The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: How to deal with cancer

The military truck containing Levi and Cain did not have a problem returning to the Lightning Imperial Fort. After advancing a little deeper into the area restricted to cadets, the duo got down.

Levi used his A.I. Chip to give a detailed report about the mission, including the behavior of Mayor Clacius, along with the state of the stolen goods and criminals.

Then, the military truck moved on its own, heading to the Titan Tower, where the higher-ups would check the containers and interrogate the criminals before clearing the mission and sending the duo their reward.

“I was thinking of handing over the two Wave Artifacts to the military academy. They will give us half their market value, but since we obtained them during a mission, those Imperial Military Credits would count in the Collapsing Lightning Military Academy Ranking. Of course, if you have a better idea, I am listening.”

Levi explained to Cain his plan to handle the staff and sword they got. Since neither was an Essence Wave Warrior, they did not have use for them.

Cain could use Apex’s connections in the Godslayer Humankind Network to barter the two Wave Artifacts, but in the end, he preferred Levi’s idea. He already had full armor, gauntlets, and boots.

Although he could obtain pills, drugs, and cultivation resources through barter, he was not willing to consume shady substances from an unknown origin.


“Fine, let’s do it your way.”

“Good. Merit Ruler will automatically distribute Imperial Military Credits, so we don’t have to worry about it. I will be going now.” Levi shook Cain’s hand before departing, leaving the second alone.

Cain did not dally and made his way home. Although his face showed little, his mind was in turmoil. No matter how hard he tried, the image of those two bodies did not leave him. Things only grew worse as he pictured the horrible fate they endured before their deaths.

‘Apex, why did the report sent by Rouk City’s Mayor not mention those children?’

Cain heard the voice of the System Spirit immediately, but it did not give him an answer.

“You already know why.”

Apex’s voice was cold and detached. One could misunderstand that the System Spirit did not care about those children, but the fact that he showed coldness told a lot to Cain.

And the System Spirit was also right in that Cain already knew the answer to the question. It was just that he loathed it so much that part of him refused to accept it.

‘Clacius could not hide the death of an Essence Wave guard, but there was no problem if he made some children disappear from an orphanage.’

“That is right, that grease ball could have just altered some documents, and it would be like those children never existed.”

Cain clenched his fists as he kept walking to his residence. The idea of Mayor Clacius enjoying the pleasure of life while condemning little children to a horrible fate made his blood boil.

‘What exactly will happen to the criminals?’ Cain had an idea, but Apex would surely be more informed as he spent all his time investigating all aspects of the Godslayer Humankind Network.

“According to my understanding, the Imperial Investigation Force is in charge of criminal investigations related to Wave Cultivators. Among their methods is the ability to read minds, so there is no way that garbage could hide any information. There is a good chance they will find some relation between the Mayor of Rouk City and criminal activities, but I doubt that will make a difference.”

‘What? Why!? How could they turn a blind eye to something like this!?’ Cain could not believe that the Godslayer Humankind Empire could be so rotten as to allow something like what happened to those children to go unpunished.

“It is not so simple. Clacius surely hid his involvement very well, and even if there were suspicions, the Imperial Investigation Force would only act if they found irrefutable evidence. After all, that fat bastard is nothing, but the one above him must have some background.

In the end, a combination of apprehension and lack of evidence will allow Clacius to get away with it. They will, at most, send a letter of reprimand, trying to scare him into not doing it again.

I suppose you could find some consolation in knowing that the middle-aged man that harmed those children will become a Tier 0 Criminal along with all the other garbage you captured.”

According to the severity of their crimes, the Godslayer Humankind Empire classified people according to tiers, and becoming a Tier 0 Criminal was the worst punishment possible.

The Empire modified them with drugs and machinery, transforming them into living puppets useful for dangerous and even suicidal tasks.

Such behavior would have drawn outrage in the Old World, but no one would dare to defy the Godslayer Humankind Empire for a bunch of killers and rapists.

People like that, who would choose to fight for the rights of the lowest type of garbage while the entire race was in a war for survival, were nothing but clowns.

Since they did not value the life of their race’s children, they lost the right to call themselves humans. That is the way of the Godslayer Humankind!

Cain knew that all those criminals would regret having been born. That is why he overcame his desire to kill them on the spot back in the forest.

After hearing everything Apex said, Cain began to walk slower and slower until he finally stopped.

The guard’s death at the hands of the criminals did not truly bother him. That person was an adult and mature enough to understand the consequences of choosing that sort of job.

Yet, children were different. They were innocent and should be protected until they could bear the weight of their decisions.

‘So, I should just accept the judgment of the higher-ups and pretend I don’t know the part that the bastard had in those little girls’ death?’ Cain’s eyes were full of murderous rage, scaring all the cadets walking near him.

Apex did not reply immediately, and it was only once Cain’s wrath was about to explode that he spoke.

“There are people who behave no differently than cancerous cells. They consume everything good and never have enough.”

Cain’s eyes narrowed as he heard that, and his attention focused entirely on the System Spirit.

“Only fools and cowards think that you can reason with cancer. There is only one path. Kill it and everything infected by it!”

Those words full of killing intent calmed Cain, and a cold smile appeared.

‘Apex, hack into Clacius’ agenda. I want to know every move he makes and when he is most vulnerable. Also, search the Godslayer Humankind Network for a Wave Artifact that could hide my identity and any trace of my presence.’

“I will begin the hacking immediately. As for Wave Artifacts of that kind, some in the form of helmets can hide your appearance from most high-level recording devices and even alter your Astral Wave in some way.”

Apex was extremely efficient and followed Cain’s instructions without wasting time.

‘Great. Please inform me when you complete your analysis of Clacius’ patterns. As for the helmet, if you can, get one red.’

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