The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Vol.2 Epilogue (part 3)

Good Luck Charm

“Well, rather than a ‘no’, it’s more like……”

Unable to comprehend what he was aiming for, Francesca could only flap her mouth open and shut again and again. He continued to stare directly at her, but she knew better than to react instantly.

(……….could it be, he wants a lover’s kiss!?)

She had often seen people kiss others on their cheeks as a greeting during her past life. However, as far as she knew, that kind of custom didn’t exist in this new world where she had been reborn.

(Or maybe I’m just unaware and it actually does exist in high society here as well!? Or maybe there’s some kind of kiss between friends that exists, but I don’t know about!!? BECAUSE I!! DON’T HAVE!! OTHER FRIENDS…….!!)

Abo0ve all, this was a request from Leonardo. She really wanted to think it through properly, but the wall was simply too high for her.

“By kiss, do you mean the thing you do with your lips, right……..?”

“Haha! That’s the one.”


She tried confirming just in case, but seeing him instantly affirm it, she ended up panicking even more.

Leonardo, who was still lying relaxed on the grass suddenly seemed to look even more sensual and seductive than usual.

His thin lips were beautiful as always, and his entire face was basically like something out of an art gallery, however, whether she could kiss that or not was a whole different matter.

(As I thought, the idea of kissing him on the lips is——……..)

In truth, not an unpleasant feeling at all.

But, perhaps precisely because of that, she felt that kissing him for something so casual was in fact, the main reason behind her hesitation. While Francesca continued to fall deeper and deeper into her personal conflict, finally Leonardo broke into a laughter.

“I’m only joking, Francesca.”


His tone, as if to try and calm her down, was truly soft and gentle.

“I just wanted to see your troubled expression. You don’t need to fall for this evil man’s pranks so easily every time you know?”


“The fact that you were sincerely thinking about it. That alone, is good enough for me.”

Saying that, Leonardo raised his body back up and then stretched as he yawned.

“C’mon, let’s go Francesca. I will persevere through the days where I can’t meet you, and then we’ll reunite again at the academy………”


Francesca reached out, and grabbed Leonardo’s necktie and pulled it towards her.


Her resolve hardened, she kissed him. His forehead that is, that she revealed by combing back his hair with her hand.

It was only meant to be a light kiss, and she quickly let him go from her clutches but, as it turns out, it still made her blush like crazy regardless and her cheeks felt like they were burning.

“I-It’s a good luck charm………! So that you don’t feel lonely, and also…..”


“So that you don’t get a fever again, Leonar——……WHAAA!!”

Her body was pulled forcibly into an embrace, making Francesca exclaim loudly.

Just how many times had Leonardo deeply embraced her like this at this point. She honestly should have gotten used to it by know but, even now, her heartbeat increased rapidly.

“…….One more time.”


The petition for more surprised her, as Francesca’s eyes turned round and wide.

If it was in his usual teasing tone, she would have figured that it was just him jesting as usual. However, right now the way Leonardo was acting was so sincere and serious, that she simply couldn’t take it for granted.

Leonardo rubbed his forehead on the nape of Francesca’s neck as if wanting to be spoiled more.

Despite his overly intimate behaviour, he still seemed like a child who was struggling to put into words what he really wanted.


She summoned her courage, and then planted another kiss on the top of his head this time. Leonardo gave a short exhale, and further nuzzled against her collarbone, making it tickle a little.

Leonardo refused to raise his head back up, and then spoke again.


(He’s still, asking for more……..!!)

Even though she could clearly tell what he wanted, Francesca herself was already reaching her limit. In the first place, kissing like this was something she had only ever done to her father in this life, and no one else.

“mou, that’s enough……..”

Since she was stuck in his embrace, with his entire body weighing down on her, she lightly tapped on Leonardo’s back as she spoke. This was not a rejection, but more a sign of surrender.



Even though it was clear he understood what she wanted, his embrace around Francesca only grew tighter.

“I get it. This was probably unpleasant for you.”

“That’s not it!!”

To make sure that Leonardo didn’t misunderstand even a single thing, she chose her next words very carefully as she exclaimed.



She wanted to make sure that he understood, that she didn’t hate this either. And seemingly, her feelings came through to him clearly as well, as Leonardo looked like he was shocked to hear that.

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