The Conquerors Path

Chapter 521 521-Secrets Yet To Be Spoken Of.

Chapter 521 521-Secrets Yet To Be Spoken Of.

'It's beautiful...'

I thought as I gazed at the setting sun. Right now, I sat on one of the branches of Yggdrasil. It's been about five days since I came here, and I've spent all of that time with Orpheus. She made food for me, and we took walks, talked, slept together, and, of course, there's the non-stop sex too. Overall, these few days were completely about the two of us.

The truth is, I needed this in a way. In some ways, it has only been a few weeks since I spent time like this, but every time I do, a sense of my future gets brighter. Back in the real world, it's a war for me. My eyes have to be wide open. One wrong move from me, and I'll be facing a lot of problems that will be hard to settle.

Leaving aside the girls, there still exists the problems of the world itself to deal with. Every time I return, my eyes and focus are at 100%. Coming here and being under the protection of Orpheus reminds me of the future I'm fighting for — one filled with peace for me, one where I'll be able to spend all of my days like this with the ones I love, and that is a long list.

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, Orpheus's voice was heard as she sat beside me. Taking my head, she leaned it against her shoulder. My eyes were still focused on the setting sun as I spoke.

"Just enjoying the setting sun while musing on my thoughts."

"What's so important that you have such a serious face?"

Orpheus asked as a moment of silence fell between us.

"Just the future."

I finally said, a small moment of beauty falling between the two of us as Orpheus asked.

"Tell me what ails you, and I shall get rid of it."

Orpheus's words were filled with indulgence and love, making me chuckle a bit.

"It's just about the girls in my life."

I said.

"Oh? The ones whose pants you are trying to get into?"

Orpheus asked with a light teasing tone.

'That's one way to put it.'


I replied.

"What about it?"

She asked.

"It's just a bit of fear about how things will unfold in the future. I fear that they might find out about what I did to get them and later hate me for it."

My reply got a few seconds of silence until Orpheus spoke again.

"Didn't you do all this to get these women in your life?"

To her question, I replied.


"That means you desire them and did everything in your power to have them, right?"


I replied again.

"You tried everything to make them happy and you want them to be happy, right?"


I replied again, my face turning a bit odd.

"Then isn't everything alright? After all, they should be overjoyed at you doing all this to win their love."

'Somehow it sounds wrong and right at the same time.'

A chuckle left my mouth as I pondered the unique teachings of Orpheus. In a way, what she said was right and wrong. After all, I'm giving my 200% to win their love for me — understanding them, finding out their weaknesses, getting to know what they love, and more. It's through all this that I am handling their love and them.

In a way, it's romantic yet very creepy. Plus, emotions never play to rationality. Even if I did all this, how would Celestinia react when she thinks the great love story of fate she believes she has is something artificially created by me? Moreover, I even ended up falling in love with her mother and fucked her mother, while planning to destroyher father, Once that comes to light, she will go crazy with rage.

The same could be said for most of the girls. To them, what I did wouldn't be romantic or loving. It will just be a pure insult to their intelligence and their whole selves.

"Even after all this, if they find out the truth and hate you, so what? How can their status compare to yours? Beauty like theirs exists in every generation. You will live forever. My son, you can have any woman you want in the world. They would be lucky to even touch a hair on you."

As Orpheus said this, she placed a light kiss on my head, and my whole self relaxed a bit as I smiled at her words.

"If you want, you can have all the fairies here. You can have all the women of the church as your playthings. Just name the kind of beauty you want, and you will have it — forever loyal and loving of you."

As Orpheus said this, I could feel the lofty pride she had for me, and I could tell that she doesn't pity any of the girls that I pursue.

"And if that's not enough, tell me the type of woman you need, and I shall create her for you. It might take some time, though..."

Hearing this, I chuckled again at the thought of being able to have the type of woman I want created for me. After all, having the Goddess of Life as your mother has several perks that I have yet to fully use, but I will use them all in due time.

"Don't worry about it, Mother. If I want something, I will tell you about it. Right now, all I desire is to capture the hearts of these girls with my own power. It feels like an achievement to me."

Hearing my proposition of wanting to influence girls to fall in love with me, Orpheus gave a proud nod of her head as she responded.

"Of course, my son can do anything he wants! If you want, I can talk to the Goddess of Love and get you her blessing. It might go a long way on your path."

Hearing her words, I felt a chill up my spine, the warning from Lala filling my mind as I replied.

"I will think about it."

"Okay, but don't hesitate to ask me for help if you need it."

"Of course."

I said as I raised my head from Orpheus's head. This time, my hand wrapped around Orpheus's waist as I pulled her head onto my shoulder.

"This time, let me pamper my mother."

I spoke.

"Oh? Of course."

Orpheus replied as she relaxed her head on my shoulder. Our eyes stared deep into the horizon, a very relaxing atmosphere settling between the two of us. Soon, the sunset as a beautiful blue moon rose in the sky. Different fairies flew around in the atmosphere. Beasts of power kept moving. Even in the night, the forest looked beautiful. It's in this atmosphere that I spoke.

"Mother, do you need to know all my secrets?"

"Are you ready to tell them all to me?"

She asked back. To this, I stayed silent for a moment before replying.

"Not yet."

"Then I will gladly wait until the day you are ready to tell it all to me."

Orpheus replied with a cool tone, which brought a smile to my face. She, a Goddess who lived for who knows how long, should have already picked up on all my anomalies — my extreme fixation on keeping my status hidden and pursuing certain girls, my 'power' of bringing things and powers from the system.

My soul that doesn't belong to any of the known realms, she can see and know it all except for my system, and when I lie, she can't even see through it. These are more than enough for any responsible God of the realms to take me away and question me, but she didn't. She adopted me and loves me with all her heart, and for this, I will pay her trust back a thousandfold.

"Mother, what do you know about the current situation of the corruption energy increasing?"

I asked.

"More than you know."

She replied. Just this answer brought a frown to my face.

"Is there something stopping you from telling me everything?"


The silence was more than enough of an answer.

"In the same way, the Gods can't intervene in this too?"


"If I was to fall into their powers, then..."

"Before such a thing can happen, I will act. Nothing shall happen to my son, and no one shall harm you."

Orpheus suddenly spoke from her silence, her words being more than enough for me to form some theories on.

'If I need more information, I need to finish that quest on Shira and get that information from the system.'

Thinking so, I hugged Orpheus tight and placed a light kiss on her cheek. My eyes focused back on the night sky. For now, I will enjoy this moment with Orpheus.

But above all else what I need to do is to fix on myself about whether I should continue the quest given by the so-called 'God of Games' to make life miserable for those so-called protagonists, cause I am immortal now and I can't die, why should I fear the punishment the so-called system tell me I shall receive?

The only thing keeping me going is the fact that Orpheus can't see into the system, giving me the fear that the system itself might be able to do something to me if I backed out from my quest.

'One step at a time I Guess.....'

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