The Conquerors Path

Chapter 776 Chapter 774-Divinity Rises.

776  Chapter 774-Divinity Rises.

Silvie stopped the fight that kept going between her and her sister, the two of them standing face to face, putting a stop to the battle that kept happening all this time, one that started some time ago, the two of them fighting endlessly, with no sense of time and all its essence useless to their never-ending power. Perhaps the fight had only lasted about a second, twisting all the laws around them for their desire, just being their basic power.

"This is not possible!"

Silvie screamed with her eyes widened as she gazed at her sister, who had no change in her expression. The situation twisted around at the change as Silvie, who understood the depth of what was happening, only turned even more guilty and excited.

"You... knew about this?"

She asked in a low, controlled tone, to which Silvya remained silent. But to the two sisters, they understood each other without speaking. Her silence only made it worse for Silvie, who, with a twisted expression, started to talk.

"You know, trying this, there is no guarantee it would change. There is no guarantee of coming back. It could all fail and fall, giving us nothing, just like always."

Her words, filled with large depths of sadness and guilt, didn't shake Silvya, who finally spoke.

"Everything is always worth a try, otherwise, what does it matter if we hold everything?"

The question shook Silvie, who still couldn't accept the reality of what was happening. A small hope brewed within her heart at the situation, but even that she held down due to her guilt and sadness. Her gaze travelled through space as she looked at Austin, who was floating and combining into something more... divine.

It was incomplete, and there was no way that it would be completed at all, yet the hope that perhaps it could all be brought back made Silvie shake in her position.

'No wonder fate is diving off the loop, no wonder the trait of craze is being generated.'

As these thoughts flashed through Silvie's mind, her expression only turned annoyed, the world twisting around her as she looked at her sister and spoke.

"You kept me out of this?"

"You were too buried in your guilt to see it through, and in your craze, you might have even ruined the plan."

Her words only annoyed Silvie even more as the world closed in under them. She was going to try to beat the anger out of her sister, to calm her emotions and keep her in check from running into the situation and dealing with it on her own. Thus, the two sisters fought again, no one knowing when it would stop and how many it would destroy within the closed space.


To the outside world, nobody could see or understand what was really happening. All they could feel was a pull within their innermost centre of creation for a moment, after which it disappeared. It came to all living beings in the world, though the situation was a bit different for the ones of the divine.

The ones that could touch the divine, and the divine ones, felt a new divine presence, one very small and inconsequential for a moment, after which it disappeared—a divine level of power that not many could have placed their minds on at all. It was a small, single presence that didn't last long, yet it was a unique one.

A unique power of divinity that wasn't felt before, making the whole heavenly realm feel a shift for a moment, after which it disappeared. The only ones who felt a powerful shift were the supreme goddesses who had placed their inner love within Austin, the situation spiking them in many ways.


Orpheus held her hand over her heart, causing trembles across her very well-endowed bosom, a prideful smile coming to her face at the situation, making her not care about all the other twisting situations. All she cared about was the happiness she was feeling deep within her heart at the success her child was going through.

'So this is the true level of pride a mother feels?'

Orpheus thought with a smile, her mind running around with several ideas on how she would reward and spoil her child. Some of those thoughts turned spicy as Orpheus blushed a bit, rubbing her thighs against each other, already missing her child sucking at her supple bosom.

'Ah~ I just want him in my embrace again~'

Orpheus' mind turned downward at the situation, hanging completely.


'As expected of my fated one.'

Razellia thought as she felt the new divine being bloom within her chosen one, feeling an unending pride and a certain level of happiness. Razellia kept those pumping feelings she had heard about in the past—the pride women feel at the success of their man being something she had heard a lot about and was jealous of in the past, too, but not anymore.

'So this is how it feels?'

Razellia thought, pressing against her chest, a wide smile spreading across her face at that thought. The new feelings of love, pride, and more that she never thought she would feel rushed through her heart, making her body heat up in ways she never thought possible, her gaze seeing through the world.

'I will not have to wait any longer. I am coming for you, my love.'

Razellia thought with a smile as madness flashed through her eyes.


The only one having more of a normal reaction was the Goddess Lala, the other one that had given her blessings, her eyes blinking for a moment, unable to truly understand the full situation as she felt a divinity she had never felt before. Divinity so different, so pure, that it isn't derived from anything at all.

'A pure divinity, a unique one. I wonder what its authority would be. And how is he accessing it without reaching the zenith?'

These thoughts flashed through her mind, and as they did, her body started to heat up, her mind started to get clearer, and emotions she only felt when she thought of Austin started to flood her. The emotions she felt when she became one with that man, the pleasure that ran through her body—all of it, like addiction, flashed through her mind again.

Lala bit her lips, warm air leaving her mouth as she rubbed her legs against each other. The emotions she felt when she was with him, those emotions deep within her that she only gets as a punch, now being the addictive force driving her to get closer to him, to once again have him in her embrace. Lala couldn't deny it—she wanted him badly with her.

'Is this the so-called emotion the mortals go through? It's wonderful!'

Lala beamed, her super mind soon running through the different ways she would be able to soon get in touch with Austin, her mind already having left the mystery and having just reached the emotions of what she wanted.

This begs the question, is it natural? Or is it something being done so that no deep questions would be asked towards this first unique divinity that was being born?


Meanwhile, as all these changes kept happening, Austin, within all the chaos, felt the most calm he had ever felt, a certain calm that was bubbling forth deep within him. And with the connection taking place within the adjoined divine, the system, too, grew in strength, raising its power to hide and give better information, along with it came several restrictions on the system, which were removed.

Within a place unseen by all, Austin's changes started to take place, his body floating within the present and the unpresent, as the two, blue and red, slowly started to mix within Austin, slowly changing his status from the divine to a half-god. And it wasn't any half-god—Austin was becoming a True Half-God.

The changes took place internally, but externally, too, the changes kept taking place. Austin's hair grew more luxurious and precious, his eyes gleaming with a more powerful purple light that would hypnotise anyone, while his 'beauty' grew to a whole other level, hitting upon the divine.

Internally, the change kept taking place. His power level kept rising, his level staying steady, yet authorities of divinity started to surround Austin, empowering him to a whole other level, raising the level of his body, his fluids, and everything that marked him upon the divine.

And as this kept happening, the little support for the divinities of life, destruction, games, and even the divinity that Luna had created from a chance encounter with End even started to flow through Austin, combining with him and, in a sense, becoming like his own essence and his own divinity, pressing against Austin.

Within Austin, his whole internal structure was broken, no longer was it a plane. Instead, a whole galaxy was being built inside it, with Austin's main divinity at the centre, while the surrounding other divinities grew around it, rotating around the main divinity of Austin's, the other powers and authorities that Austin took growing along with it.

The essence and control over the blood that Austin keeps growing into one of divinity, too, combining with him and raising his status and control over the ones of blood to a whole godly level. Has he had problems with vampires before? Now it would be a shit fest of a shift for Austin.

The same happens with the situation around the elves, too. After Austin wakes up, things will only become worse for him.


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