The Conquerors Path

Chapter 530 530-Lanora Finds The Truth.

Chapter 530 530-Lanora Finds The Truth.

The rhythm of Lanora's movements went around for 10 minutes, after which the tones slowly shut down, the ending being beautifully and slow, bringing a sense of peace to everyone that listened. Just as she finished her song, the entire practice room burst into cheers and claps.

Clap!... Clap!... Clap!...

"Lanora does it beautifully as always."

"It's just amazing, I always fall for it!"

"Isn't this the music produced by the reclusive player Mozart?"

"Yes, it's been a long time since his presence in the world."

And from then, the discussion started to branch away.

'Mozart, I have to say that wasn't very original.'

Well, even though I was going to plagiarize, I even then wanted that name to at least fill this world. You see, I am not just the greatest author in the world. No, I am also now the greatest musician in this world, one that has changed the realm of music – an innovator, a revolutionary, if one might say so.

Of course, then again, the composition isn't all mine, but who the hell is going to slam me with plagiarizing in this world?

During my travels, I played some important roles – one as the author Earth, now the greatest writer and the most powerful influence that exists. Then, I am Mozart – my music being the ones that all nobles will line up to hear. My tunes and compositions are pushing forth the musical world into a new and powerful era.

Of course, the reason I started this was to get into tough and powerful places in an easy manner. To the money-rich world of the nobles, the best way to get into their functions was to be a hot commodity that they are fighting for. Especially when I was hiding my identity and didn't want my family's army suddenly showing up and taking me away.

I took that identity in the beginning as the perfect spy to enter any place I want with a smile. But later along the way, I came to enjoy playing the music and the rush of feelings that filled me at the beginning and ending of my music. Along the way, I did several music pieces and released several pieces to the world.

Which once again cemented my standing as the greatest music player in the world. Then, the other identity that I picked was one of an adventurer. This one was to lay the crumbs of a path for the future girls to investigate my life. A very well-laid path that will show them what I want to be seen.

With DarkNight at my command and the adventure guild being under the command of DarkNight, it was easy for me to make up the things I want with their help. Having one of the largest intelligence networks at my hand has its own perks.

As the crowd finished showing off their admiration, they all soon started to dive towards their own pursuits, while some of the good-looking demons moved forth to get close to Lanora in hope of at least gaining a single date from her.

'Sorry boys, she's already booked.'

Shaking my head at their tries, I left the practice room as I moved along the well-built building, soon walking into a practice room. Entering my sequence on the lock, I walked into the room – one with minimalist design but one that gave off a sense of peace and calmness.

'From now onwards, I should be very careful on the thread I walk.'

In the game, it was quite easy to get Lanora. She wasn't a tough girl to get, her path being that the player will help her find her missing violin and along the way, some things will happen which will end up with the player trying to play a tune with Lanora. In the game, it was easy as we just have to click alongside some buttons on the keyboard to match some patterns, and voila – after a few minutes, we will have a blushing Lanora fully in love on our side.

Then again, in real life, things are a bit different, as you should really know how to play the piece. Let's say by not knowing so we will be just reducing the affection marks towards us.

'And, as luck would have it, Leonardo seems to have had trouble playing the violin as a child.'

Quite the coincidence, I tell you, but then again, it doesn't matter much if he knows how to play or not. For he will never be getting a chance to play beside Lanora ever in his life. Musing to my thoughts, I soon reached the piano as I sat on it, my fingers layering against the keys as I thought of playing the Moonlight Sonata.

Moonlight Sonata, also known as Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor "Quasi una fantasia," Op. 27, No. 2. Composed in 1801, this masterpiece is a true representation of Beethoven's emotional depth and musical genius.

The first movement of the "Moonlight Sonata" is particularly renowned. It opens with a hauntingly beautiful melody, played softly and marked "Adagio sostenuto." The gentle, flowing notes create an atmosphere of introspection and melancholy, as if the moonlight itself were painting the scene. The melody is characterized by its repetitive rhythm, which evokes the image of moonlight shimmering on the surface of water.

As such thoughts flew through my mind, I began to play.

Sitting before the grand piano, my fingers poised above the ivory keys, I could feel the familiar rush of anticipation. The polished wood gleamed beneath the soft glow of the chandelier above, casting a warm radiance across the room. The air was filled with an almost tangible sense of reverence, as if the very walls held their breath in anticipation of the music to come. I took a moment to close my eyes, letting the weight of the world fade away as I immersed myself in the world of the piano.

As I began to play, the room seemed to come alive with the magic of music. The first notes flowed from my fingertips, a delicate dance of sound that hung in the air like a whispered secret. The melody was instantly recognizable, a timeless composition that had transcended generations on Earth. It was a piece that held within it a wealth of emotions, each note a brushstroke in a vast painting of feelings.

My fingers moved with a grace born of years of practice and passion. They danced across the keys, each touch a gentle caress that coaxed forth the most exquisite tones. The music swelled and receded, a tide of emotions that ebbed and flowed through the room. The keys responded to my touch, yielding a symphony of sound that seemed to come alive with a mind of its own.

The melody was bittersweet, a delicate balance of joy and melancholy. It carried with it the weight of memories, of moments both cherished and lost. With each note, I poured my heart and soul into the music, allowing the piano to speak for me in ways words never could. The music was a story, a narrative that unfolded with every stroke of the keys.

My fingers moved effortlessly, traversing the expanse of the keyboard with a fluidity that bordered on instinct. The music flowed through me, an extension of my very being. I could feel the vibrations beneath my fingertips, a tangible connection to the instrument and the notes it produced. It was as if the piano and I were engaged in a delicate dance, our movements perfectly synchronized.

The room seemed to fade away as the music enveloped me. The world outside ceased to exist, leaving only the music and me in this timeless moment. The crescendos soared to new heights, sending shivers down my spine, while the softer passages tugged at my heartstrings with a gentle touch. It was a conversation, a dialogue between the piano and my soul.

As the final notes hung in the air, a hushed stillness settled over the room. The last echoes of the music slowly dissipated, leaving behind a sense of awe and wonder. I opened my eyes, my fingers resting on the keys, and took a deep breath. The piano seemed to hum with satisfaction, as if it too had reveled in the beauty of the music we had created together.

As I finished, a gentle smile filled my face while the rush of music filled my entire being. A small gasp of wonder filled the room as I turned around towards the door. There, bathed in the light of the outside world, stood Lanora, looking at me with quivering eyes. Her blue, seductive body shone under the light as her words left her mouth.

"I knew it... you are Mozart."

Her mutter filled the room as I looked at her with a surprised expression.

'Got you...'

Hiding my real thoughts, I started the second part of my plan.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.