The Conquerors Path

Chapter 880: Chapter 878-Twisted Minds.

Chapter 880: Chapter 878-Twisted Minds.

As she walked by, Valdris's mind was in a frenzy. Austin knew better that he couldn't fully control her. The inner depth of her character, placed by a being higher than him, would always prevail over him for the moment, so Austin had to devise another way to fully control Valdris.

The only thing Austin can't do in the scenario is fully take control of Valdris, making her his corrupted fellow. Other than that, he has full control over how he can break her mental spirit or twist Valdris's mind into something Austin can use for his own goals, and that is what he has done with some simple direction.

Austin knew better than others on how Valdris's mind would flow. The mind of someone like that sees reality very highly, and not to mention the effect of the bond he has with Valdris, which leaves to his hand a moderate amount of influence he can exert over Valdris. Everyone has their own personality and the things that make them tick, you just had to press the right


In the case of Lora, she has become obsessed with having Austin. For her, no other right and wrong can matter. The final goal is to have Austin in her life. Her mind can't perceive that there can be any other woman that Austin can love like her. In the twisted scenario she had created, it's two of them against the world; no one else can come in between that.

And taking the other side of it, Vena is an even more twisted creation, one that broke out when the real personality died. It's a bit filled with great sorrow, sadness, and loyalty towards Austin, wanting to make up for all the lost times and to make up for not being the first in his life, he on hers.

That twisted sense was the one that made Vena one who fully obeyed him, loved him, and was created for him with guilt which can only be satisfied when she gives Austin the best of the best. It was also tinged with the special mental psyche of the dragons too, which was twisted for Vena, but even within all that, there are several intricacies to what is happening.

The Austin before wouldn't have understood the fact, but after he had gained his divinity, unlocked much more of his bloodlines, and got access to more info, Austin was able to deduce that these women's bloodlines when reacted with his, connect their mental, soul, and physical emotions towards the first women of the past who were crazy enough to allow such a lock to even be placed on their blood.

As time passed, those emotions and happiness from the past would take over the women affected by the bloodlines, and they wouldn't even be able to fight against it. But that is still not the full picture, even if they are being affected by all this. It's supplemented by their own twisted desires, problems, and personality.

The women of the ancient past will make sure the love will thrive. Their own little quirks, the way they thrived, will pulse on those women. It will also be mixed with the personality situation of the women being affected too. Thus, the same changes took place in Vena and Lora, it all bubbling down into something dark and twisted.

There is a layer present like this for Nathalia too, but it would seem the personality that linked into Nathalia somewhat matched with her current self. But that in no way means she is or hasn't become any less crazier than the rest of the girls. After his awakening, Austin could read all of the situations perfectly.

The system provides the needed information on the changes happening to all these girls and how the effect is taking place. And let's say the quiet Nathalia will perhaps be the more crazier of the collection. It's for no little reason that Austin is keeping his distance for now.

The good thing is the fact that Austin has got to know how he can control the whole situation around him. Getting more connected to their blood of his, Austin is now able to command a certain level of control, an influence perhaps. Anyhow, Austin could see the relationships and how the bloodlines would twist the current possessors based on the connection from the past


And what Austin could see was the fact that the one being connected towards Valdris is one always filled with self-doubt. It would seem in the harem of his late ancestors, that the woman connected to Valdris was one that always felt herself inadequate. She fought against her self-insecurities and would always end up doing something or the other to greatly please the ones she loved, even if it meant destroying the woman's mind and body.

Her insecurities make it such that she thinks she isn't really worthy to be in any of this. Thus, she battles, tries to please, and does anything to be with her man. It is also supplemented with a lot of things to just please him, but even then, the woman will live with a sense that he might leave her at any given moment.

Austin saw that situation a mile away, and while he sat and brooded the day before meeting the two women, questions brought a plan that might help. He had seen through the hidden desires of Valdris, which made her rot to be on the outside a woman who thinks she always needs control while on the inside she was beginning to be controlled.

She wanted to be dominated, she wanted to be shown that she was a woman to be treated like a toy, to be pleasured, and she even without knowing it wanted her life in the control of another. Austin, having seen that scenario, cooked up a plan. He knew what kind of personality would be mixed into the mind of Valdris once a full connection was established.

The insecurities of the past woman and the meek hidden personality of Valdris would mix. They would turn her into something much more controllable. But changes like that take time, and for insecurities to hit such a level where Austin will be able to control the woman in question won't be easy at all.

And that's where her divine corruption comes in. With his command over the ability, he is still able to affect Valdris in a mild manner, where he is pushing Valdris's mind beyond the limit. Her mind is flooded with those unhealthy thoughts that she won't be able to easily deal with at all.

She would question, she would mourn, she would sink herself in guilt. As a woman who has fallen in love, wouldn't she sink in the guilt of what she has been doing to the family of the man she has come to love?

Such thoughts would fill the mind of Valdris. The next thought that will hit her fate, that would be the fear of what would happen if Austin ever finds out the truth. Would he then still love Valdris as she is now?

There is even above the fact that Valdris has understood that she won't be able to live without Austin with her. What would be the point here is the fact that the fear of the life she would have to go back to if Austin wasn't with her. Right now, her mind isn't affected by the problems she faced all her life. But would that stay the same? Is it only affecting her when she is close to Austin? Would it go away if Austin was to leave her?

All such questions will fill the mind of Valdris, and she won't be able to live without having Austin by her side. Not after all the peace he has given her. This sweet, sweet life is too tempting for Valdris to ever give away. But the question would remain, would Austin even want her if everything were to come to light?

Valdris's steps resounded across the floorboards as she walked. She looked normal on the outside, but if one were to peek into the thoughts that filled Valdris's mind, one would have to wonder, how was she even keeping a tight face?

The thoughts of Valdris started to get even heavier...

'I am old, would he even have any interest in me as the later years pass?...'

'What will he do if he ever finds the truth...?'

'Isn't my mother more beautiful than me? Better in all ways...?'

'Wouldn't he prefer more younger women than me? Someone whom he will be able to hold in public,

have a child with, and share their lives with each other?...'

'What will I do if he hates me? Or worse, gets bored of me?'

'What can I give to always keep him happy?...'

'Did he hate my behaviour at any moment?'

'What can I do to keep him interested in me?'

'Would he get bored of me one day?'

'Can I even keep him with me?'

'Am I even worthy of him?'

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