The Conquerors Path

Chapter 587-Game Of Illusion.

Chapter 587-Game Of Illusion.

Hey guys this is the author!

First of all, I am sorry for this sudden huge break, even more that I didn't inform you all about this but things weren't well off for me either.

First off got into a fight in college with my seniors and got beaten up pretty bad, which made it impossible to type or write, after 2 days of recovery my exams arrived and I hadn't studied anything making it so that I had to die to learn and yet failed some.

After all this when I wanted to write I fainted and was soon diagnosed with a pretty severe case of pneumonia, giving me 3 days of admission and rest in the hospital, after all this, I am just free now and fully recovered enough.....

So I shall be pasting another chapter tomorrow for the Conqueror path.

Plus I have made some new decisions for Heavenly Oppoers and my third book and I shall update you all on it later.

So hope you are all well.




The dance came to a halt, my hands on Angelina's hips, her eyes peering deep into me, while her tail seductively swung at her back, sometimes running against me. As the dance came to a halt, Angelina spoke with a smile.

"You dance well....."

I just smiled at it as I left her, not speaking a word as I sat silently back on the sofa, my expression turning calm while I looked at the confused Angelina, who seemed not to understand the sudden shift in my actions.

'Well, her confidence in her seduction is sky high...'

Musing to myself, I spoke, my hands taking the alcohol bottle as I started to pour myself a drink.

"Let's get to the chance; while I enjoyed this, I want to get back to the topic at hand...."

While I said this, I finished pouring myself a drink, lightly smelling the alcohol. I took a small sip, the burning feeling filling my insides as I continued my eyes on the glass.

"I am now very close to destroying everything you worked for, so for me to back out, what can you give me?"

Just as I finished asking this question, Angelina replied back instantly.


My eyebrows raised in amusement at her answer as I now looked at her, her expression cold as she too sat in front of me again. I chuckled a bit at her answer as I spoke.

"And what makes you think I can even get to marry you? Will the world allow it?"

"I will make it happen."

Angelina replied back in a confident, straight voice, her tone cold, yet her eyes showed her commitment to them. I smiled lightly as I took another sip, my words leaving my mouth.

"And what is there for me to gain?"

This sudden question of mine took Angelina aback as she spoke.

"A beautiful woman, an Empress that covers over the empire. I can give you pleasure as you can never imagine, an intelligent woman, a powerful woman, a woman that can support you with her strength and power, a woman that will stick to you and only be yours...."

The way she spoke was indeed enough to tempt many men, especially when she added that alluring wink in the end. But sadly for her, this game is just beginning. A moment of silence fell between us until I finally spoke.

"I have marriage requests from both Olivia and Isabella...."

The sudden confession of mine brought shock to Angelina's face, while the confidence she built in her words completely shattered. I smirked at it as I leaned onto the sofa. Angelina, being a smart woman, will easily understand that all her sweet words turned into nothing at this single move from me.

"You are not gonna ask if I am lying?"

I asked when the silence got too deafening; to this, she just shook her head as she spoke.

"While surprising, it's not that surprising....."

As she said this, she took a deep breath, her tension fully enveloping her as she leaned back into the sofa, her eyelids trembling as she just sat there. I gazed at this for a moment after which I asked.

"What? Not gonna sell me your body?"

This sudden question of mine made Angelina's eyes open, those beautiful eyes done it. And even now, if I am to go down, I will not sell my body to you or anyone. focusing on me with pride as she spoke.

"I clawed my way to where I am with my sheer will and intelligence. I could have easily built more power by just using my body, but I respect myself too much to have ever done it. And even now, if I am to go down, I will not sell my body to you or anyone. That is my last pride and my will."

I smirked at her powerful words; her statement might look like a compliment to her earlier words of being mine, but it's truly not. The earlier offer of hers gave herself to me as my wife, to be married to me, for the two of us together to rule over the world supporting each other as equals. And for that, Angelina is ready. But to sell her body? Now, that she will never do.

That is one of the things I admire about her, her respect for her own body, one that was instilled in her by the maid that helped her grow, and the one thing she still carries within herself, through her future actions of her just makes it more crushing when her bloodlines take her into a situation other than with her beloved.

'The disgusting scene of her taking her life is still something that many players didn't accept in the past.'

"I admire you, you are beautiful, powerful, smart, and even now, unwilling to bend at anything. For that, I admire and respect you."

As I said this, I could see Angelina's eyes widening while a small blush took over her face. The use of her eyes to see only the truth and nothing but the truth is a powerful tool I can use against her to quickly gain her love. This might even be the only first true compliment she might have received about more than just her beauty.

"How about this? Let's play a game."

As I said these words, I placed the glass on the table, my gaze locking onto Angelina's. There was a glint of curiosity in her eyes, a spark of interest that betrayed her composed exterior.

"A game?" she inquired, her tone a mix of skepticism and intrigue. I could tell that the idea had piqued her interest, her competitive nature subtly coming to the forefront.

I leaned back, a playful smile on my lips. "Yes, a game. But not just any game. A game that will test your intelligence, your wit, and your ability to see through illusions."

Angelina arched an eyebrow, her expression shifting from curiosity to a subtle challenge. "I'm intrigued. What kind of game are we talking about?"

