The Conquerors Path

Chapter 512 512-Fire Starting To Burn In Olivia’s Heart.

Chapter 512 512-Fire Starting To Burn In Olivia’s Heart.

The temperature in the room grew cold, and I could see a hint of sadness passing through Olivia's eyes as she spoke.

"Why? Why hide more from me after everything we have been through?"

Her question contained a hint of insecurity, something very hard to develop in a woman like Olivia. My place in her heart has grown so huge that she fears losing me in any way or form. After all, it's for all of this that I tried so hard to get her heart, using the method I did.

"The secrets that I am hiding from you aren't because I want to but because I have to. These secrets are not mine to tell. I have already given a promise to only reveal all of it when it is time."

As I said so, I held onto Olivia's hand, mine tightening around hers. A contemplative look took over Olivia's face. In the future, there will definitely come a time when my status as the Holy Child of both the Goddesses will be revealed to the world. At that time, I don't want this hidden secret to come back and affect me negatively. That information can only be released at the end when I have everything set. In that regard, I can't promise Olivia that I don't have secrets. It might affect how she trusts me in the future, not that she ever should.

"But I still don't like having secrets between us..."

Olivia reluctantly spoke as she backed out from questioning me further.

"I know, and I promise you that one day you will know everything."

'Everything I want you to know.'

As I finished speaking, I pulled Olivia from her chair, placing her on my lap. I hugged her tightly, placing a light kiss on her nose. I started to speak again.

"Now at least you know how formidable and powerful your husband would be in the future."

My words were jokey enough, but Olivia nodded seriously to it, her gaze filling with her boundless love and awe of me.

"Of course, you would be. After all, no man of mine would be average."

Olivia boasted.

"Are you implying that only a once-in-a-generation-born mythic hero is worthy of you?"

I asked back in a teasing tone, to which Olivia replied with a smile.

"And are you calling yourself that important?"

After our words, we kept looking into each other's eyes for a few seconds, after which we started to laugh, little giggles leaving our mouths as the atmosphere around the room lightened.

"But jokes aside, you will definitely be the entire center of the world when corruption energy starts to take over the world. Your ability to deal with it will be phenomenal. This secret power will try with all its might to take you down."

As Olivia said this, fear and apprehension passed through her eyes. She understood from my words that if there is a power capable of challenging the War Council, it is one that Olivia cannot dream to match now. And that is only filling her with worry for me.

'Good, it reached till here, time to pull at the final thread.'

"I know, but don't worry, I take my life very seriously. I can't leave you alone after all."

As I said this, I took a sip of Olivia's lips, tasting her before I let go. By now, Olivia's eyes were dreamy, filled with love. But then 'hesitation' and 'fear' passed through my face, and Olivia caught on to it as she asked.

"What's wrong?"

This made my face look even worse, but Olivia didn't let go of it. Using both hands, she held onto my face as she asked with a serious voice.

"What's wrong, Austin?"

A few seconds of silence followed after this question as I kept looking at Olivia. Then finally 'giving' up, I spoke.

"It's just I want you to promise me that even if the engagement proposition doesn't go through, you will not reveal our true relationship."

As I finished saying this, the room plunged into another deadly atmosphere, but this didn't last for long as Olivia asked.

"Are you afraid that they will aim for me?"


I replied with a heavy heart as my right hand slowly patted Olivia's face, a feeling of fear filling my voice as I spoke with the patting.

"Olivia, I will be truthful. I'm not sure that I can guarantee my safety at the end of it all, and I can and will never be able to risk your safety in all this."

Each word I spoke was filled with emotion, several emotions that quickly washed away the coldness in Olivia's eyes. Her emotions bubbled over as her hands tightened around my neck.

"Austin, I don't want to lose you."

"Me too."

I replied as I hugged her waist, the two of us hugging tighter together. We stayed in that position for a few seconds till we broke. Olivia's eyes filled with never-before-seen purpose, but between this, Olivia soon asked with a serious expression.

"If it's so dangerous, why keep the engagement at all? Why were you fighting against revealing it to the public at the beginning?"

"It's different here. With your mother coming forward, it will be seen as a political marriage, and we can act like we are in it just for the politics. This would show that you are not a target."

As I stopped here, I looked directly into Olivia's eyes before continuing.

"As for why I was happy? Why wouldn't I be? You will be mine and mine alone. It's more than enough to fill my life."

As I spoke my final words, my obsession for her leaked, making Olivia tremble in my body, lust filling her as she looked at me. But I wasn't done, 'reeling' in my obsession, I went back to patting Olivia's hair as I spoke. This time several emotions passed through me.

