The Devil's Cage

Chapter 1458 - Bait

Chapter 1458: Bait

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Get away from the body, it’s…”


The blazing flame from Kieran’s palm dragged Luphus back from his panicked state.

He finally remember who the person in front of him was: a ‘demigod’, not a normal man!

“Can burning the body cleanse it?”

Kieran, who was holding back the joyous Plague Force in his body, tried to ask in a calm tone.

It was the Plague Force that guided him to discover this body.

However, a body appearing out of nowhere was suspicion. Although the body had tasty energy for the Plague Force, Kieran wouldn’t take a bite.

Whenever a fish took the bait, its mouth would be firmly hooked.

The best outcome for a fish that took the bait was losing its mouth and part of its ability to hunt.

The worst? Becoming someone’s dinner.

Kieran didn’t wish to see either of the outcomes, so he tended to be more careful.

“Yes! Burn it to cinders and bury it with soil!” Luphus said seriously.

The ‘wise man’ showed a never before seen seriousness. He hadn’t been half as serious when Kieran was pressuring him earlier as he was now.

Devil Flame burned everything to cinders, a pile of ash left on the spot.

Luphus carefully shoved the ashes into a deep hole that Eden had dug up. When the hole was filled with soil, Luphus finally heaved a breath of relief.

But it wasn’t the end.

He took out a tube of potion from his backpack.

“Eden, go get my sprinkler from the wagon,” Luphus ordered his student.

Kieran watched the ‘wise man’ mix his potion into the sprinkler and spray everything within a 10 meter radius of the burial spot.

“Is it effective?” asked Kieran.

The pungent scent smelled like some disinfection medicine.

“A little, but the origin of the Plague of Decay isn’t here… this plague spread with unimaginable speed. When one is dead, a hundred more will follow—it was the saying behind this plague.”

Luphus looked at Kieran. With a bitter smile, he continued, “In all of Yort Fields, the biggest gathering spot for the minstrels is Gordor Land! I beg of you, let me go back to my hometown! The plague once took away my family, I can’t let it destroy my home too!”

Luphus knelt down on one knee, saluting Kieran.

Kieran nodded slightly.

“Thank you for your mercy.”

Luphus bowed again when he saw the nod from Kieran. He then turned around and spoke to his student seriously, “Eden, please follow His Majesty from now on, serve him like how you served me.”

His words sounded like his last will, bedazzling the young man.

“Teacher, I…”

“I can’t teach you any longer. You are a good child, you will eventually find your own path. Remember what I taught you: being afraid to die isn’t scary because death itself is horrifying. Hate death all you want, but never forget your heart and who you are.”

Luphus interrupted his student and gave him a final lesson. Then he ran towards the wagon without looking back. There were some things on the wagon he had to bring with him.

But even if he brought the things with him, he had no confidence that his plan would work, despite the fact that he had spent many years studying the Plague of Decay.

Why not ask for Kieran’s help?

Luphus had thought about that before, but he discarded the thought.

During the outbreak of the Plague of Decay years ago, Yort Fields did request for Naveya’s help but it was useless.

Back then, two priests from Mercy Temple got infected. Even when the archpriest arrived in Yort Fields trying to cure it, he failed. Thankfully, with the divine light of God of Mercy, he narrowly escaped death. However, his strong body quickly deteriorated, forcing him to pass his position to his heir, facing death alone.

Not even a real God could cure the Plague of Decay, let alone a demigod.

Luphus himself? He was totally out of the question. All he could do was give it his best shot and wait for fate to decide the rest.

Luphus, with the backpack on his back, showed a bitter smile.

Then, rolling wheels sounded in his ears.

Groom Groom!

“Teacher! Teacher!”

Eden’s voice made Luphus turn around.

“Didn’t I tell you to follow his Majesty… Your Majesty Ryan?”

Luphus was scolding his student, thinking his student had simply ignored his reminder and chased after him. It was very normal for a reckless young man to do something like this, but when he saw Roffu beside his student, he knew something was up. The young soldier wouldn’t be as reckless as his student and through the carriage window, everything was made clear to Luphus when he saw Kieran.

“It’s useless. Even if you are a demigod, the Plague of Decay is too…”

“Why am I facing the Plague of Decay? I am going to Gordor to find out more about the 300 year old contract between Yort Fields and Naveya. What does that have to do with Plague of Decay? And I am just picking you, the consultant of Arya Outpost, up along the way. Of course, you can walk there if you choose to do so.”

Kieran interrupted Luphus and explained in a calm tone.

With the window in between them, Luphus tried to size up Kieran’s face, hoping to find an answer in his expression. Unfortunately, he hadn’t seen one earlier, and neither would he see it in the future.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for everything you’ve done for me, but Eden is still young. He…”

“Teacher, I will go with you!”

Luphus had hoped that Kieran would agree to take his student to Arya Outpost but the moment he spoke, he was interrupted by Eden.

Luphus glared at his student, but when he saw how stubborn and hot-headed Eden was, his heart turned soft. However, Luphus wasn’t a person that would simply change his mind.

“No! You must return to Arya Outpost,” Luphus said in a determined tone.

Eden was prepared for this, smiling, and replied “You told me to serve His Majesty like how I served you, so I am His Majesty Ryan’s servant! Now, his Majesty wanted to head to Gordor Land and I, as his servant, must follow.”

“The thing I taught you is for you to not upset me!”

Luphus raised his hand and acted like he wanted to beat his student, but Roffu was faster.


His sheathed sword landed on the back of Luphus’ neck again, knocking him out cold without uttering a single word. Roffu grabbed the old man and placed him in the carriage.

After a bow at Kieran, Roffu returned to the driver seat and swung the reins on the horses.


A loud rattle later, the wagon continued its journey to Gordor Land, faster than before.

Meanwhile in Gordor Land, an elderly man in plain clothing was standing beside a figure respectfully.

“My lord, everything is progressing smoothly. The seeds are scattered, the little fish has taken the bait.”

“Little fish? A decent word to describe his identity. A demigod? How fitting.”

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