The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Chapter 451. You are him, aren’t you?

Chapter 451: 451. You are him, aren’t you?

Translator: 549690339

Lian Mansion.

After Ying Ying returned from Su Mansion, she kept walking around the lake in the garden, never stopping, not talking, and not looking back.

Lian Shun silently followed behind her, ready to hold her hand and embrace her if she wanted to stop.

By this moment, Lian Shun still knew very little about Ying Ying’s background, let alone the matter of transmigration. But whenever he thought of her questioning Yue Mei in the dungeon about her cruelty towards them, he felt heartbroken. This was because he knew what kind of life she had led since childhood, something that she only revealed to him after his persistent questioning.

Like Su Liang, Lian Shun had also thought before today that Yue Mei was not the real grandmother of Ying Ying and Ying Ye. In fact, he suspected that she could be their enemy, otherwise, she wouldn’t treat them so badly.

When he learned today that Yue Mei was indeed their real grandmother, even Lian Shun, who had been traveling and seeing various kinds of people over the years, was still shocked. While he was merely a listener and observer in others’ lives, Ying Ying was his wife.

They walked from broad daylight until dusk. Lian Shan and Lian’s mother came to see them, as did Lian’s father. But they kept their distance, only watching for a while before leaving.

Now, Lian’s mother and Lian Shan came over again and saw that nothing had changed. Lian Shan frowned, “Mother, why don’t we just tell my brother and sister-in-law to go back? It’s so cold out here, and they can talk about whatever they need to.”

Lian Shan mistakenly thought that Lian Shun had upset Ying Ying and that Ying Ying regretted marrying him, so she was very worried.

Lian’s mother also looked a bit uneasy, but she didn’t think there was a problem between Lian Shun and Ying Ying’s relationship. If that were the case, Ying Ying wouldn’t have come back here.

“Forget it, they’re adults and know what to do. Leave them be.” Lian’s mother pulled Lian Shan and went back.

“What if sister-in-law gets so angry that she doesn’t want to be with my brother anymore?” Lian Shan sighed.

Lian’s mother shook her head, “That won’t happen. Perhaps Little Ying has encountered something heartbreaking.”

Lian Shan didn’t understand, since she had a happy and complete family, with loving parents and siblings. She only knew that Ying Ying had a grandmother and a younger brother, and Lian Shun had even mentioned that the grandmother was not their real one.

It wasn’t until the moon hung high in the sky that Ying Ying finally stopped. She heard Lian Shun call her from behind. Whenever she encountered something she couldn’t understand, such as why her grandmother always beat and scolded her, or when she was sad and upset, she would always vent her anger through violent actions, as if doing so would let the pain be blown away by the wind. But in reality, most of her pain was still buried deep in her heart, hidden from view. As she grew older and became less vulnerable, she could use her reason to suppress everything.

However, today, with the mystery of her parents and the so-called grandmother’s harm all revealed, her heart was once again corroded by the long-suppressed pain. Even if she had killed Yue Mei herself, it would still be difficult to quell the hatred in her heart.

Seeing Lian Shun’s outstretched hands and his worried and concerned eyes, Ying Ying suddenly felt weak all over her body and fainted in his arms.

Lian Shun’s expression tightened, “Ying Ying! Ying Ying!”

Seeing that she didn’t respond, Lian Shun carried her and ran out, with only one thought in his head – to find Su Liang!

Father Lin and Mother Lin, Yuan Pei, and Lian Shan, who had just started eating dinner, learned from the servant that Lian Shun had carried Ying Ying out of the mansion. They all looked alarmed.

“I’ll go and check.” Yuan Pei put down his chopsticks and stood up.

However, he was stopped by Lian’s father, “It’s probably just that Little Ying’s feeling unwell, so Shun took her to see Su Liang. Send someone to ask about it, and you don’t need to go.”

Since the previous incident, no one from the Lin family would go out at night easily, let alone go out alone.

When Lian Shun carried Ying Ying into the Yuanming Pavilion, the people of Su Mansion were also having their dinner.

Seeing this, Su Liang quickly got up and let Lian Shun place Ying Ying on the couch.

Yuan Ye threw down his chopsticks and rushed over, “Sister! What’s wrong with sister? Is sister going to die?”

Zhengzheng and Ji Xiaoshu hurriedly pulled Yuan Ye back, “No, Uncle Xiaoye, don’t talk nonsense!”

Seeing Lian Shun’s red eyes, whether it was from the cold wind or anxiety, Gu Ling hugged his shoulder and gently patted it.

