The Conquerors Path

Chapter 596-Lustfilled feast.

Chapter 596 596-Lustfilled feast.

I quickly left the mansion after filling up my older sister and leaving her a bubbling mess. I made sure to show Nora my love and to discipline her body a little, though the punishments just showed up to be a gift for her. Well, in the end, the two of us enjoyed it, that was all that mattered.

'But now I have to deal with another mess.'

As I thought so, I quickly cleaned up everything about myself, getting rid of any indication of lust or a woman on me. Soon, I entered the busy streets of the academy, a disguise covering me as I made it through the lightly crowded streets. I could have stayed to spend some more time with Nora and my mother, but something else needs to be dealt with first.

Easily making my way through the people, I entered inside a very famous cafe shop, that provides private rooms. It didn't take long for me to enter my private room, the ones waiting for me being a quite beautiful 'student.' However, as soon as the door closed behind us, the facade dropped, revealing the alluring Empress Lora. Without wasting a moment, she threw herself into my arms, her voluptuous curves pressing against me, her lips seeking mine in a hungry kiss.

'Sigh... I had just satisfied one woman...'

Thinking so, I cupped her enticing ass, our lips locked in a steamy embrace.

I pulled her closer, intensifying the embrace. Our tongues entwined, dancing with a primal hunger, as if trying to convey desires that mere words could not articulate.

In the dimly lit room, time seemed to stand still as we indulged in the decadence of our secret liaison. Lora's moans harmonized with the passionate symphony we were creating, a melody of stolen moments and clandestine cravings. The air thickened with the scent of arousal, and the taste of her lips fueled a fire that consumed all reason.

But the kiss didn't last for long as Lora broke out, a thin saliva holding between us as Lora spoke with a pout.

"You have some explaining to do to me."

"Of course, my love."

I replied with a smile, taking a small bite of her cheeks while sinking my hand into her supple milf ass.

'Just who would think this is the ice-cold empress without any emotions?'

I thought as Lora squirmed below me. Seeing this, I whisked her from her position, carrying her princess-style while I sat on the sofa, placing Lora on my lap. Our eyes met, her grudge-filled eyes meeting mine, though more than a grudge, it seemed to look like cute defiance.

Seeing this, I took a sip of her lips, making her melt in my embrace. Seeing this, I started to speak.

"I'm sorry that I changed the plan so soon, but it had to be done."


She asked with confusion filling her voice.

"Because my older sister confessed to me."

This sudden word froze her body, while her eyes widened, but there wasn't too much surprise on her face.

"Did you notice?"

I asked, to which she nodded her head.

"Her reactions weren't hidden well."

"I see..."

Is all I spoke, to which Lora asked.

"When did this happen?"

"A day ago."

I replied, making Lora frown. Her head leaned deeper into my chest, taking my scent with great happiness as she asked.

"So what do you plan to do?"

"I don't know, I don't see Nora that way. I love her as a sister, so I am stumped, and I have you, so I don't need anyone else."

Speaking till here, I took a sip of her lips again, making her squirm in my embrace in happiness as I continued.

"That's why I had to change the plan. If the sudden engagement takes place after her confession, things would have turned in a direction I can't predict."

Hearing my words, Lora frowned hard.

"Does she want something from you?"

She asked.

"I don't know, but things have been pretty awkward lately, but all that's gone now that you are here."

A 'bright' smile filled my face as I spoke.

"I don't want to deal with all that now, now I just want to focus on only you."

This answer of mine made Lora smile. By this simple maneuver, I can keep her from trailing too much into Nora.

"So how did you escape?"

I asked in intrigue.

"Well, most of the people I brought are mine, and the ones that Claus sent after me have already switched their allegiance to me."

Lora spoke.

"Now that's my girl."

I spoke with a whisper as I sensually kissed her ears, her body definitely heating up as she hugged me tight, her words filling my ear.

"Austin, I need you~."

"Not now. Today we will enjoy our date, and tonight I shall ravish you until there is no space left in either your womb or your huge... ass."

The finality of my whisper brought a gulp from Lora as the sexy milf nodded her head like a meek girl.

"Good, let's order some food."

I spoke, making Lora smile. With that, our conversation shifted to more immediate desires. The air was charged with anticipation as we navigated the menu, choosing dishes that promised not only a feast for our taste buds but also a continuation of the sensual dance that had already begun.

The waiter, seemingly unaware of the charged atmosphere, took our order, leaving us alone again. Lora's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in, her lips brushing against mine. "I can't wait for what the night holds."

Our connection deepened, and I replied, "Nor can I." 

The food arrived, a tableau of colors and aromas that mirrored the intensity of our connection. We fed each other in a delicate yet seductive ballet, the exchange of flavors becoming an extension of our intimate dance.

The dishes arrived, each plate a canvas of culinary artistry that mirrored the complexity of our desires. Lora's eyes, a mix of mischief and anticipation, locked onto mine as the waiter carefully arranged the feast before us. The charged atmosphere hinted at the clandestine liaison that unfolded between the emperor's nephew and the empress herself.

Lora's lips, still moist from our shared kisses, curled into a smile as she picked up a fork, the silverware gleaming in the soft, dim light of the private room. "Where shall we start?" she purred, her voice a velvet invitation.