I gestured towards the open space in the room, creating an imaginary boundary with a sweep of my hand. "This game is called 'The Veil of Shadows.' The rules are simple, yet the challenges are intricate."

As I spoke, the very air around us seemed to respond, casting a faint shadowy glow in the designated play area. It was a subtle manifestation of the magical game I had conjured, a testament to the power I wielded.

"Here's how it works," I continued, my voice taking on a storyteller's cadence. "Within this enchanted space, illusions and reality will intertwine. The challenge is to discern truth from deception. I will conjure scenarios, each more elaborate than the last, and you must use your intelligence and the unique power of your eyes to see through the veil of shadows."

Angelina's fox-like eyes glinted with a renewed interest. "And what's at stake? What do I stand to gain or lose?"

I smiled, knowing that the stakes would add an extra layer of intensity to the game. "If you win, I will reconsider my decision to dismantle everything you've built. If you lose, well, let's say the consequences won't be pleasant. It's a game of wit, Angelina, where the prize is not just victory but the preservation of your empire."

Her eyes narrowed, a flicker of determination replacing the earlier intrigue. "I accept your challenge, Austin. But be warned, I don't intend to lose."

As she said this I activated a simple gift from a lovely Goddess.


Ability: Game world

Description: An innate ability of the Goddess granted to the host that allows the host to create a game 'world' which has laws set by the host.

--> The host can put desired people into the game world and make them play by the host's rules, if they lose host can strip anything they want from the Player such as powers, ability, bloodline...etc.

-->Warning this ability is a double-edged sword, just as the Host can win and gain there is also the chance that the host could lose, thereby having to give up something of value.

-->Only people of power level below you and one level above you can be forcefully taken inside the game World.


Without Angelina knowing she subtly entered inside this game world of mine and thus the game began.

With a subtle wave of my hand, the game began. Shadows coalesced into vivid scenarios, each one a tapestry of illusions that danced on the edge of reality. Angelina's surroundings transformed, creating a dreamscape where truth and deception intermingled.

The first scenario unfolded—a grand ballroom with masked dancers twirling in a mesmerizing dance. The atmosphere was charged with an air of celebration. Angelina found herself standing at the entrance, her eyes scanning the crowd.

"Now, Angelina," I announced, "within this ballroom, there are hidden truths and illusions. Your task is to discern which masked figures are real and which are mere illusions."

She stepped forward, her eyes sharp as she observed the masked dancers. The magical ambiance heightened the challenge, making it difficult to distinguish reality from the fantastical illusions.

As she moved deeper into the ballroom, I introduced a layer of complexity. Illusions of familiar faces—friends, foes, and allies—mingled with the masked dancers. Angelina's eyes flitted from one figure to another, the intensity of her gaze revealing her analytical prowess.

Little did she know that I had subtly manipulated the scenarios, creating an advantage for her by introducing scenarios that played to her unique ability—the eyes that saw through the truth.

Angelina made her choices, each selection accompanied by a careful deliberation. The dance of the masked figures became a dance of intelligence and perception. The air hummed with anticipation as she approached the final selection.

"Well done, Angelina," I commended, a genuine note of admiration in my voice. "You have successfully navigated through the Veil of Shadows. But the game has just begun."

As the words settled in the air, Angelina's expression shifted from uncertainty to a subtle acknowledgment. The Veil of Shadows had served its purpose—to challenge, to test, and to reveal the inner strength that Angelina possessed.

The room returned to its normal state, the magical ambiance dissipating. Angelina, though visibly exhausted, maintained her composure.

"You've proven your point, Austin," she conceded, a wry smile playing on her lips. "I may have underestimated your cunning."

I chuckled, a playful glint in my eyes. "Appearances can be deceiving, Angelina. Now, let's revisit our initial discussion. What can you truly offer to make me reconsider my decision?"

As we delved back into negotiations, the game had accomplished its purpose. It had tested the boundaries of intellect and resilience, leaving an indelible mark on the dance between Austin and Angelina—a dance that transcended illusions and reality. The Veil of Shadows had lifted, and in its wake, a newfound understanding emerged, setting the stage for the next chapter in their intricate saga.

Over the course of our negotiations, Angelina laid out her offers with a renewed sense of determination. The game had shifted the dynamics between us, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect. As we exchanged words, I couldn't help but admire the tenacity that shone through Angelina's eyes.

However, a subtle realization struck me—I had not yet revealed the true nature of the game. The Veil of Shadows, though a captivating challenge, had been a carefully orchestrated spectacle. The real game, the one that would determine the fate of our negotiations, was yet to unfold.

With a casual wave of my hand, I summoned a small, intricately designed box. It radiated a faint magical aura, capturing Angelina's attention.

"What's this?" she inquired, her eyes narrowing as she observed the mysterious box.

"This, Angelina, is the Heart of Enigma," I declared, the name carrying a weight of significance. "A game of wit and intuition that transcends the ordinary. The rules are simple, yet the challenges it presents are anything but."

As I opened the box, a luminous glow spilled forth, revealing an array of floating, ethereal cards. Each card bore intricate symbols and cryptic patterns.

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