Su Liang took Ying Ying’s pulse and found that she was very cold. She hurriedly took the children’s blanket and covered her.

Seeing Su Liang took a longer time to check her pulse, Lian Shun was extremely anxious, “What’s going on? How could she suddenly faint when she was perfectly fine?” Although Lian Shun knew that it might be because Ying Ying was overwhelmed with grief and anger today, he was still afraid that there might be other issues. After all, Ying Ying’s body was indeed very good, her martial arts were even higher than Lian Shun’s. Even when they first met and he saw the heavily injured Ying Ying, he didn’t feel as uneasy as he did now.

Su Liang stepped aside and let Weng Ming take Ying Ying’s pulse.

Lian Shun’s face turned even paler! Was Su Liang unable to determine what illness Ying Ying had? Or was it too serious for her to tell?

Yuan Ye cried anxiously, “Sister! Why does sister keep her eyes closed? Is she dead?” The child’s mind couldn’t comprehend death, which was the most terrifying thing. Growing up, Yuan Ye had been forced to see many dead people, which became his nightmare.

After Weng Ming took her pulse, he nodded at Su Liang, “It should be happening.”

Having not heard the last two words clearly, Lian Shun asked urgently, “What’s going on?”

“You’re going to be a father.” Gu Ling said beside him.

This time Lian Shun heard it clearly, but it felt like a dream. His first thought was: How could this be possible? They just got married yesterday! But then he remembered the scene when they first got married in Jiaye City… That night, it actually happened…

Lian Shun was surprised, delighted and afraid. He rushed over to kneel on the ground, holding Ying Ying’s hands. He immediately turned to ask Su Liang, “Why did she faint then?”

Su Liang sighed softly, “She was too stressed today and hasn’t rested enough.”

Lian Shun slapped himself in the face, “It’s all my fault!” Both he and Ying Ying were careless in nature; they never considered the possibility of getting pregnant the first time. In fact, Lian Shun’s mother had subtly reminded them, but since it had only been about a month since their wedding in Jiaye City and Ying Ying showed no reaction, they thought she hadn’t gotten pregnant. As for today, Lian’s mother saw Ying Ying behaving unusually and thought it was due to some sad event, letting her vent her emotions without considering that her daughter-in-law might be pregnant.

One could only say that the timing was a coincidence. On the day Ying Ying finally understood her origins and where she came from, her child officially announced its arrival.

Qiuyue brought hot water, and Su Liang asked Lian Shun to wipe Ying Ying’s face and hands. Lian Shun carefully massaged her arm, “Is everything really okay? I was so careless! After our wedding in Jiaye City, we immediately rushed back to the capital; she never got a chance to rest properly!”

Su Liang took her pulse again, which was now steadier, “It’s fine, don’t be too nervous. Let Ying Ying drink some hot soup when she wakes up. No need for medicine, it’s not good for her.”

“I’ll listen to you!” Lian Shun immediately nodded.

When Yuan Ye learned that his favorite sister was pregnant, he was overjoyed, “I’m going to be an uncle!”

The tense atmosphere was over, and everyone happily continued eating.

The guards from Lian Mansion who arrived later asked if the young lady was okay, and upon being told that Ying Ying was pregnant and not in any danger, they happily went back to report the good news.

When Ying Ying woke up, she saw many familiar faces and the children’s radiant smiles around her.

“Master! Aunt Ying is awake!” Ji Xiaoshu shouted.

Su Liang quickly came down from upstairs, took Ying Ying’s pulse again, and said that she was fine. She just had to pay more attention to keeping warm and avoid strenuous exercise for the next three months.

Lian Shun helped Ying Ying sit up and leaned her against his chest.

Ying Ying was still somewhat confused, “What’s wrong with me? Poisoned?”

Zhengzheng smiled brightly, “Aunt Ying is having a baby!”

Ying Ying looked at Lian Shun incredulously, only to see him with red eyes and smiling, “We’re going to have a baby.”

“Ah? Oh… When? Oh, I see.” Ying Ying finally realized what was happening and added, “Is it that easy?”

Lian Shun cleared his throat, “Su Xiaoliang said it’s because we’re destined for each other.” In front of the child, he could only put it in a more subtle way. Actually, Su Liang said that their bodies were particularly compatible…

Weng Ran brought a bowl of steaming soup, Lian Shun wanted to feed Ying Ying, but she felt uncomfortable and took it to drink by herself, without using a spoon.

After drinking the hot soup, she felt much better and wanted to get up.

