“Leonardo, do you have a fever…….?”


From the open top buttons of his white shirt as well as the belt and coat lying on the floor, you could tell that he didn’t even have the energy to properly change out of his clothes.

“Just wait, I’ll bring some water and medicines okay…….”


With a somewhat childish tone, Leonardo reached his hand out towards her.

The droplets of sweat on his neck slid down his open collar and across his body. The orange sunlight shining through the windows shone and made his body glimmer from the sweat.

“Come here.”


She realized that he wanted to hold her hand but not why, so she touched her fingertips with his own while still tilting her head in confusion.


And the moment he grabbed her, she was pulled down onto his bed as well.

And then, Leonardo simply pulled her body close and embraced Francesca tightly on top of the bed.

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