The Conquerors Path

Chapter 491 491-What Are The Girls Up To(14)

Chapter 491 491-What Are The Girls Up To(14)

Razellia's POV:

'Just a bit more till I can be reunited with him again....'

Razellia thought as a wide smile hit her face, her mind playing around with several different scenarios of how their meeting would go. All these years were dreadful for her - to watch him from afar yet not be able to get hold of him. It was killing her heart, but she knew she can do nothing about it, for her punishment was to be fulfilled.

Her punishment itself is quite light, considering how she had given away the ability of full destruction to Austin. One, if unleashed fully, can cause a wide cascading level of destruction. But even then, she didn't regret her actions one bit.

'Just a bit more to go until I can feel his warmth.'

To Razellia, who can't touch and feel, just getting back to Austin is her lifelong obsession. All these years, Austin has grown up to be a splendid man, and she can't wait to jump into his embrace - to hold him tight, to feel his skin against hers, to feel him inside her.

Just these thoughts themselves filled her body with an unknown level of euphoria, her mind losing control as her powers kept spilling out. Her hand slowly took out a bottle as she took a deep breath of Austin's scent she had saved. The few things she took from Austin helped her keep her desires at bay until her punishment finished.

'Just a bit more, and I can finally take you away...'

But just as those thoughts filled her mind, it came to a halt. The warning that Orpheus gave her filled her mind, and a dark look came over her face. She had it all planned out - the way to keep Austin with her 24/7 once she gets out of her punishment. But it all went to ruin when Orpheus ended up adopting Austin.

'Tsk, why did it have to be like this?'

A grumble left her mouth as her surroundings trembled. Razellia knew that even Orpheus had an obsession like her - one similar yet different from Razellia's. And this made the two of them have a small level of connection between them, but that no longer exists now, not when she was threatened by Orpheus to take things carefully.

'Does she think she can dictate my decision?'

While she was happy that Austin got Orpheus as his mother, she isn't too happy about the fact that she has to listen to Orpheus on how she deals with Austin. In her mind, she could see why Orpheus spoke like that to her.

She knew the deep obsession of Orpheus to have a true child, and now having Austin, Orpheus would surely make everything possible to keep him safe and to spoil him. In no way, as Razelia's mind played any scenario of the relationship between Austin and Orpheus beyond the normal level, she would never guess their relationship goes beyond that of a normal mother-son relationship.

Just the idea itself doesn't seem to work well in her mind.

'Well, that just shows how much more special he is.'

Razellia thought with a smile as Austin's figure kept flashing within her mind. In a way, having Orpheus as Austin's protector does more good than bad. Plus, it might also help keep her in check.

Razellia understands that her affections are going out of control and with her past track record of taking things to the crazy, there is a high chance she might do something crazy that she would regret to Austin. One must not forget that she is the first witch, and her mind does and practice crazy stuff right off the bat.

In such a case, Orpheus might be the perfect crutch to keep Razellia in control, even though she doesn't like it at all. For now, all Razellia desires is to get out of this 'punishment' of hers so that she can finally become one with the person destined for her - one that can finally help her live a life far different from her curse, one like a normal family, like a mother...

Thinking of such, Razellia placed her hand on her stomach, her eyes running around with crazy ideas. She isn't fond of families or mothers due to the fact that she can't have them or be a mother, and such a thing is a deep scar that fills her being - one that she spilled onto her followers, placing a light curse upon those that seek to follow her path.

'But now, with him not being rejected by me and with him being adopted by Orpheus, would he be capable of putting life into me?'

Such a thought suddenly opened a wide array of dangerous thoughts in Razellia's mind. Unlike the rest of the Gods of the Heavenly realm, she wasn't created by 'it'. Hence, the restriction of having love, sex, or any relationship feeling never existed for her. It's the main reason such a great level of life started to erode in her, and Austin became the light at the end of the tunnel for her.

Razellia's purple eyes started to sparkle like never before, her mind spinning with millions of ideas, as her black hair started to float. The desire in her burst forth like a tsunami, trying to break free, but she held herself back for now. Her time was soon approaching, and when it came to an end, she would make sure to have Austin in every way she can dream of.

"Ah~my fated one, I can't wait for us to be one~"

A maniacal laughter left Razellia's mouth with that statement, the madness she hid leaking out. Perhaps by now, it was too late to contain the madness. It was time to let it all loose.


Lala's POV:

'Thank creation, Lord Orpheus covered for me.'

Lala thought as she wiped off the imaginary sweat from her face. The meeting she had with her new game toy would have been her last game if it weren't for Orpheus covering it from Razellia. Otherwise, knowing how much craziness is within Razellia, perhaps a war for her would have taken place.

'But it felt really good...'

Lala clutched her stomach as she thought of all the feelings that Austin, the new game she played, gave her. She had seen mortal women squeal when a man touched them, but she never understood that feeling until now.

It was a complete rocking of her world. Lala had always thought the best feeling in the world is when she plays a game and comes out on top, but she was wrong. The best feeling she had was when Austin was drilling her like crazy - his kisses, his touches, everything driving her to the brink of feeling she never knew was possible!

In fact, she wanted it all the time, and she was tempted to just take Austin away to keep him by her side so that he can give her the same feeling all the time. But she knew her idea wasn't feasible at all. No matter how important, she won't have a good life after she pisses off both Razellia and Orpheus.

'But I want him again, and what are these feelings in me?'

Lala questioned as her black hair fell to her face, her golden eyes with cubes now spinning at high speeds, while her antlers glowed. Her hand found its way to her loin, but there was no reaction. Her hands gave her no feelings as Austin did. His touches caused her to tremble with emotions, and her heart now is conflicted with many things.

'Why does my heart feel heavy? Why do I want to always be in his embrace?'

The poor God of Games couldn't even come to understand why she was feeling something like this. Even in her divine duty, Austin's face keeps popping into her mind, and whenever she is free, she always thinks of how she should make their next meeting, while also thinking about what kind of gifts she should get him.

''s here again.'

Her divinity trembled for a moment as the cubes of her eyes spun faster than ever. All she understood is the fact that now she wants to spend more time with Austin, to lay in his embrace, to feel his touches on her body.

'I want to feel this more!'

A wide smile filled Lala's face as she thought of it. She didn't dislike this feeling at all. In her huge life, finding something new is always welcomed, and after a long time, she finally found a 'game' she likes very much, and she doesn't want to stop playing it at all. In fact, she's tempted to just find Austin and keep 'playing' with him.

'But I can't, everything should have its suspense...'

Lala thought as she took out the book that taught her how to handle men, which suggested to her to use her body to reel them in, which she has already done, or has she?

"I wonder what game I should play with him next?"

She asked aloud, a dark intention filling her eyes as she did so. Her mind trembled as she thought of the game she is playing now - the game of trying to take Austin away from the other two Goddesses. The stakes were very high, and it brought a great feeling to her.

'Looks like I need to plan an extra long game session next.'

Just as she thought so, the dimension to her divine room was broken into, and several Gods she is close with entered. They were once again on the journey to find out how it felt to be with someone. Their patience is endless, all they desired was to finally gain a piece of the feeling that Lala now holds.

After a long time...

... Time started to move in the Heavenly realm.

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