Lian Shun was very nervous, “I’ll carry you, where are you going?”

“I have legs. It’s not like I’m disabled just because I’m pregnant.” Ying Ying retorted.

Hearing Ying Ying mention poisoning and disabilities, Lian Shun hurriedly spat out three times and said she shouldn’t speak any more inauspicious words.

Ying Ying, touched by the news that she was going to be a mother, paused for a moment and caressed her flat abdomen, not feeling anything. However, upon hearing Lian Shun’s words, her eyes softened in an instant, “Fine, I’ll be more cautious about what I say.”

Lian Shun, who had always insisted that Su Liang couldn’t steal his wife, now directly suggested that Ying Ying stay in Su Mansion, and he would stay here as well.

However, soon enough, the Lin family members, upon hearing the good news, all came over, intending to take Ying Ying home.

Listening to Su Liang’s assurance that Ying Ying was fine, Lin’s mother was ecstatic, but she disagreed with both Lian Shun and Ying Ying living in Su Mansion, saying that Su Liang was already very busy and they couldn’t add any more trouble to her life. She’d had two children herself, so she surely had experience! She told Lian Shun to shut up and hurry to carry Ying Ying home.

Lian Shun thought about it and agreed, as Su Liang and Gu Ling had important things to do next, and they couldn’t help them anyway. He just needed Su Liang to assure him that Ying Ying was fine.

After the Lin family left, the Yuanming Pavilion gradually quieted down and the children went to sleep.

Su Liang and Gu Ling put their daughter to sleep, then sat by the window chatting.

“Great God, when you first found out I was pregnant, you were even more clueless than Lian Ershan.” Su Liang laughed softly.

Gu Ling gently stroked Su Liang’s long hair, “Well, clueless it is.”

Su Liang nodded, “Very cute.”

After a while, Ying Ye and the children in the next room also quieted down, and Gu Ling left Yuanming Pavilion for the dungeon.

By the time Gu Ling brought Sheng Yue back, there were lanterns hanging from the pavilion on the other side of the lake, with Su Liang sitting inside.

As Sheng Yue walked into the pavilion, the chains tied to his feet made a crisp crashing sound. He greeted Su Liang, “We meet again.”

Su Liang cut to the chase, “Since you said that even if Mo Yan knew I was his granddaughter, nothing would change, then why did you deliberately conceal Mo Yan’s identity from me and He Wei back then outside Xuanbei City?”

Sheng Yue’s expression remained calm, “Things would have been simpler if he didn’t know. By that time, he had already done many things that were detrimental to you. You knew what kind of person he was and there was no possibility of reconciliation. You wanted him to know because once he knew, things might develop in a direction that was in your favor, such as him voluntarily appearing to recognize you. But that wouldn’t have been a good thing for me.”

“So your original plan was to help Mo Yan capture Gu Ling and let him sink into the abyss to explore the path?” Su Liang asked coldly.

Sheng Yue did not deny it, “Yes. Maybe you think I’m inhumane, but this is a world where the strong prey on the weak. Whether I’m there or not, Mo Yan will do what he wants to do. You could say I’m helping him, but at the same time, I’m also using him.”

“Aren’t you afraid that we’d reveal your identity to Mo Yan, putting yourself in danger?” Su Liang asked.

Sheng Yue shook his head, “If that were the case, you wouldn’t have let my father go and have him send me a message. I believe that even without me, you could defeat Mo Yan, but please also trust me, it will not be easy. His foundation on Xingluo Island is not something that could be destroyed just by throwing some explosives. You care about many things while he only cares about Xingluo Island. You have pushed Mo Yan to the point where he must show his cards, and perhaps you’ll have to pay the price for it. It’s not something you’d want to see.”

Sheng Yue was referring to the lives of innocent people. And that was indeed Gu Ling and Su Liang’s concern.

“What is your exact plan?” Su Liang asked.

“Bring Gu Ling back to Xingluo Island, gain Mo Yan’s trust, and then kill him after entering the forbidden area.” Sheng Yue said expressionlessly, “As for that magic treasure, if it could be owned by others, I won’t compete for it. If Mo Yan disappears after entering the deep pool, I will follow him to fulfill my long-held wish. If I fail, death is no big deal.”

After hearing this, Su Liang shook her head, “Impossible. I won’t let Gu Ling be under your control.”

“I know what you’re worried about, but this is the simplest and most effective method.” Sheng Yue said, staring deeply into Su Liang’s eyes, “There is something I originally didn’t want to say, but now it seems I should let you know my sincerity in cooperating.”

