The Conquerors Path

Chapter 772 Chapter 770-Fight Myself.

772  Chapter 770-Fight Myself.

"Just what are we?"

Austin asked with a narrowed gaze, a sense of confusion filling his mind at that question. There exists something deep within the situation that he cannot see, and something within the deepest corner of his mind was screaming that there is more to the situation than what is being shown in front of him. It also accounts for the afflictions he directly received from the other side of corruption.

'Looks like I am part of the big conspiracy.'

Austin thought as the other 'Austin' sneered at him, a mocking look on his face as he spoke.

"Don't you get it? From the very beginning, there exist things we can't see into. We are just being manipulated and played around with as if we are toys, we are just pawns in a bigger game."

A certain edge to the voice of 'Austin' as he spoke of this, an anger that cannot be hidden, and Austin understood the fact too. He too did feel a prickle of something in his heart, though he didn't go out of his way to mind about it. After all, wasn't he doing the same? Manipulating and controlling the lives of the girls around him, not giving them the choice that naturally falls due to life.

'When you kill a person, dig two graves, one for the corpse and another for yourself.'

Austin chuckled at that thought that filled his mind. When you do harm to another, be prepared for harm to find you. Austin had done what he did, and how would he be overly stupid to act with his ego when the same thing keeps happening to him? While hypocritical, Austin wasn't that much of a hypocrite.

"Um... it certainly doesn't feel good at all. Is this what I make the girls feel? A sense of mystery and defeat, quite an interesting feeling."

Austin muttered, surprising the other 'Austin' who took a step back, his expression seemingly one of disbelief as he asked.

"Aren't you angry? Don't you feel betrayed? Why are you such a weakling?!"

He shouted, the red corruption around him, which seemed divine, started to tremble around him too, changing the situation around. The whole mental realm itself trembled at the action as Austin, with a smile, responded.

"It does make me feel angry, but unlike you, I can accept the fact that I am not all-powerful. I can accept the gratitude and the fact that I got a second chance in life. I can accept the fact that if I can play with another life, so can another. After all, 'Austin,' we aren't true Gods. We are human, which means we can grow and get better, and we can admit defeat and move forward rather than look back."

The words of Austin this time shook the place, the whole mental realm turning and twisting, the waves this time being caused by Austin. A beautiful blue ocean shook and twisted, fighting against the corruption. The side of power this time stayed with Austin as the other 'Austin' sneered, his gaze cold as he muttered.

"Huh... living that life has made you weak. It has made you falter, taking away the core strength that makes us... us. You are weak, allowing for those women to influence you, allowing yourself to fall in love with those women. You are not worthy to take up the final title, you are not worthy to become...!@#$%^&"

The last words got cut out from what 'Austin' was speaking, and Austin understood the fact that the system had played its role in the situation.

"I don't think it's useful just talking against each other anymore. We will not be seeing eye to eye on the situation, which means we can only fight this out because between us men, what better way to communicate other than with our fists?"

Austin said with a chuckle, the other 'Austin' slowly nodding his head, accepting the idea. It was the truth, and there was nothing else to it. The whole mental realm trembled. The two sides, one of beautiful blue and the other of corrupted red, started to destroy the mental realm, twisting the position of power and more.

The waves now caused destruction all around as the two Austins stood to face each other, the fight going to determine who would come out victorious in this battle.

"You do know I can do everything you can, right?"

As 'Austin' spoke of this, a red bubbling bow appeared within his hand, the same coming with a calm blue in the hands of Austin.

Austin tightened his grip on the cool, blue bow in his hand, feeling its energy. The mental realm around them trembled, vast oceans of blue and crimson clashing violently at the boundaries, sending ripples and waves of energy in every direction. It was as if the very fabric of reality was bending to their will.

Without warning, the corrupted 'Austin' made the first move. He flicked his wrist, and the red arrow shot forward like a bullet, tearing through the air with a fierce whistle. Austin saw it coming, his instincts screaming at him, and in a split second, he dodged to the side, feeling thee heat of the arrow as it passed mere inches from his face.

"You're slow," the dark 'Austin' sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. Austin drew back his own blue bow, feeling the power surge through his arm. He aimed it directly at his 'darker' half.

He released the arrow, and it streaked through the air like a lightning bolt, the blue light leaving a trail behind it as it cut through the chaos of the mental realm. But just as it was about to hit its target, the dark Austin's form distorted like a shadow. The arrow passed right through him, dissipating into the air.

"You really think you can defeat me with such pathetic tricks?" Dark 'Austin's' voice echoed around the realm as his figure reappeared a few feet away, his sneer widening. "You don't understand, do you? I am everything you refuse to be. I am the power you hold back. I am the true you."

The corruption around him intensified, the red waves crashing harder, spreading further into Austin's territory, tainting the beautiful blue with the burningcolorof corrupted red. The ground beneath them began to crack, splitting apart as the two forces of their willpower tore the mental realm.

Austin gritted his teeth, feeling the weight of the corruption press against him, threatening to overwhelm his sense of self. But he pushed back. He wasn't going to let this twisted version of himself win. Not now. Not ever, the blue energy swelling as if answering his command. His form began to glow, radiating an aura "You may be a part of me," he growled, "but you're not all of me."

He charged forward, his fists crackling with blue energy, each step causing the ground beneath him to ripple and shake. The corrupted Austin's eyes widened slightly, but the surprise quickly faded into a snarl of fury. He responded in kind, his own form bursting with red, corrupt energy, and the two Austins collided in the center of the mental realm with the force of death.

Fists met fists, energy exploded, and the very air between them crackled with the intensity of their power. Each punch Austin threw was met with an equally brutal counter from his darker half. Every blow sent shockwaves through the mental realm, shattering the landscape around them.

Austin's fist collided with the dark Austin's jaw, sending him skidding backwards, but before he could capitalize, the corrupted version of himself retaliated with a devastating uppercut, sending Austin flying into the air. He crashed into the ground hard, but quickly rolled back to his feet, wiping the 'blood' from his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Getting tired yet?" Dark 'Austin' taunted, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "You can't win. You know that deep down, don't you? You can't fight what you are."

But Austin shook his head, his eyes blazing. "You're wrong," he spat, standing tall once again. "You're just the part of me that's afraid. Afraid to trust. Afraid to grow. You cling to power because you're scared of what it means to be vulnerable."

He charged forward again, faster this time, his body a blur of blue energy. He ducked under a punch from his darker half and delivered a crushing blow to his ribs, feeling the satisfying crack of bones beneath his fist. Dark Austin roared in pain and fury, lashing out with a wild kick that Austin barely managed to dodge.

"You think you're better than me?!" Dark Austin bellowed, his voice distorted with rage. "You think that by pretending to care about those girls, you're somehow righteous? You're a liar, just like me!"

Austin's eyes darkened at the words, but he didn't let them break his focus. Instead, he surged forward, landing a flurry of blows. Every hit sent ripples through the mental realm, the blue light of Austin's side pushing back against the encroaching red.

But the dark Austin wasn't finished. With a roar of fury, he unleashed a torrent of crimson energy, a wave of corruption that threatened to swallow Austin whole. Austin braced himself, his blue aura flaring brightly as the wave crashed into him.  

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