The Empress's Gigolo

Chapter 711 - : The Empress’s Wisdom (Part 2)

Chapter 711: The Empress’s Wisdom (Part 2)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Until now, the empress had never spent so much effort on a single person before.

Nobody would believe it even if you told them that she actually put in this much effort for a man. She was Qi Zixiao, the noble empress of Dayao and the fifth ranked expert in the world (not many people knew about Teng Yue’s death).

There were even certain things that she kept to herself for a long time before finally voicing them out now.

This was similar to the actions of a small village girl.

“Dayao’s time is different from Earth’s,” the empress said.

Ren Baqian laughed and replied, “Your Majesty has realized it! One day in Dayao is equivalent to three days on Earth. Even though the passing of time feels the same, the timeline in both worlds is different.”

The empress raised her eyebrows and rebuked, “Do you take me as a fool? Why would I not realize this? It’s just that I didn’t know what the concept of time in both worlds was like. It’s like what was written in “Journey to the West,” one day in Heaven is equivalent to one year on Earth. Who would actually know that? That’s the reason why I have always kept it to myself.”

“How could I? Your Majesty is wiser, mightier, and more quick-witted than anyone else. Whoever takes you as a fool would only be a fool himself.” Ren Baqian immediately burst out laughing when he saw the empress’s expression.

“You are indeed different now!” She looked at him and said indistinctly. “Even though you also used to laugh out loud in the past, there wasn’t this drive in you.”

“Do you find this good or bad, Your Majesty?” Ren Baqian asked as he smiled.

“I have said it before. It seems like a good thing, but I still feel a little distressed about what just happened.” The empress sighed.

“I feel extremely happy that Your Majesty is worrying so much about me. This is the happiest thing that has ever happened to me. Who else in this world can compare to me?” Ren Baqian laughed again.

The empress replied faintly, “Glib talking is what you do best.”

Before Ren Baqian could reply, she added, “I heaved more sighs today than I had cumulatively over the past 20 years. Let’s continue our previous conversation. One day in Dayao is equal to three days on Earth. Do you know your life expectancy then? It must be at least 100 years at the moment. That number will be 150 if you attain the Spirit Wheel level, which is also equivalent to 450 years on Earth.”

“It’s 300 years to be exact,” Ren Baqian corrected her. “I have to spend some time on Earth as well. If my life expectancy was 150 years, that would only be 75 years in Dayao since I spend half my time here and the other half on Earth. In fact, I have more time to move around freely now and should be able to spend more time in Dayao. That way, I can also spend less time travelling between worlds. If I can spend 100 years in Dayao, that would equate to 300 years on Earth.”

“I don’t want to see you die so much earlier than me. We will figure out a way at that time. The General-in-Chief Who Supports the Nation gifted me a Jade Embryo earlier that he obtained from the Sixty Thousand Mountains. This will lengthen your lifespan by at least 20 years.

Besides, your cultivation journey won’t simply come to a halt once you attain the Spirit Wheel level. The martial arts that you are practicing is extraordinary. Even though the cultivation process might be a little treacherous, the benefits you will gain once you get through it are tremendous, especially after obtaining the second volume of the ancient scrolls. Although you have to consume quite a hefty amount of precious treasures, there are tons of them in the Sixty Thousand Mountains. I will do all it takes to help you get there. Your lifespan will be at least 220 years after you consume the Jade Embryo. After that, we will then think of other ways.”

The empress then got a little angry and said, “Don’t always butt in and interrupt what I want to say. At present, the ruler of a country on Earth doesn’t inherit their power from the previous generation, so another person will take over once every few years. Even though the ruler’s influence will continue, it will definitely decline. This is especially so after a few decades and after a few different people have taken up the position of leadership. As their power increases, they may overlook some matters and may not be able to fulfil their promises to their people anymore.

From what I see, you definitely have to part ways with them sooner or later. You are clear of this as well, which is why you have already made the necessary arrangements. However, you still seem too narrow-minded to me. You probably value your relationships and choose to stay passive while handing administrative rights to your friends and family on Earth and providing them with the opportunity to work.

Martial arts isn’t something valuable here in Dayao, but it’s extremely precious in your world. If I were in your position, I would publicly announce everything. If there were things that they wanted from me, then they would have to make me happy.

If anyone didn’t do what I asked and still plotted other schemes against me, I would naturally show them what regret feels like.

No one can stop me if I want to kill someone.

After that, I would disregard that nation. This way, they would feel intimidated and enticed, and no one would dare to have designs on me anymore.

There are so many countries, and it’s impossible for them to work together as one. Someone would naturally draw close to us when that happens.

In fact, you only need to announce your plans publicly. When that happens, once a few countries obtain the things that they wanted, the others would place their focus on them. They could then perform an exchange of benefits or other things, but that wouldn’t matter to you at all.

The important thing is to make a public announcement. That way, nobody will dare to take the huge risk of causing you trouble anymore.