“So your previous words meant that you had no sincerity.” Su Liang snorted coldly.

Sheng Yue slightly shook his head, “Compared to you who don’t want to share anything, I think my sincerity is not small.”

“What do you want to say?” Su Liang asked.

Sheng Yue’s gaze shifted from her face to Gu Ling’s face, and he spoke softly, “I guess, Gu Ling is not the Transmigrator, it’s you, Su Liang. Or perhaps, both of you are.”

Upon hearing this, Su Liang and Gu Ling didn’t show any surprise, they just exchanged glances. In fact, when they decided to mislead the enemy, they had thought that if the enemy was smart enough, they would notice a problem: Su Liang was the one who had undergone a world-shaking transformation in the eyes of the public and had even died once, which was more fitting for a Transmigrator’s identity.

Gu Ling had always been mysterious since childhood, and people didn’t understand him. Later, when they found out how powerful he was, most people just thought that he had once been very low-key and good at hiding his real strength. Gu Ling’s Martial Arts was not mysterious in the eyes of those in the know; he had had a master since he was a child.

Sheng Yue was one of those who noticed this problem. The reason Mo Yan had been misled when Gu Ling and Su Liang intentionally deceived He Wei might not be that Mo Yan was not smart enough, but because they had guided him to focus his attention on Gu Ling who fulfilled all the conditions of a Transmigrator, making it subconscious for him to ignore Su Liang.

Since Sheng Yue was an onlooker, he had been paying attention to Su Liang from the very beginning. Besides, he remembered things when his mother died, so his understanding of Transmigrators was far beyond ordinary people. Although Gu Ling was low-key and hid his strength, if Su Liang also hid her strength like Gu Ling, she would not have just tried to save herself when Su Yuanzhou’s family faced massacre since all the events later showed that she was a righteous and kind person. In Sheng Yue’s view, the only reason was that Su Liang was the Transmigrator who came to this world after the fall of the Su family. Plus, Sheng Yue had investigated that Su Liang had been bullied by Su Daqiang’s family after she returned home, so he had speculated about Su Liang’s approximate time of transmigration.

Otherwise, why would Gu Ling, a perfect and powerful person, fall for Su Liang and be devoted to her? Moreover, Sheng Yue had long noticed that even though Gu Ling was the strongest in the family, Su Liang was always the backbone. She spoke tonight while Gu Ling remained silent. Sheng Yue knew that Gu Ling didn’t like talking to strangers, but at the same time, this meant that Su Liang could make all the decisions.

Now that Sheng Yue had brought up the subject, Su Liang was not surprised. She and Gu Ling had expected that someone would find out this problem, and Sheng Yue was considered the most intelligent among their enemies. However, Su Liang and Gu Ling would never bring up this topic to ask Sheng Yue, as that would be self-exposure.

The atmosphere remained silent. Su Liang knew denial was useless, but Sheng Yue had two guesses: either she was a Transmigrator and Gu Ling wasn’t, or both of them were. Su Liang was thinking about how to answer Sheng Yue.

“I am, and he is not. Everything a Transmigrator knows, I taught him.” Su Liang said. Since her identity had been exposed, it was better to keep Gu Ling out of it.

Sheng Yue nodded slightly, “That’s what I thought too.” If Su Liang had said that both of them were Transmigrators, Sheng Yue would still have doubted Gu Ling’s identity as a Transmigrator, even though he seemed to have a gift of foresight.

With the matter now clear, Sheng Yue returned to the previous topic, “In that case, you should believe me that I won’t harm Gu Ling when I take him to Xingluo Island and enter the forbidden area.”

Su Liang shook her head, “We understand your intention, but we need more time to discuss. We will give you our answer tomorrow.”

After sending Sheng Yue back to the dungeon, Gu Ling returned to Yuanming Pavilion where Su Liang was already sitting on the bed.

“Great God, I think we should let him take me to Xingluo Island. After all, Mo Yan may not know yet that I am a Transmigrator. In any case, when he meets his granddaughter, he will pretend to be affectionate at least, then I will seize the opportunity to kill him.” Su Liang said.

Gu Ling shook his head, “No.”

“You can’t go either. As our strongest combatant, you must not be controlled by others. If I go, you just need to think of a way to wipe out Mo Yan and bring me back home.” Su Liang sighed slightly, “After the previous attempt, we won’t succeed if we try to bomb the island directly again. We may be intercepted and engaged in battle halfway. The fastest and most effective way is this.”

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