The Conquerors Path

Chapter 494 494-What Are The Girls Up To?(17)

Chapter 494 494-What Are The Girls Up To?(17)

Luminara POV:

'I need to get this done quick.'

Luminara thought as she focused on her work, the documents in front of her containing all the recent movements of Austin's books and their profits, along with several donations and stuff coming along. Austin had promised a special reward to the one that will complete the tasks first, and Luminara had supreme desire to be the first one to finish.

This being a matter of her pride as Austin's secretary and her own selfish desire to get something personal from him, it's been 4 years since she has been working for Austin, a small time frame if one was to consider her huge lifespan as an elf but even just these 4 years were more than enough to install in her heart an extreme level of loyalty and love towards Austin.

Luminara could still remember the day she was pushed out of her clan, one with great status within the Eleven Empire, famed for their light silver hair and their innate talents into elemental magic along with great gifts in dealing with finance, the clan named Trexon deals with a major part of the finances of the Eleven Empire.

And she, Luminara, being the child of one of the elders, she was born with beauty, background, and astonishing talent, her silver hair the proof of her pride, until it started to turn black, an indication of the fact that she isn't 'pure', a humiliating trait that appears when one isn't qualified to hold the family name of Trexon.

She could remember how she fell from heaven to hell, all those admirers that chased her never giving her another glance, her prestige and position that she built within the clan vanishing like smoke, before she had a chance to even register it all she was thrown out of the tribe, her hate growing towards her hair that now turned completely black then.

'Would I have still stayed that low?'

Luminara asked herself as she took a light break, her eyes moving towards her hair now which is a mix of silver and black, courtesy of the gift that Austin showed her, giving her another chance in life.

Even though her family threw her out, they made sure to still give her a luxurious life. It just is that it was all she could do, to just live on, for she had no place within the Eleven Empire anymore, and back then as much as shame it fills Luminara to admit it, her mental state wasn't the best.

She was quite the spoiled princess, and she directly fell into hell, and her mind couldn't accept it, and her life turned towards one of depression, no goals filled her as she lived with just alcohol and sadness filling her life, while her magic made her strong her true passion wasn't adventures, her only passion is handling the finances, and she knew no place would ever take her for the job, not with her clan keeping eyes on her.

Her black hair, the indication of her exile, stayed with her, and she drank and drank hoping that one day a change might appear, but nothing did, all she did was continue to waste her time and talent, sinking deep into an inescapable hole, she had no one in her life, and she no longer wished to let anyone in.

Until she met Austin or it would be more appropriate to say that Austin came looking for her, the child's purple eyes on her. She could still remember that day when he visited her exiled abode; she was drunk and lived like a lost soul, her appearance too wasn't inviting, but Austin saw beyond all that. He saw her potential to rise up again and gave her a chance. She still remembers the words he spoke to her.

"If you have given up on your life, why don't you then join me and do something crazy to take the whole world?"

The light smile on the child that came to her etched into her heart, of course, she didn't accept the proposal first, she even threw profanities at him and even vomited a bit on him before which she lost her consciousness. It still remains the most embarrassing thing that happened to her and the best.

For Austin didn't leave her, he stuck to her side for a month, making her better, and getting her mind back, and he never took no for an answer. He made sure to stick to her side till he gained her confirmation. It was only later on she learned the true identity of Austin, and it surprised her.

Using his identity, he took her away from her clan, and in doing so he even healed her curse, an enchanting smile filling Luminara's face as she thought of the day that Austin healed her. She cried a lot that night, she cried til she lost her mind. It might just be half, but it helped open Luminara's heart, and from then on, she followed Austin with all her heart.

And to her happiness, there was never a day she never felt bored with Austin. He kept his word, and the two of them brewed on building a company from the ground that now covers the world. She had seen with her eyes Austin growing, him being a super enigma in her eyes, one that seems to have endless talents hidden.

As time passed, and she spent time with Austin, seeing him, and understanding him, her normal appreciation and feelings for him grow till they reached the highest level of love there is. Luminara knew that she wholeheartedly loves Austin, she loves everything about him and only wishes to serve him till the end of her life.

She understands that Austin would only continue to reach higher greatness, and she hoped to stay by his side, seeing it all. Luminara understands her position, she knows that Austin marrying her isn't possible, but all she hopes is for her to be Austin's lover. She doesn't care about her position, as long as she can get some love from him and stay by his side, she would be satisfied.

And for the first step to that goal, she needs to finish this first.


Eira POV:

"I can't lose here....."

Eira has been hoping for a long time to get a chance to finally be one with Austin. She had tried over the years to be one with him, but he always kept her afar. She knew it wasn't because he didn't find her beautiful, for he did reciprocate in some other ways. So, she held herself back, biding her time, and now it's finally here.

"Um!~ Iwant more~"

She spoke out as she remembered the way that Austin played with her ass back at the meeting. She barely held herself for stripping naked and riding his dick to oblivion. All she wishes, for now, is for Austin to take her, to put his seeds deep inside of her, and to mark her as his. Then it would finally mark her soul as his.

Her hand moved towards her dress, lifting it up a bit as her hand moved around the small scar on her body. Her mind remembered the time that Austin saved her life, the time she chose to leave her tribe to be with him. It was first to watch over him, to serve him with her loyalty, but over time true love bloomed within her for Austin.

Her heart ached for him, and her longing intensified. She couldn't help but recall the moments they shared, the way he cared for her, and the way he made her feel special.

Austin, the kind and powerful boy that came to her tribe in search of her, had not only saved her from a precarious situation, but he had also seen her true worth. Eira, a brown-skinned dark elf with brown hair and eyes, had always felt like an outcast among her tribe.

Her people were known for their loyalty and dedication, but there was an unspoken rule that they should not develop deep emotions for anyone outside their tribe. They believed that love could distract them from their true purpose and that it might lead to weakness.

But with Austin, everything changed. As Eira worked by his side, saw him grow, and witnessed the compassion he showed to everyone, her emotions turned into a deep and unconditional love for him. Austin, who treated her as an equal and appreciated her abilities, became the center of her world.

In the special circumstances related to her tribe, Eira found herself in a difficult situation. A long-standing tradition of her people demanded that she sacrifice a part of her freedom to uphold their values and ensure the well-being of the tribe.

And she didn't hesitate to leave her tribe. It was their law to follow behind the ones they choose, and Eira didn't regret her action. Austin showed her a world beyond what she could imagine, he made her powerful and a person of worth within the world.

Eira knows her place, and all she wishes is to be a lover of Austin. She doesn't care if their relationship remains hidden from the world, all she cares about is being with the person she chose, the one that showed her a wider world, the one her loyalty lies in.

Shaking off her mind Eira focused on her documents, a smile gracing her face as she did so, she seems to have a knack for dealing with people of power and a great mind for business, Austin her lord seems to know of this about her even before she did and she loved working on everything that Austin gave her, the only thing left is for Austin to finally bed her, to ravish her to his heart's content.

Holding back her desire for now Eira focused back on her tasks destermined to be first.

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