The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

The One Chosen to Protect

(Final Act)

On the day of the grand party, the surroundings around the lakeside mansion was bustling with noise as people were hurriedly busy with the preparations.

Even among those, the one who seemed to look worried the most was the head of the Savini family, the Marquis as well as the main organizer of this party.

Standing a little afar from there, Graziano was standing under the shade of a tree and observing him while breathing deeply.

(……..That man is, my father.)

He then turned to look at the silver haired upper classman standing beside him.

“Ricardo-senpai, I’m ready to go.”

“Are you truly sure about this? Graziano?”

This strict, scary-faced public morals committee chairman had a habit of chasing Graziano around while at the school and would often drag him to remedial classes to make him make-up for all the classes he missed, or to make him stay behind to clean the classes properly.

That said, Graziano understood that he only meant well and was a senior that was quite caring and always willing to help those in need.

Perhaps it was only because he felt a sense of responsibility towards him but, that fact remained that he was currently looking at Graziano with a scowl that revealed his worries.

That’s why, Graziano too decided to answer with as calm and nonchalant of a face he could make.

“It’s not a matter of being ‘sure’, this is something I have to do no matter what. I’ll say this just in case but, I’m quite used to handling the dirty work within my family.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about. You know, that if Marquis Savini somehow got you……..”


Getting a hunch, Graziano knit his brows to show his displeasure.

“Is there something you’re keeping a secret in regards to me and the [Lord Marquis]?”

“Wha……n-no no, nothing at all!”

“So you are. Got it.”

“I said, I wasn’t!!”

In truth he didn’t even need to question Ricardo. He had already more or less figured it from the way Francesca had been acting.

(Probably, it’s something that has made the young miss try and be extra considerate towards me…….did he say something horrible about me to her? No, that’s too weak of a reason. He might have thought of me as a hindrance and may have even asked to get rid of me, if not outright made a request to assassinate me to Ricardo-senpai or something.)

But all that didn’t matter to him at this point.

While thinking that, Graziano exhaled deeply.

“Anyway, pardon me but I’ll be on my way now. Ricardo-senpai please keep an eye out from that place and when the operation begins, please follow up as planned.”

“Oi, Graziano……!!”

But Graziano simply began to walk away with his hand in his pocket.

Since his father hated the fact that Graziano resembled him so much, he decided to wait for a chance until he was alone and not with anyone else. Not because he wanted to be considerate to that man, but simply because he himself didn’t want to catch any unnecessary attention.

While keeping an eye on the figure of his father who was in the garden, he took another couple deep breaths, and then called out to him from the shadow of a pillar.

“Lord Marquis.”


His father stopped in his tracks instantly, and shouted with his eyes wide open.

“What are you doing here!!?”

(……..oh man.)

He didn’t expect him to raise his voice so suddenly, which surprised Graziano as well. His father should not want to be seen with him in a busy place like this more than anyone.

His father glared at him and angrily walked towards him.

“I knew it, you really after my peerage aren’t you!? Don’t you dare come close to me, you despicable human!!”

(ahh………this man hasn’t changed one bit from back then.)

When he had found him for the first time, he had shouted like this as well. Hearing that tone again, Graziano ended up smiling wryly as he recalled his old memories.

“As I thought, I must erase people like you completely! Begone from here right this instant, else I’ll call for the members of the Ranieri family!!”


Hearing him like that, he couldn’t help but remember his past.

[Look at this lapis lazuli brooch, isn’t it pretty? It’s matching with your father you know……..Mom really, really loved your Dad you know.]

His mother would always say that and smiled happily.

[Your Mom was really happy that she met him.]

Even at death’s door, she never wavered.

And at that time, the only reason Graziano didn’t die soon after his mother was because she had sold that brooch to make sure Graziano had enough money to survive and find a way to live.

And right now, that very brooch, the insignia of the Savini family, was adorned on the chest of his father and shining brightly.

[It’s fine, Graziano.]

After that, she recalled the smiling face of Francesca.

[I will always protect you, no matter what!]

“……….Lord Savini.”

Graziano raised his head, and then looked at his father.

“With all due respect, you have no need to worry milord. No matter what happens, I will have no selfish desires towards the Savini name.”

“Do you still don’t understand!?! Your own will matters not in such a case!! If others know of your existence, you can surely imagine what conjecture the others would come to!!”

“You have already made more than enough enemies from other places, and are now being targeted by an assassin on top. Can you [imagine] what might happen if you take part in such a big open party in such conditions?”

When he said that, his father’s glare towards him became even sharper.


“I get it, it’s because you can make a hefty profit if things go well tonight but, I would highly recommend giving up on attending the welcoming party for now. Ah but, I doubt that alone would be enough to stop it……….after all, this family has done nothing but shady dirty deeds since a long, long time ago, isn’t that so?”


“But, I’ll protect you nonetheless. If don’t wish to die, it is you who needs to remain silent, am I clear?”

Graziano took a step forward making his father laugh scornfully at him.

“Protect me? Hmph, what nonsense! Are you really saying that you still see yourself as my son and wish to protect me because I’m your family!?”

“Of course not.”

“Then, why do you…..”

He calmly and coldly refuted his father’s words and then replied.

“——because, that is the wish of my young miss.”


His father widened his eyes in shock upon hearing that.

But to Graziano, that was really the only thing that was important to him.

“She doesn’t intend to let you die. And so I’ll protect you. It is the wish of milady, and she ordered me to do so.”

“……….that, young lady did……..?”

“That’s why..”

Graziano clenched his fists, and then slammed his fist into his father’s solar plexus.


“Forgive me, Lord Marquis.”

His father lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground. Graziano reached out his hand and then grabbed the coat his father was wearing.

“Unfortunately, even I don’t have many choices to take this time around.”

Looking closely, the lapis lazuli brooch on his father’s chest was exactly the same type as the one his mother had.


“It’s blue colour made him so nostalgic, he almost wanted to cry.

Graziano exhaled deeply, and then knelt down on the ground once again, and then asked for the assistance of Ricardo who was quickly running towards him.

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