The Conquerors Path

Chapter 579-The Beating.....

Chapter 579-The Beating.....

Helix's eyes glowed with an eerie crimson light as he began to transform. His body elongated, his limbs stretching and contorting as fur sprouted all over. He grew larger and more menacing, a true representation of his inner beast. His teeth grew into sharp fangs, and his claws extended, ready to rend flesh.

Renardo, on the other hand, summoned a wicked-looking spear into his hand, the edge shimmering with dark energy. It would seem that the previous beatings that I gave him had fully healed, as he, along with Helix, moved toward me at a calculated pace.

Both of their energy blasted out from within them as they aimed at me, their powers being at Origin level 4. In fact, Krisly, who I just beat up, was also at Origin level 4, capable of taking on an Origin level 6 if she were to use her axe to the fullest limit, which she did at the second time I hit her. Yet even then, her weapon, linked to her soul, was destroyed, causing dangerous harm to her.

This stunning move of mine has already placed the level of my danger above anyone can fathom, showing that I am not just a guy with some harp that can heal corruption. That's the main reason these two were planning to come at me at once, for they know they can't take me on alone.

The two of them attacked simultaneously, their movements coordinated and precise. Helix lunged at me with his monstrous claws, while Renardo swung his dark sword in a lethal arc. I had to be on my guard.

I focused my mind, and my body glowed with power. With a single gesture, I summoned a whirlwind of energy, a vortex of wind and fire that surrounded me like a protective shield. The combined force of their attacks struck the vortex, creating a dazzling display of sparks and flames.

Helix and Renardo were pushed back by the sheer force of the elemental barrier. They struggled to maintain their footing, their eyes filled with surprise.

The darkness within Renardo shined as three different versions of him made of darkness and power moved toward me, while the beast-formed werewolf Helix's mouth let out a guttural roar as veins blasted from below, holding me tight while his dangerous claws moved toward me, all of them quite slow in my eyes.

As the two formidable opponents closed in on me, their eyes filled with determination and a hunger for victory, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The challenge they posed was a welcome one, and I was determined to overcome it. The cheers and gasps of the audience faded into the background as I focused solely on Helix and Renardo, my heart calm and serene.

With Helix's monstrous form bearing down on me, I had to react quickly. I dodged to the side, his massive claws missing me by a hair's breadth. The air was filled with a foul, metallic stench as his claws scraped against the arena floor, leaving deep gouges in their wake, as the veins on me easily corroded away by me.

As I sidestepped Helix, I noticed that his beastly transformation had left him somewhat vulnerable. His newfound size and strength came at the cost of agility, and I intended to exploit that weakness. With a swift and graceful movement, I leaped onto his back, using his own body as a platform to gain an advantageous position.

Helix roared in frustration, trying to shake me off, but my grip was unyielding. I reached for his elongated, fur-covered neck and applied pressure to a specific pressure point, causing him to momentarily freeze. It was a technique I had learned from my martial arts training, and it left Helix temporarily paralyzed.

With Helix incapacitated, my attention turned to Renardo. The dark energy surrounding his wicked spear crackled with malevolent power, and he lunged at me with incredible speed. His attack was a blur, but my supernatural reflexes allowed me to parry his strike with precision.

My hand clashed with his weapon, the impact sending shockwaves through the arena. I could feel the intense pressure emanating from Renardo's dark energy, but I held my ground. I countered with a series of strikes that tested his defenses, each one calculated to wear him down.

Renardo's spearplay was skilled, and he displayed remarkable agility. But I was not to be outdone. With a sudden burst of speed, I closed the distance between us and executed a series of rapid strikes that left him disarmed and defenseless. The crowd roared in approval as I stood almost victorious over Renardo.

Meanwhile, Helix's momentary paralysis had ended, and he began to regain control of his transformed body. But I was already prepared for his next move. With a powerful kick, I sent him stumbling backward, his massive form crashing into the arena wall with a resounding thud. The impact left him dazed and disoriented, giving me the opportunity to focus on my remaining opponents.

Brax, the Krees with butterfly-like wings and powerful mental attacks, had been observing the battle closely, his four eyes filled with a mix of intrigue and unease. His ability to manipulate the mind was a formidable challenge, but I had a plan.

Brax stepped forward, his four eyes shimmering with an otherworldly glow. He extended his hand toward me, and I felt a powerful mental force trying to invade my thoughts. It was a battle of wills, a contest of mental strength. But I was no ordinary opponent.

I closed my eyes and focused my mind. The tattoos on my body glowed brighter, creating a protective barrier around my consciousness. Brax's mental assault met with resistance, and he grunted in frustration. He was trying to manipulate my thoughts, to confuse and disorient me, but I was in control.

With a surge of power, I launched a counterattack, sending a mental shockwave back toward Brax. His insect-like antennae twitched as he felt the impact of my psychic assault. He staggered, his concentration broken, his nose bleeding from the aftermath of the shock, while his eyes looked at me with wonder, no doubt great pain filling his mind as I moved to attack him but Helix intervened.

Dodging, I seized the opportunity and unleashed a barrage of small yet compact magic-made arrow projectiles, each one a concentrated burst of energy. I aimed and took down Renardo's hidden clone shadows which were waiting for the chance to just take me down.

Helix tried to dodge, but the projectiles homed in on him, striking him in rapid succession. The dark energy that surrounded Renardo's spear absorbed some of the attacks, but he couldn't escape unscathed. The battle raged on, a clash of supernatural powers and martial skills.

Helix's werewolf form, while imposing, couldn't match the precision and speed of my strikes. With a well-placed punch to his jaw, sending him flying but within that time frame Brax gained a bit of his self back as he took flight, his bug-like wings flapping behind him as he floated in the sky, his reddened eyes focused on only me.

"Aren't all of you very weak to be my brother-in-law?"

I asked with a sneer as the three of them surrounded me once again, their arrogance taking a hit at my words, Renardo holding his spear tight, the darkness in him flaring up as he started to expand his darkness all around the place, Helix having taken enough beatings, accessing his 2nd form, becoming much bigger, gaining strength and power, while the bug-like antennae on Brax's head glowed with eerie light.

'Um.....good, they are pissed...'


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