"You see, I was very conflicted about taking you into my life. I didn't know if I would survive until the end of my ordeal. Hence, I debated a lot if I should enter back into your life and try to make you mine. After all, I never wanted to bring pain into your life, but then I couldn't hold myself back when I saw you again..."

When I reached her, I moved forward and kissed her lips, tasting them for a moment. After which I continued.

"But I couldn't live with the thought of another man having you, the jealousy was driving me crazy. Also, a good friend I met along the way taught me that I can't live in fear always. And I knew that if I let you go now, then I would regret it for the rest of my life."

As I finished speaking, a stunning silence filled the room. Olivia's eyes were trembling as she looked at me, different emotions passing through her, such that all she could say was.


Before which she dived into my embrace.

My lips quivered with anticipation as Olivia and I stood in that dimly lit room, our gazes locked in a magnetic pull that defied reason. I could feel the heat of her breath against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. Every nerve in my body was alive, attuned to her presence.

Our fingers brushed a subtle connection that spoke volumes of our unspoken desires. I could see the desire mirrored in her eyes, a hunger that matched my own. As if drawn by an invisible force, our bodies closed the gap between us, our heartbeats echoing the same rhythm of yearning.

My hand cupped her cheek, my thumb tracing the curve of her jawline. Her lips, so close, parted slightly as she exhaled. I could feel the warmth of her breath mingling with mine, a tantalizing promise of what was to come. Her fingers slipped around the back of my neck, pulling me in, her touch igniting a fire within me.

And then, our lips met. Soft at first, a delicate exploration of the unknown. But the hunger that had simmered beneath the surface erupted, and the kiss deepened. Our mouths molded together, a dance of tongues and passion. I could taste the sweetness of her, the mingling of flavors that were uniquely us.

Saliva mixed with abandon, is a testament to the urgency of our desires. My tongue brushed against hers, a sensual tango that spoke of both tenderness and raw need. Our bodies pressed against each other, every inch of skin alive and electrified.

The emotions that flooded me were overwhelming. Love, desire, longing—they all melded into one intoxicating concoction. I pulled her closer, wanting to be as close to her as humanly possible. Our heartbeats synced a primal rhythm that underscored the connection we shared.

Time seemed to blur as the kiss deepened further as if we were lost in our own world, where only our desires mattered. The world outside melted away, leaving only Olivia and me, locked in a passionate embrace.

As the kiss finally broke, we both drew in ragged breaths, our foreheads resting against each other. Our eyes met once more, the intensity of the moment leaving us breathless. I could see the love in her gaze.

"I love you more than you can imagine right now," Olivia said, her raw primal feelings filling those words, and I am sure all those words are true.

+500 affection. +500 affection. +500 affection. +500 affection. +500 affection.

It took a minute for us to regain ourselves; as much as we wanted to jump into carnal pleasure, there are things that the two of us have to do.

"But would it be a problem if I just tell your family? Aren't they safe?" Olivia asked, after finally gaining herself back. To her question, I shook my head as I spoke.

"I love my family, but we can't take that risk. I can't take that risk until I can guarantee you 100% safety. We can't let our true relationship out."

As I said these words, some would say isn't this contradictory to what I dictated before? After all, the girls wanting to keep the relationship secret is what gives me leverage, and truly that still exists. After all, I am not denying our relationship. Heck, in Olivia's eyes, I am trying my very best to show our relationship to the world while trying my best to keep Olivia safe.

In her eyes, I am the strong man who took a step to have a relationship. I am a man bearing the risks of the world. I am a man who is trying to give her a great relationship with all my powers, and I am a man who only wants to keep some parts of the relationship a secret.

But then what about Olivia? Here she is playing jealous with another girl, blocking the way to our relationship on some stupid pride.

Who is the villain here?

"That's me, of course, but they don't know that..."

The main thing here is to have the girls deny having to put an open secret. After which, I bring about my main agenda of pain and suffering. In such a way, I have the advantage and power.

"I'm sorry, Austin, but I will promise you that we will never be broken apart."

Olivia said with conviction.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

I said in confusion, and this only seems to heighten the guilt in Olivia's heart. She bit her lips, but then my main focus was on Olivia's eyes. They were blazing like never before. I could see the hunger for power now burning within her, one that now shines in all who I told the 'truth' to.

[And now there burns another...]

The system replied in a tired tone.

'Quit sulking'

[You do know this can maybe burn the whole world]

'Then I would just have to try to put out that fire'

[Knowing what you're planning, you will mostly pour oil into it]


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