The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

A BBQ Feast!


As if he had already seen through everything, Leonardo gently gazed at Francesca.

Soon after, he turned around, and then stared into the distance. Someplace deep inside the forest.

“Right about now, the members from your family should be gathering info at the Ranieri Villa. [as long as our young miss Francesca is in there, we need to know info on all the people going in and  out of the forest] or some other excuse like that I assume.”

“Yeah. I doubt the Ranieris will divulge all the info on their guests but, it should give us enough pretext to continue investigating. Pretty sure every other family knows just how over-protective my Papa is with me.”

“And since it is all for the beloved daughter of the Calvino family, such a huge amount of family members coming with as guards won’t seem suspicious either. As expected of my Francesca. A brilliant idea indeed.”

Leonardo praised her over-dramatically but Francesca’s own feelings about the matter were a bit more complicated.

“It is a bit embarrassing to have everyone see Papa dote on me like this even after becoming 17yrs old though…….”

“Always use whatever you can, right? And besides, I too….”

Leonardo spread both his arms, as if emphasizing his own existence here.

“was able to enter this forest as just your school friend, rather than the head of the Aldini family after all. Of course, if the Ranieri head himself saw me, my cover will be instantly blown though.”

“That’s why we need to make sure everyone understands that [BBQ in the forest] was a complete selfish demand from me personally and nothing more! Just because I wanted to enjoy my summer vacation, I wanted to relax and have fun with my friend! We can’t let this stance break no matter what!”

As long as she postured herself to look like a complete spoilt noble girl, this plan will work. Even if the other family was on guard against an assassin, they would still find the current scenario to be acceptable.

“If the assassin is hidden among the [guests], I would have liked to show up at the night party as well though…….”

“The one supposedly happening at the lakeside Villa right? I’m surprised you knew about it.”

“Just heard some rumours. I am properly gathering info myself as well after all.”

In truth, this was all info from the game but, she hid the fact and acted proud by puffing her chest. Just like the high society parties that happen in the capital, here as well, important people from both within and outside the country gather, and exchange info.

The one difference would be the existence of the beautiful prostitutes many would have by their side during this. Even for a selfish spoilt noble lady, it would be hard to get inside a party like that and she understood that.

“No matter what I do, I don’t think they’d let me take part in such a party.”

“Even if it is technically an elegant and refined gathering for socialising, it is still a party where prostitutes are working about openly……..Well, it’s not like there aren’t any ways to take part though.”

“Eh? Does that mean……..”

“Francesca. We have guests, let us return for now.”

Francesca quickly turned around and saw 2 men she knew quite well.

“Graziano! And also….”

Waving his hand towards them was a young man with silver hair standing beside Graziano.

“——Ricardo as well! Thanks for helping with setting up the stove!”


When she said that, the man who is also the next head of Serranova family, simply gave a sincere and serious nod from afar.


Three stoves made of rocks and stones had been created on the banks of the clean river that flowed through the forest.

The charcoal fire had already been skilfully lit up by the members of the Calvino family. With the help of members who could use fire based skills, the preparations had been completed and a bunch of fresh ingredients had been laid out neatly on a strong net above the fire.

Now they just needed to wait for it all to be roasted nicely for the feast to begin, as Francesca observed it all with glittering eyes.

“So much meat! And veggies as well! Oh and also what’s that on the skillet!?”

“That’s melted butter, young miss. This will allow us to truly make both the seafood and the meat to the best of your liking.”

“uwaah, that’s definitely going to be tasty…….!”

This midsummer BBQ that was about to take place in the middle of mother nature was really something that exciting to her. Leonardo, who walked to stand beside her, peeked to take a look at the stove as well.

“Incredible, they really did make it possible to have a bbq beside a river. Even without using a pot or frying pan, just the heat of charcoal is enough to properly cook these things?”

“Hehehe, that’s what BBQ is all about! Or at least that was what I read in a book of a foreign country long time ago.”

“As expected of my Francesca. You’re both the cutest as well as the most knowledgeable.”

“Yes yes, now get back from the fire already.”

Saying that, the one who came walking in with tongs in hand was Graziano. As if trying to be intimidating, he made the tongs clap and clang and made Leonardo get back away from the stove.

“It’s dangerous when the charcoals pop and crackle so family heads of other houses should stay far away in a safe place please. It’d be best if you went all the way across the river in fact.”

“Hahaha, what a kind dog, showing so much concern for even me. But, the one that really needs protecting is Francesca no? Fine, I guess I’ll take her with me and disappear.”

“You can’t take the young miss with you. She has appointed herself as the Captain of the BBQ of the Calvino family after all. Right, young miss?’

“Forget all that, will this much meat be enough for everyone? Even if we bring in more for the rest of the members……”

The ingredients had been brought in a stainless vat that had been frozen with an ice skill of one of their members. Checking the remaining ingredients, Francesca fell deep into thought.

“Since it was only me, Papa and Graziano until last year, I wasn’t able to figure out just how much meat I need to prepare for a bunch more growing kids like us. Me, Leonardo, Graziano, and also…….”

Francesca turned around, and looked at the silver haired boy standing a little away from them.

“Ricardo, you’ll eat a lot as well right? It’s meat after all!”


Ricardo, who was watching over the creation of the 4th stove straightened his back and shook his head.

“No, I am………I wasn’t able to be much of help anyway, and on top I even got to learn this new and unique way of creating a stove. Having already received the gift of such knowledge, I wouldn’t dare demand a feast on top………”

“Oh jeez, you don’t need to act all formal like that with us you know!?”

After all, this was a [Party initiated by a selfish spoilt noble lady Francesca]. To leave that impression was important to their plan as well. The more that took part the better.

(Since Leonardo is the only real friend I have, I had to call upon the help of Ricardo who was also a fellow school mate but…….)

She was happy he came but, the overly serious Ricardo was still holding back quite a bit.

His father had been behind the big incident just a while ago, so it was obvious that he’d be extra considerate at all times.

“But still, this is quite the situation huh.”

Turning around from looking at the net, Graziano spoke as he observed Leonardo and the rest.

“People of different families are hear nonchalantly gathered around a bunch of meat with excitement. That too, those people being heads of the family or the next heir or the future head themselves.”

“hey wait, are you talking about me with [the future head]?! I will NOT inherit anything and will continue to live a life away from the underworld okay…….!!?”

As Francesca continued to vehemently reject the very idea of it all, the preparations for the feast were finally complete.

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