My eyes traced the contours of her face, lingering on her lips before meeting her gaze. "Anywhere you desire," I replied.

The first bite was an initiation, a delicate exchange of flavors that ignited the senses. Lora's fingers, adorned with jeweled rings, delicately grasped a morsel. With a slow, deliberate movement, she brought it to my lips. Our eyes locked as I parted them, capturing the offering between my teeth.

The taste was exquisite, a fusion of spices and textures that danced on my tongue. Lora's gaze intensified, her satisfaction evident as she witnessed the pleasure on my face.

I reciprocated, selecting a succulent piece of meat and lifting it to her lips. The touch of her mouth against my fingers sent a shiver down my spine. The thrill of this forbidden exchange amplified the sensations, turning a simple act of feeding into a carnal experience.

Our hands intertwined, fingers brushing in a silent understanding that surpassed words. The feast continued, a symphony of flavors and shared moments that built a crescendo of desire between us. The dance of feeding each other became an erotic ballet, each bites a step in the seductive choreography of our shared appetite.

As the meal progressed, the boundaries blurred further. The exchange of bites turned into lingering touches, fingers tracing patterns on bare skin, concealed beneath the table. Lora's foot found its way to my leg, her toes teasing the inside of my thigh, a subtle but unmistakable invitation.

Our conversation, now a series of low murmurs, became a duel of innuendos. The air was heavy with the scent of arousal, our senses heightened by the intoxicating combination of food and desire.

Lora's lips, stained with the colors of the feast, beckoned me. I leaned in, capturing her mouth in a hungry kiss. Our tongues danced, mirroring the earlier exchange of bites but with a newfound intensity. The taste of exotic spices mingled with the unmistakable flavor of Lora, a heady cocktail that left us both intoxicated.

Her hand found its way under the table, her fingers brushing against my hardening cock. I inhaled sharply, my eyes closing in a mixture of pleasure and anticipation.

"What do you desire?" she whispered, her voice husky with desire.

"You." The word slipped from my lips without hesitation, the need apparent in my tone.

"And I, you." Her fingers lingered for a moment, a promise of things to come, before withdrawing.

The rest of the meal passed in a blur of shared desire, our bodies aching for a more intimate connection. The last morsels were devoured, the remains of the feast a testament to the passion that simmered between us.

Lora's lips formed a smile, a knowing look in her eyes as she signaled the waiter.

"We will take the check, and the dessert menu," she instructed.

"Yes," the waiter replied, his voice betraying nothing as he quickly left the room, the illusion I placed in the room doing the trick.

I quirked an eyebrow, a playful expression on my face. "Dessert, eh?"

Lora's smile grew, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, yes. I intend to devour every last morsel."

Her words sent a shiver of pleasure down my spine. She continued, her voice a whisper. "And you, my dear, are the most delectable of all."

The waiter returned, his timing impeccable, and placed the dessert menu on the table. "Take your time." He turned and left.

Lora and I leaned in, our gazes locked on the list of sweet offerings. Each enticing item was a promise of what was to come. The choices were infinite, and the possibilities seemed endless.

With a sly glance, Lora reached out and touched my hand, her fingertips tracing patterns on my skin.

"Choose wisely," she murmured. "Your pleasure is mine."

I closed my eyes, allowing the sensations of her touch to wash over me. My mind filled with images of Lora's naked body, her curves illuminated by the moonlight.

"You," I breathed, my eyes opening to meet her gaze. "You are the only choice that matters."

The waiter's arrival, a few minutes later, broke the spell between us. Lora's hand lingered on mine for a moment before pulling away. She sat back, a satisfied expression on her face, and waited for the desserts to be served.

The plates arrived, each a work of art in its own right. The confections were a perfect marriage of flavor and texture, a visual feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds.

Lora and I savored the desserts, our movements mirroring each other's as we savored the sweetness.

I selected a spoonful, the delicate confection dissolving on my tongue. I swallowed, the flavors lingering.

"It's delicious," I commented, my eyes never leaving Lora's.

"Mmm, it is," she replied, her gaze intense. "But I must admit, the true feast has only just begun."

"Oh?" I queried, feigning innocence.

She smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yes. And the night is young."

Her words held the promise of an unforgettable experience.

The private room became a haven for our adulterous desires. The food, now a forgotten backdrop, bore witness to a scene of unbridled passion. Lora's hands explored my body, tracing the contours with a familiarity that spoke of hidden encounters.

Lora's laughter, like a melody, filled the room as we savored the exquisite cuisine and each other. The interplay of tastes, textures, and desires heightened the sensual experience. Our gazes locked, and I could sense the unspoken promises beneath the shared bites and stolen kisses.

The evening once shrouded in uncertainty, now unfolded as a canvas for our shared fantasies. The clandestine liaison between an emperor's nephew and the empress herself, a tapestry woven with threads of longing and forbidden pleasures.


" where to....huff after this?"

Lora asked as she lightly licked the cherry juice on her lips, one that I fed to her from my mouth.

"Now I head out to satisfy you romantically"

I spoke with a grin.

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