The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

A [Young] King


In the game’s main story, the leading actors and characters always differ with every Chapter.

And the main character of the [Second Chapter] of the game scenario was in fact, none other than Francesca’s little bro, Graziano.

(But this world is different from that of the game’s. The first difference is that in the game, Graziano was someone that the protagonist met only a few months before everything started.)

In the game, Francesca had been made to live away from the family household, in a far away city, and would return to the capital when she turned 17. On the other hand, the young Francesca would have been already sent away by the time Graziano was brought into the family.

And so, in the game Graziano was an [impertinent and unsociable boy. A caretaker that was hard to interact with and would always look at Francesca coldly].


While walking behind her father through the corridors of the royal palace, Francesca turned her head to look back.

Graziano who was walking behind her, looked up to meet her eyes and blinked in confusion.


(nfufu. He really is like a cat who just sawy something strange, even the way he tilts his head when he’s confused is similar.)

His outwards appearance at a glance was still quite unsociable but, she knew that he was a lot softer and caring on the inside.

“What is it, young miss?”

Graziano came closer behind Francesca and quietly whispered to her.

“Why are you smiling just from looking at someone’s face? Aren’t you a bit too carefree?”

(my oh my, if I answered him with the truth, he’s bound to start sulking again.)

It was forbidden to compare him to cute things so Francesca simply shook her head to the side.

“I-it’s nothing. If anything, it’s you who’s looking a lot more relaxed than always, Graziano!”


“These days you have been constantly annoyed or sulky, making a troubled face, right? Probably because I have been spending most of my time with Leonardo I presume.”


The moment she said his name,………you could see his eyes narrow and his lips pout again.

“No such thing. Nope. Not at all. All in your head.”

(Then why does it sound like I hit the bull’s eye ……!?)

“Francesca, Graziano.”

Her father who was walking a few steps ahead of them, turned around to look at them. Seeing his gaze, they both straightened their backs out of reflex.

“We are almost at the audience chamber. Are you both prepared properly to greet His Majesty?”

“It’s been a while since I’ve met the king so I am a bit nervous but……we’ll be fine, Papa! Right, Graziano?”

“I still don’t even know why I was called as well to be honest. Boss, are you sure it is okay for me to greet His majesty as well?”

“I don’t mind. Regarding this incident, I believe you are the most suitable member to handle it within our family Graziano.”


In contrast to the still dubious Graziano, Francesca of course already knew what was about to happen. As well the reason why Graziano was the [most suitable] as well. It’ll all become clear very soon.

Standing in front of a magnificent pair of doors, her father quietly stopped.

“——From here onwards, we will greet His Majesty, the King himself.”

Her father fixed his gloves, wearing their full formal attire, and sent a look towards the guards standing beside the door.

As the guards slowly pushed the doors open, a large marble floored room came into view.

A red carpet continued across the floor all the way to the gold shining throne.

There was a man already kneeling down in front of the throne as well, and Francesca recognized that back very well.

(It’s Leonardo!)

It would seem he had arrive a bit earlier than them, and had been waiting for the King as well as Francesca and the rest.

Her father looked a bit surprised, and Graziano seemed clearly annoyed. She could only wryly smile at both of their reactions, as she continued to follow behind her father as they walked inside into the audience hall.

(Leonardo’s normally the type to always come intentionally late to such meetings after all. But I guess, not even he would do that to the King I suppose?)

Her father also took a knee beside Leonardo. Francesca followed him, and was about to bend both her knees and take position behind her father when, suddenly, Leonardo nonchalantly turned back to look at her.


And then, he sent a quick wink in her direction.

(A winking eye signal! Amazing, this is also so very ‘friend-like’…..!!)

She couldn’t help but smile back, and it would seem that was a good enough reply for him.

Leonardo seemed he like he was stifling his laughter, as he turned his head back to look ahead once again. Francesca had her head down, and eyes closed, but she imagined that Graziano was also currently kneeling behind her.

After a while, the inner doors opened, and the sound of boots began to echo.

They were small, light footsteps but, they were clearly coming this way. And after they had climbed up to the throne, the voice of the King came.

“——-Thank you for coming today, all of you.”

His tone was high pitched and sounded quite soft.

Not the adult, manly kind of voice one would imagine to come from the king of a country. It could even pass for a girl’s voice, a clear but distinct, voice of a young boy.

The young boy’s voice first asked this of Francesca’s father.

“Raise your head Ewald. I believe you had been resigned to bed rest for quite some time no? Show me how well you have become.”

“Yes, your majesty……….My gratitude for showing concern for someone like me.”

“Hmm. The complexion of your face seems to have returned to normal at least, looks like there’s no need to worry any longer. Even if it was for the sake of your dear daughter, try not to push yourself too much, okay?”

The young voice of the child, showed concern for her father, even if his way of speaking was very childish still.

“And then Leonardo. I heard you also acted a bit too recklessly this time around.”

“An exaggeration, and nothing more your majesty. I simply did what I must as a faithful retainer of his Majesty that is all.”

“Hahaha. You might be the only one in this whole country that can speak such frivolousness so boldly even when in front of the king of this country.”

(Yeah, I agree that he’s lying too……)

Francesca thought while still bowing her head, when the young boy spoke to her next.

“Francesca. Are you enjoying school?”

“Yes, your majesty. I have made a friend, and every day is truly fulfilling.”

“Hahaha, that is good to hear. You young ones should spend your childhoods healthily, having fun as well as studying. That is for the best.”

(Young ones………!?)

“Your caretaker as well. He seems to have grown quite taller since the last time I saw him. Children really do grow very quickly I suppose.”

“Your words humble me, your majesty.”

Even when called a [child] with the voice of child itself, Graziano didn’t show any sign of looking displeased by any means.

While still staring below the knees of king of this country, his high pitched clear voice spoke further.

“Now then, the greenhorn, the youngster, and the little babies, no need to remain so stiff, raise your heads and show me thy lively faces.”

Hearing those words, Francesca and the rest all stood back up.

The person sat down on the throne in front of them, was indeed a young buy as the voice had indicated.

The boy was at most 8 yrs old or so but was sitting boldly and confidently on his small throne.

His silky smooth hair were the colour of cherry blossoms, and had been evenly cut and styled to a short look. His cheeks looked round, soft, and quite squish-able indeed. And his limbs were delicate and slender.

His eyes were large as were the eyelashes, coupled with a small mouth. Truly the face of an immaculate pretty boy, it belonged to the king of this country. His Majesty Luka Emilio Calderone XI.

 But despite his looks, he was not actually a 8yr old boy.

“Everyone, at ease. Would you like some sweets? Come over, and have some, dear children.”

“Your highness. Thank you for your words but, to directly give some to my daughter and the rest is too great of an honor—–…….”

“No need to be so reserved, Ewald. Didn’t I used to give loads of sweets to you back in the day as well?”

Saying that, King Luka giggled.

“All the children here,——from my point of view who has lived over a hundred years are more like my very own grandkids.”

It may sound unbelievable but, while looking like a 8yr old, King Luka was actually 112yrs old inside that body.

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