The CEO's loser wife: Rebirth of the villainous queen of alchemy

Chapter 206: Metamorphosis Part 3

Chapter 206: Metamorphosis Part 3

After five to six hours of bath time, Mignani wobbled and got out of the tub. Su Lin had already briefed her about everything.

After two rounds of cleansing, scrubbing, and hours of indulging herself in the rich nutritious bath, she was finally done with today's treatments.

Mignani walked over to the shower and cleaned herself off of the debris from the bath mixture.

As the green goo like layer cleared off her body, her porcelain white skin surface glistening like a diamond.

Mignani couldn't help but gasp in surprise. She had never seen her skin or body like this.

As she trailed her fingers on her unbelievably soft and smooth hands and chest, Mignani's eyes twinkled in joy.

She braved herself and walked in front of the huge mirror next to the shower.

Ah! A small scream escaped her lips.

A much younger and radiant face stared back at her in the mirror.

How is this possible?? Mignani was completely dumbfounded.

"Are you okay, my dear?" Su Lin peeked inside with a wide grin. She was very much expecting this sort of reaction.

Unlike the boring old codgers from her world, she firmly believed in using her supreme alchemy knowledge to exclusively further beauty and youth!!

"Lin. Lin. Just what did you add to this bath?? Oh my god!"

"It is as if I have just turned fifteen!! And that too this fifteen year old face is not even smothered by pimples and freckles!!"

"How on earth did you manage such an amazing feat??!! You are really a god when it comes to these herbs."

Mignani couldn't stop herself from singing praises of Su Lin. The woman was completely floored.

"He He... Ok enough talk now. You need your beauty rest. Take the company's car back home and rest for a couple of days."

"It might not seem like it, but you will feel a little tired and drained out for a few hours. So take care and call me if you need any help."

"After that, we can start shooting some commercials and new posters for our store outlets."

"Thanks Lin Lin. I will work hard." Mignani was really touched.

"Mmmm...How can I treat our very first model badly? Enjoy." Su Lin chuckled and sent her home.

She then went back and patiently waited in her security guard spot to keep an eye on the remaining SPA inhabitants.

Time quickly ticked away and hours later...

Runyan was the first one to stir from her meditative pose.

Unlike Mignani, she didn't walk out like she just had an orgasmic experience, rather the poor woman was panting and heaving, with thick dark red blood dripping out from her orifices.

She looked more frail than usual and her body was covered in black slimy liquid.

Su Lin quickly went forward and supported the exhausted woman.

She helped her clean herself first, removing all the residual blood and gunk, and helped her again sit in a meditative pose in a second array formation.

But this time around, Runyan perked up instantly. She looked like a withered flower nourished back to its former glory and splendor, shining brightly with warm and beautiful colors.

This was not painful or agonizing like the last one, rather her body felt like a desert that was just drizzled on by a torrential downpour.

The first array set up was to break down the entire body from top to bottom and remove all the impurities inside out, while the second one was just a normal array to condense spiritual energy for cultivation purposes.

Since the body-tempering usually used every ounce of energy in one's body, the second array helped in recovery and replenished the exhausted reserves.

Su Lin nodded satisfactorily and stepped out. It looked like this student of hers had finally crossed over to the third realm as well.

She was very curious to see what Runyan's soul core affinity would be. Luther's affinity was to the lightening elemental and her own affinity was to the heavenly flames elemental.

Su Lin couldn't help but grin slightly and look at her tummy. "I wonder what your affinity might be, my sweet angel." She muttered under her breath.

She then sighed and looked over to Luther's room. Su Lin's heart felt a little heavy considering that she hadn't yet told Luther about their small bun.

But in general, it is extremely difficult for cultivators to bear a progeny, especially for female cultivators to successfully bear a child.

99 out of 100 times, the pregnancy would end up in a miscarriage.

So she didn't want to get his hopes up unnecessarily and then burn it all down when the inevitable happens.

She could bear the pain from the disappointment and the misery, but she didn't want to subject Luther to such an inhumane tragedy.

There is nothing crueler than not being able to save your unborn innocent child.

Su Lin gazed at the man's room again.

She didn't want to disturb his seclusion just yet, so she silently went back downstairs to wait for the next person to come out of their meditative state.

Soon, one by one, painful screams echoed out from the first floor of the small inconspicuous building next to Organicaa's headquarters.

Su Lin didn't bother about the other ruffians, as they already knew what to do and excitedly rushed over to help her handsome hubby out.

She had seen him naked far too many times, but the sight of the man with his absolutely perfect figure still made her heart race crazily.

"Babe, you have really outdone yourself this time. Please tell me that brat Little white also suffered as much." Luther's feeble voice weakly sounded as the charming god chuckled.

"Stop teasing that my little white, idiot." Su Lin helped him up and supported him as he positioned himself in the second array.

The man drew in a few deep breaths and finally his exhaustion and tiredness disappeared. The agonizing and gut-wrenching body tempering ritual was finally over!

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