The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

An Unexpected Appearance

Beside Ricardo who was just staring blankly, Leonardo was snickering in amusement.

“A teleportation skill eh? As long as it is within a certain distance, he can instantly bring himself there.”

“Precisely. Rather than look for a bridge to cross, it’s more efficient to let Graziano jump there, no?”

As Graziano would often say, [this was the perfect skill for a gofer]. Of course, she didn’t see him as just a gofer but it was a fact that she’d often give her tasks like ‘getting the letter of introduction to the hospital’ etc, at a moment’s notice and this skill came very useful during other such everyday cases.

“That said, there is a limit to the number of jumps he can make so he has to return back on foot though……..”

Francesca looked downstream. According to the game’s scenario, there was supposed to be a bridge somewhere down there but she didn’t see one on the way here.

“Oi Graziano, I’ll go look for the bridge so just wait for us there! I’ll come over so look after the lady during that time okay!?”

“You don’t need to come yourself do you? Just ask some of the other members waiting around there to come pick me up.”

“But I want to talk to her as well! Leonardo, Ricardo, sorry, but wait for me he—–“

Just as she was about to finish her sentence, a thunder like light flashed on the surface of the bridge.


It all happened in an instant. Out of nowhere, a bridge made of ice formed across the face of the river.

(Leonardo’s ice skill!?)

Francesca looked towards him in a panic, only to find him smiling while feigning ignorance with his hands still in his pockets.

“Haha, it would seem one of [my family members] seems to have used their skill to make this for us here.”

“Is-is that so? Wow, what a great skill. This person can create something like this even from such a long range eh?”


To make sure Ricardo, who was impressed, didn’t find out the truth, Francesca leaned in to whisper into his ears.

“Is this okay? Using your skill like that……..”

“Well, it’s not like there’s a problem even if others believe that this ice was thanks to my skill either. If anything, I’d rather let them believe that this was actually one of my 3 skills. Works better for me that way.”

“ugh, then the reason you didn’t stop Graziano was.”

“Of course, because I wanted to see your pet dog’s skill as well. Although, I admit he doesn’t seem like the type to hide his hand so I could have just asked and he’d probably just tell me outright anyway.”

With a somewhat teasing expression, Leonardo smiled knowing full well that everything had gone exactly as he had hoped. And then, he held out his hand towards Francesca.

“Come, Francesca. Although I made sure to make it such that no one could slip on it, just in case, it’s better if you hold my hand to avoid any unforeseen disaster.”


She felt a little frustrated, but accepting a cordial offer of an escort was also part of the etiquette of a proper lady. Francesca took Leonardo’s hand and began to cross the bridge with Ricardo following soon after.

On the other side of the river, the beautiful lady was full of smiles as she drew closer to Graziano.

“Thank you so much for saving me. Looking closely, you’ve got quite the cute face as well eh.”

(Graziano’s popular even with the mature ladies…….!)

Seeing her little bro in such a situation, Francesca was a bit flustered. Graziano of course continued to maintain his usual aloof expression but, sensing Francesca he raised his head again.

“Young miss.”

Graziano grabbed the man collapsed on the floor by the scruff of his neck and lifted his upper body towards Francesca as if presenting him to her.

“I beat this guy with the martial arts you taught me young miss.”

“I saw that! You were really good! As expected of Graziano!”

“………no biggie. This much isn’t enough for your praise. You don’t need to compliment me that much.”

“But, you didn’t even use any other skill right? Graziano, you’ve finally become strong enough to be able to beat most people with just your own pure strength and ability.”

Francesca felt proud seeing that small little bro of hers having become as strong as this.

Graziano looked very satisfied with her reaction, as he let go of the man once again. The man fell back down on the floor with a thud and a groan and things became silent yet again.

“Now then……….what should we do with this man?”

Trying to break the ice she said that, however Francesca already knew.

(This man was actually a subordinate of Graziano’s father, the marquis. He was trying to take this prostitute away from here without the permission of the Ranieri family.)

The woman hmphed as she glared at the collapsed man. Leonardo shrugged his shoulders and spoke nonchalantly.

“Francesca, we should first contact the Ranieri household. I’ll make it seem like an instruction sent from my side so your family can continue to look uninvolved.”

“That won’t do Leonardo. If you use the Aldini head’s name, the façade of [Lady Francesca’s indulgent bbq party] would fall apart. I need both you and Ricardo to continue to act like nothing more than just my fellow followers and nothing more!”

Making sure that the lady doesn’t hear them, she quickly restrained Leonardo.

In the actual game, this man would incur the Ranieri head’s wrath and get severely punished for his actions later on. Even if they beat him up, it wouldn’t really cause much of an issue later on.

(this event happened in the game as well. Although, the protagonist wasn’t close enough to ask Graziano to help this lady and instead tried to save her herself. But since Graziano had been ordered to escort and guard the protagonist, he ends up with no choice but to use his skill to fly to the other side of the river……..)

While the course of events this time around was quite different, the end result was mostly the same.

(And soon after defeating this man, the head of the Ranieri family himself is supposed to show up! If we can become acquainted with their family head here then……..)

But, seeing the figure appear from the shadow of the forest, Francesca gasped in shock.


She ended up leaking a small voice, and she recognized the face she had seen many times within the game itself.

“What are you people doing there?”


Was it because Graziano still remembered that voice that he suddenly went on guard?

(This person was not supposed to show up here in the game though?!)

This person had the same light brown coloured hair as Graziano.

His hair had been styled backwards with hair gel, showing his full forehead, and his expression made him seem somewhat moody. He was dressed in high class, tailor-made clothes. And his necktie pinned to his chest area had a large lapis lazuli adorned on it.

Even though he had a very strict and stern look on his face, not just his red eyes and light brown hair, even his facial features resembled exactly with his son.

(……….Graziano’s father……..)

The target they had been tasked to protect, Marquis Savini, was glaring at Francesca and the others.

And then his gaze locked on to Graziano himself.

“—-You, are you..”


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