The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

What a Family Head Inherits

Soon after waking up from a horrible dream, he had now run into the worst person possible. As always just the sight of this man alone irritated him, meanwhile said man looked at Graziano as if he was amused by something.

“………What is it?”

“Nothing? But, you look like you just woke up from a horrible dream  or something, that’s all.”

(How the hell can he tell that. Shit.)

He was annoyed at being so seemingly easy to read but, that wasn’t it.

This man, the head of the Aldini family, and his golden eyes always seemed like they could see through everything.

It may seem like an exaggeration but, his insight was often so sharp that it really seemed like he could read someone’s mind and could touch the depths of one’s mind that they don’t want seen by others.

“Should this older brother here give you some advice? Although I might stir up even more bad memories though.”

“Haah? Who asked you to—–…….”

He was about to reject his very obvious attempt at teasing him but, suddenly Graziano changed his mind.

“………Alright, just this once.”


From the open and drafty corridor on the second floor, the main entrance to the villa downstairs could be easily seen.

Making sure that Francesca, who was probably already awake, doesn’t see them, Graziano quickly asked him a single question.

“What kind of mentality does one need to inherit and succeed a long standing prestigious household?”


Aldini narrowed his eyes and chuckled as he leaned his back on the handrails of the corridor.

“Hmmm, I see, I see.”

“……..What now?”

“I guess there are plans to adopt you into the Calvino family eh? If the sole daughter of the house Francesca were to not inherit the family head’s position, you’ll become the next head, I assume?”


Seriously, he was disgustingly good at reading through people’s thoughts. Graziano could only glare at him while he regretted asking that inside his heart.

(I never should have asked this guy of all people.)

Already predicting what kind of answer Aldini would give him, he was starting to regret even asking.

(I bet he’ll just say something like [Just work hard, I guess?] and then mockingly laugh at me or something.)

In the few months since he met this man, he had already been teased and ridiculed more than enough times already. While Graziano became more on guard, Aldini simply shrugged his shoulders and spoke.

“………Don’t take the result of the things built by your predecessors as your own or for granted, first and foremost.”


Hearing his words, Graziano’s eyes widened with surprise.

“Even among the great families of the underworld, Calvinos are exceptionally troublesome in that regard. Ever since the first Calvino head protected the king against a coup d’état three hundred years ago, the underworld has remained deeply connected with the Royal Family.”


“And even after 300 years, that creed, that loyalty has yet to waver, so I imagine even you understand that it’s not something to be taken lightly right? Whether it be a blood relative or an adopted child, that cannot change. You won’t be able to escape that bond.”


While still cautious of Aldini’s words and still glaring, he followed up with another question.

“Why do you continue to live as the family head?”

“——-to achieve my own goals, of course.”

After answering that, he showed a calm smile and continued.

“Well that’s just a lie, I simply like the power and authority, that’s all.”


He tilted his head as he spoke that, but there was nothing cute about his gestures. If the girls in his class had seen that, they’d be squealing in excitement but, it only pissed Graziano off.

“That was a bit too obvious, even for you I think.”


Seeing Aldini laugh out loud, Graziano could only sigh.

Just when he thought that he had seen a glimpse of the real him, Aldini had quickly hidden it away with a blatant lie. But that all was also probably within his calculations.

(Even though I knew he’d have me on strings, I still ended up wanting to ask more. Every single thing he does, every move he makes, instantly grabs your attention………Shit, is this what they call the ability to grab people’s minds and hearts?)

His own lack of experience annoyed him. Even if he was a member of the Calvino family, and even though he had confidence in himself after having been through countless trials and tribulation that could match up with the adults of his family, he still felt like a lightweight in front of this man.

Aldini straightened his posture as he got away from the railing, and then began to walk towards the stairs.

“But well, I’d prefer if you work hard properly as well. For me and Francesca to be happily married, the problem of the Calvino family’s succession does need to be solved after all.”

“Can you not get the wrong idea? Me becoming an adopted child of the family is nothing more than one of many possibilities laid out in front of the young miss while she decides her future.”

Still standing in place, Graziano spoke to Aldini’s back.

“Until the day she openly says that she seriously doesn’t wish to succeed the house and says that she seriously wants to marry you, the young miss will remain the next head of the Calvino family.”

“……..Sorry but..”


In an instant, Graziano unconsciously put his guard up.

Because the moment Aldini apologized, the entire atmosphere around them froze up. His instincts were warning him, to protect himself no matter what.

“From here on, no matter what happens, I have no intention of letting Francesca go away from me.”

“………What are you………”

“I don’t care who’s against it. Even if the king himself orders me. Even if I have to kill every single person close to her to keep her with me, I will not stop.”

Saying that Aldini turned around, and smiled gently.

“The only future where you don’t become the Calvino head is one where I have already killed you.”


Graziano, still with his guard up, glared at him even sharply.

“As I thought, no matter how I see it, a person like you will never be able to give the young miss a happy life.”

“Haha, what a coincidence, I agree.

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