The situation at that point wouldn’t be like the current situation. Once a country has it, other countries will want to get their hands on it as well. Otherwise, they will fall behind in progress. This is something that no country will accept. In the end, everyone’s focus will be on you.”

Ren Baqian forced a smile after hearing what the empress said. “You are right, Your Majesty. I was born there and grew up there. It’s hard to part with relationship ties. There are things that I can’t make myself do.”

“That’s why I said that you value your relationships and dug yourself into this hole. Things will eventually turn out like I described. It’s just a matter of time.

Even if it didn’t happen now, it might happen the next time or the following time.

There’s a reason that I say you’re narrow-minded.

Since things are inevitable, the arrangements you have made are too inadequate.

What can 10 winged cavalry warriors do? Even though they act as a form of deterrence, it’s on too small of a scale and is far from adequate.

If you were to request it, I would grant you 1,000 Kismet Heaven experts. You can split them into batches and take them back to Earth over a few trips. Even though this might take some time, it would only require 100 or so trips and would take less than a year.

With these 1,000 Kismet Heaven experts around, you can then find someone to train them according to your world’s military tactics. Who would dare to take action against you with these people guarding you? With them around, you can make use of them to attack and defend whenever it is needed.

Now that your country requires you, they can’t do anything to you if you have 1,000 Kismet Heaven experts with you. All they can do is make an agreement with you eventually. When that happens, they will have a lot to think about if they were to plot other schemes against you. If anyone dared to do anything to you, my fearsome warriors would let them know the power of the aboriginals.”

At this point, the empress looked extremely gorgeous and glowed with vigor as her entire body exuded a confident and assertive aura.

Ren Baqian imagined a scene where the aboriginals held the leaders of various countries by their necks to teach them not to mess with the aboriginals. Such a sight seemed pretty satisfactory.

He then forced out a smile.

The empress was right.

He was weighed by too many concerns.

The empress seemed to have seen through his thoughts and added, “It’s fine that you have considerations about this matter. These arrangements are only for deterrence and self-protection purposes. Everything will be fine if everybody chooses to mind their own business and if they don’t take action against you. If someone raised his sword at you, would you be able to avoid it? This arrangement will be your weapon of retaliation.”

“But we have less than 700 people in the winged cavalry now.” Ren Baqian continued forcing out a smile.

“We had previously been unable to provide for too many of them. The imperial court wasn’t rich enough. After providing for a 90,000 man army, how could we afford to support so many Kismet Heaven experts?

After we reach the Sixty Thousand Mountains, I’ll let you have a look at how my aboriginal men battle with the fearsome beasts in the wild. They are more than what you have seen so far.

At present, our soldiers are recruited from the outskirts of the Sixty Thousand Mountains. Their living environment isn’t as bad, but their strength is also slightly lower than the rest.

The brave warriors from the depths of the Sixty Thousand Mountains are the true elites of the aboriginals with fierce natures and valiant strength.

There are even some who match up to the standards of the officials of the imperial court.

Back when the late emperor lead his army to invade the Hao Nation, many of the fearsome warriors from the depths of the mountains joined his ranks.

Not to mention 1,000 men, I can give you 2,000 or even 3,000 men if you want.”

“Let me think it through,” Ren Baqian replied. It wasn’t a problem bringing back 10 to 20 people to act as bodyguards since the nation wouldn’t mind it that much.

Bringing another 1,000 fierce natured aboriginal elites would probably be a worry for many. However, this was the aim of the empress.

Her words made him feel that even though she preferred using brawn instead of brain, she was still the empress of Dayao after all, and her perspective of the general situation surpassed ordinary people’s. Even though she didn’t understand much about Earth, she was very clear about this matter and he couldn’t refute what she said.

Ren Baqian suppressed this thought, looked at the empress, and said, “Your Majesty, your charm has indeed mesmerized me. I can’t wait for our wedding to happen.”

The empress retracted her lofty vigor and leaned back against the side of the carriage. With an unnatural look on her face, she asked, “Great Elder said that you asked me to marry you?”

Ren Baqian then let go of his thoughts and smiled, saying, “Your customary way of fetching the bride is to violent—I won’t be able to defeat them. I can only drug or poison them, but nobody will feel good when they get affected by it. If Your Majesty comes to marry me, I definitely won’t resist.”

“The women here will receive a dowry when they get married. What dowry have you prepared for me?” The empress was slightly bashful. Ren Baqian completely couldn’t see the imperious side of her, and she had the expression of a dainty girl.

Ren Baqian replied unhurriedly, “I’ll grant you the world that you want. One that is flourishing and beautiful!”

The empress mumbled to herself a little and looked emotionally moved.

She felt that her efforts had paid off after hearing what he said.

What he did wasn’t for this world, but was for her instead.

It was already enough for her that someone was willing to go to such lengths for her.

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