The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Vol. 2 Epilogue (part 1)

The One and Only

“——To me, young miss, you really are the one and only, the most special person in the whole world.”

Hearing that from Graziano, Francesca, who was in her straw hat, blinked with surprise.

Inside the forest filled with the loud chirping of cicadas, the strong sunlight was once again pouring through the branches and shone upon them. The wind blowing from the lakeside made the trees sway and rustle, and the sunlight glittering through their leaves made even the solid ground seem like the surface of a lake.

Three days had passed since the failed assassination attempt at the night party. Today, Francesca and the rest were finally going to depart the Ranieri’s forest.

It was right around noon, when all the other respective family members and servants were busy finishing their packing to return home, Graziano suddenly said this to her.

“Wh-what’s this all of a sudden Graziano? Where did that come from, so suddenly?”

In Graziano’s hand was Francesca’s bag filled with her clothes and other personal belongings. As her caretaker and personal attendant, he was simply doing his usual duties when he suddenly blurted out these words.

“It’s not ‘sudden’ though. I simply realized right now, that I never really properly expressed these things to you properly.”

“And you had this revelation as you were carrying my luggage!? Well, regardless, Graziano you are equally irreplaceable to me too! My one and only little bro!”

While surprised by his sudden declaration, she still properly reciprocated her own reply, making Graziano look slightly surprised and then break into a chuckle.

“……..I got a letter from that man. I’m sure he probably sent one to the family head as well so, I figured I should tell you the details directly as well.”

“From Marquis Savini, you mean, right?”

As they headed to the place where the carriages were parked, the two walked by themselves as they talked. A little further away from them around where the carriages were, their family members were all gathered and busy surrounding the carriages as they loaded up all the luggage on them.

“Could it be!? Are you perhaps going to move back to your father’s place, Graziano?”

Thinking of the available possibilities, Francesca could only grimace. She pouted her lips, and frowned, making Graziano go “uwaah” as he turned around to see her expression.

“Why are you making that kind of face? Or rather, what emotion is that face supposed to imply?”

“A feeling of happiness for you Graziano, mixed with a sense of loneliness that’ll come with you going away. To be honest, I’m more sad than happy……..”

“Pftt, hahaha!”

It was rare for Graziano to burst out laughing like this. She wondered if she was really making such a funny expression as she touched her face with her hands to check.

“I’m glad I was able to see such a look on you. But alas, the topic had nothing to do with my supposed return to the Savini household.”

“Eh really? Th-thank god…….!”

“——-That person, he’s planning on dissolving the Savini family entirely.”

Francesca could only blink in place as Graziano continued to speak.

“Once he is done telling all the things the Savini family had done to the Emperor, he plans to relinquish his nobility and titles. He plans on selling off all their trading rights and deals, effectively  killing all the profits earned by his relatives through him as well.”

“……..I see.”

Perhaps, that was Marquis Savini’s plan from the very start.

To reveal the sins of his family, and to let go of both his peerage and their business, effectively making sure that Graziano would be safe from all of it after his death.

(The reason why the party was scheduled now was probably because all the preparations took this much time. And he managed to resist and fight the brainwashing until he had settled all of this on his own terms………)

Graziano also probably understood that although he didn’t speak of it out loud. Even though he was walking while carrying a bunch of heavy luggage, it didn’t seem like any of it was weighing him down.

“Even without all that, I plan on staying with the Calvino family forever.”


“Whether I become the next head or not, is all upto your wishes young miss. I’ll have to learn a bunch of stuff regarding trades and stuff regardless though, so maybe I can ask that man to teach me some things as well I guess………And also, talk about my mother with me.”


Hearing his words, all focused on his future, Francesca was genuinely relieved from the bottom of her heart.

“Graziano, you must always continue to walk the path towards the future that you want for yourself. If you can learn more about your father properly, that’s a really good thing…….”

 Graziano turned back to look at her, and smiled.

“Young miss, you look really happy right now.”

“Of course I do, it’s because I am very happy. Because you’re my little bro after all.”

“Little bro eh……….”


When she tilted her head in confusion, Graziano simply laughed and spoke.

“Nah, it’s nothing. Anyway, I’ve said all that I wanted to say. Young miss you are special to me, and if some guy ever made you cry, I’ll break his neck and instantly kill him, that’s all.”

“I don’t think there’s anyone like that……..”

“There definitely is. Aldini, to be specific.”

Why did he suddenly bring up Leonardo now of all times? Francesca was genuinely confused but Graziano spoke in the most straightforward manner.

“I am your little brother right?——Then it’s my duty to protect my big sis. Be sure to tell him that, okay?”

“S-sure. Although I still don’t really get what you’re thinking when saying that Graziano……”

As the shrill chirping of the cicadas grew louder, Francesca took off her straw hat.

And seeing the sweat forming on Graziano’s forehead, she placed it atop his head with a *pomf*.

“I’ll also continue to protect you from here onwards. I am your big sister after all.”


Graziano’s eyes widened with surprise for a moment but then soon after, he simply smiled quietly.

“You are already protecting me well enough.—–it’s only thanks to you, that I am still alive.”

In a very small, quiet voice, he muttered to himself, knowing full well that the cries of the cicadas would bury it all.

“Graziano, did you say something just now?”

“Nothing at all. You must be hearing things, no?”

As they had this back and forth, the two reached the carriages and then began helping with loading up all the luggage as well.


“Leonardo, what are you still doing in a place like this?”


Right around the time of their departure, Francesca who was unable to find Leonardo anywhere, decided to go looking for him and finally found him sprawled on the lake’s shore.

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