The Conquerors Path

Chapter 524 524-Planning And Feeding.

Chapter 524 524-Planning And Feeding.

"You are surely a bundle of mystery," Isabella spoke, her expression turning cold as she continued, "You have my undivided attention."

"That's nice," I replied as I leaned back in the sitting, my hand providing another document to Isabella, who took it and started to read through it. Her expression remained utterly indifferent until she finished it and responded.

"Nope, the terms are too much."

"It's not much, considering what you stand to lose if I release the information that I hold."

My reply brought silence to the booth. The document I handed over to Isabella contained my demands for helping her out. Most of it outlined the details of her kingdom needing to let me and the group I bring into the realm, both for training and hunting. We are also applicable to some other benefits too.

"I would have taken this deal if you didn't mention the fact that you can open the realm. This means that you know more about it than my kingdom, which once again corresponds to you or your groups having more chances of taking powerful treasure than my kingdom."

Her words caused a 'surprised' expression on my face, while on the inside, I thought, 'Good, she took the bait.'

"Perhaps, then might you tell me what you can give me?"

I asked.

"I can accept the part of your group, but I need a written contract that everything would be equal and split 50-50."

"Not going to happen."

I replied directly as I once again took a taste of the grape at the table. My eyes narrowed at Isabella as I spoke, "I can agree to a contract stating that the kingdom of Arian won't lose out on this deal."

"Too abstract."

Isabella countered.

"Then you state more applicable terms."

I replied. To which she spoke, "A written guarantee will take some time and thinking from my side."

I nodded my head at her words, asking, "How long do you need?"

I asked.

"Give me a week to straighten out my terms."

Isabella replied.

'Looks like she will be doing bone-deep research into my life within that time frame.'

Knowing her, she will give it all to dig out any dirt she can about me, which she will undoubtedly try to use to leverage or take control over me. But sadly for her, this game she wants to play is a loss for her even before it begins.

"Sure, take your time, you know where to contact me."

Saying so, I stood up and walked out of the bar, feeling the dangerous eyes of Isabella boring into my back as I left the café.

'Sigh... looks like I have set it in motion.'

The beginning of this will set a cascade of actions in motion from Isabella, as making her fall in love with me is similar to a war, one in which I have to be careful. I just don't want her love; I also don't want to fall under her undying obsession to have everything under her control.

'I have a lot to do, don't I?'

Asking myself, I started to move forward, weaving my way through the academy. Right now, as Clara pointed out, I have several girls on the waiting list. If my calculations are current, some of them are ticking time bombs waiting to meet me. The longer it takes, the bigger the explosion will be once they meet me or when they don't. Anyway, an explosion will definitely take place.

'From now onwards, it will be a thin line for me.'

Till now, I worked hard to get their love love for me, things will get tougher. The line between rejection and suffering is a very small one, especially when dealing with girls who have a few screws loose in their heads.

'First, let's settle the thirst of a princess.'. I haven't reached the end, but still, I have the love of the majority of them. Once they proclaim their love I will have to deal with it, either hiding or by some other methods.

Thinking so, I headed back to my mansion. As I reached it, it was mostly empty, with only the servants moving around. By now, Clara is already in her class, and while I would love to attend, I now have to take some extra precautions, especially after what 007 has shown me.

Entering the room, I sat on my chair. Just as I did, Farah appeared on my lap, her eyes gleaming red as she gave me a very hungry look. Seeing so, I raised my head, displaying my neck as I spoke.

"Go on."

Farah's presence, both alluring and mysterious, cast a spell that was impossible to resist. As she settled onto my lap, her lithe frame melding perfectly with mine, I couldn't help but feel the electric current that pulsed between us. Her body, cool and inviting, pressed against me, igniting a fire that seemed to burn from the inside out.

My fingers traced the contours of her back, feeling the delicate curve of her spine beneath the fabric of her dress. Her breath fanned against my neck, a tantalizing promise of what was to come. The scent of her, a blend of lavender and an underlying hint of danger, enveloped me in a sensual haze.

Farah's lips brushed against the sensitive skin of my neck, her touch feather-light yet charged with an intensity that made will be enough to make anyones heart race. I tilted my head, offering her the bare expanse of my neck wider, a willing sacrifice to the intoxicating dance we were about to embark upon.

With a whispered murmur, she bared her fangs, the glint of danger only adding to the allure. Farah's heartbeat quickened as her lips grazed my skin, her cool breath sending shivers down my spine. The anticipation was a potent aphrodisiac, an undeniable connection that pulled us together like two halves of a forbidden puzzle, in which I am in control.

Getting my permission Farah didn't wait anymore as her fangs bore into my neck, a feeling of pain filled me for a moment after which pleasure started to fill my being, the blood from my veins moving around as it started to flood towards Farah, I could feel her body trembling in my embrace, while the connection between us kept increasing.

A blend of pleasure and pain that sent shockwaves through my body. I gasped, the sensation both foreign and exhilarating, as the warmth of my blood met the cool touch of her mouth.

As she drank from me, a wave of sensation washed over me. It was as if our souls were entwined, my essence flowing into her and her energy seeping into me. The connection was ethereal, a bond that defied logic and ignited desires beyond the physical realm.

Time seemed to blur as we shared this intimate dance, the rhythm of our heartbeats syncing in a symphony of desire. Her movements were deliberate, each pulls drawing me deeper into a trance that was equal parts pleasure and vulnerability.

My fingers tightened their grip on her, the lines between pain and pleasure blurring into an intoxicating haze. I could feel her every heartbeat, her every thought, as if our minds were merging in the most intimate of ways.

This continued for 2 minutes, after which Farah withdrew her fangs. Her lips left a trail of heat against my skin, her face looking tipsy and red, a mix of allure and innocence blooming on her face.


A desire-filled voice left Farah's mouth as she called out to me. It seems being stuck inside me as I kept spending my time drilling with Orpheus affected her a lot more than I thought. Well, it would be surprising if it didn't affect her, considering all the different types of sex that Orpheus and I went through. But sadly, now is not the time for this.

"Rest, love..."

I spoke, placing a kiss on her lips. With a dazed expression, she went back into my body. The current her isn't in the right state of mind due to the pleasure filling her mind from drinking my blood. I'm not going to capitalize on that, not after all the activity I went through.

Feeling the weight of Farah off me, I took out my communication orb and contacted Ralph. A moment later, Ralph's voice was heard.

"What's up, kid?"

"Nothing much. I just called to ask how the planning for the attack is going?"

I asked.

"Everything is almost set. All the members are roaring for revenge, and even Athena is barely holding herself back from going on a rampage."

The last of Ralph's words were voiced with a hint of worry.

"Is Big Sis acting up?"

I asked.

"Yes, you know how she can be when emotions rule over her. I fear she might cause some deviations in our plan."

Hearing this, I stayed quiet for a moment before I spoke again.

"Don't worry about it. Let big sis run free. If something happens, I will deal with it."

Hearing my words, Ralph asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," I replied.

"Then it's okay."

Hearing this, I asked, "How's the other plan coming along?"

"It's a long way from being completed, but we are moving along."

This time Ralph's words contained a hint of dread, and he had all the right to be knowing what I asked him to do.

"Is everything secure?"

I asked.

"It's secure," he replied.

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