The Evolution Of A Goblin To The Peak

Chapter 896 Gilaine Botano

Chapter 896 Gilaine Botano

"How did you come to know of my presence?" Souta inquired of the young girl.

The girl remained on the opposite side of the barrier, her hair seemingly rooted in the ground. Her pure white eyes appeared fixed on him as if observing his every move.

"I sensed your energy, sir," the girl responded.

"Hmm... You were able to detect me?" Souta raised an eyebrow, finding himself somewhat surprised.

He hadn't anticipated that this girl would detect him. Despite his efforts to avoid the sensors in the area, she still managed to sense him.

While not an expert in stealth, Souta was confident in his ability to elude the senses of those with weaker energy control than himself.

"Um... Sir, may I ask who you are?" the girl inquired, tilting her head.

Souta sighed as he regarded the girl. He mustered a smile and inquired, "Do you not know me?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I do not recognize you," the girl replied.

Souta remained silent as he observed the young girl. This girl appeared slightly peculiar, and her extraordinary nature was evident from both her appearance and her ability to sense his presence. Yet, her power level was notably low; he discerned that her mana pool remained in a gaseous state, not even liquefied.

"I go by the name William. People also refer to me as the Great Hero," Souta stated.

"Sir William...?" the young girl murmured.

"Yes, that's my name," Souta responded with a gentle smile. "And what about you? What's your name?"

"Gilaine, Gilaine Botano. But you can call me Gil," the young girl replied.

'Botano...? So she's likely the hidden sixth child of Paente Botano,' Souta surmised in his mind. Taking a deep breath, he inquired, "Gil, what brings you to this place?"

"Me? Well... My father told me to stay here," Gilaine replied.

Souta posed various questions, and Gilaine answered them candidly.

He verified that this young girl was indeed the concealed sixth child of Paente. Her concealment was attributed to a disease she bore, one believed to be contagious to others.

Disease? That's inaccurate. Paente had deceived Giliane. She did not possess any disease; she simply had an unusual body that posed no risk of contamination to others.

It took him a while to conclude a series of questions and answers.

'What's your take on this, Saya?' Souta inquired.

'I've confirmed it. She has the Flora Seed Body. It's a type of physique with a strong affinity for the plant element and related attributes. However, she is currently quite weak... She's required to consume various mana fruits to harmonize with her body. Once she completes this step, she'll gain control over her strength,' Saya explained. 'This is quite distinct from your body, which allows you to amplify dark elements. You've further evolved your innate body, resembling a person equipped with a high-grade artifact.'

'Why is she enduring such suffering? I didn't undergo that kind of hardship, even though my innate body is superior,' Souta questioned.

'It's because your body and strength surpass hers. Tell me, when you awaken your innate body, are you as weak as her?' Saya inquired.

Souta shook his head in response.

'This girl was born with that body. In contrast, you... Ugh, I'm uncertain about how one acquires an innate body, but I presume it's somehow linked to the assistance of the Imperium. Awakening an innate body is likely impossible. Only those born with it possess such a trait,' Saya explained somewhat reluctantly.

'Hey, are you still holding onto that resentment?' Souta patted the sword at his waist.

'No, I'm not harboring any resentment,' Saya replied.

'There's no point in hiding the truth from me.' Souta sighed.

'You and your ability to see through deception!' Saya exclaimed, raising her voice.

"Hello, Sir William? Are you still there?" Gilaine's voice reached him.

Souta looked up, shaking his head, and chose not to engage in an argument with Saya.

"What's on your mind?" Souta inquired.

"Um... C-Can you tell me more about the outside?" Gilaine asked.

Souta glanced at her and decided to recount some stories.

Gilaine was a young girl who had never experienced the world outside. Throughout her life, her surroundings had been confined to this place. She remained unaware of the ongoing war outside the nation. She possessed no inkling that her family held a position of authority as rulers over an entire nation.

All she knew was this small haven.

Gilaine's body was simultaneously strong and weak. Her weakness stemmed from her inability to control her powers, while her strength was evident in her ability to resist Souta's energy, even though he was intentionally suppressing it in this vicinity.

Souta regaled her with various stories, describing the diverse places that existed in the outside world. Gilaine became utterly absorbed in his narratives, her imagination painting vivid pictures of the beautiful locations Souta depicted.

"I wish I could venture out there someday," Gilaine mused.

"You can... once you master your abilities," Souta paused suddenly, slightly turning his head. "Gil, I must leave now. Don't reveal our meeting to anyone."

"Eh, are you leaving already?" Gilaine displayed reluctance.

"Yeah, we'll cross paths again in the future," Souta nodded.

Without awaiting her reply, he withdrew and concealed his presence once more. He adeptly avoided all the sensors, departing the vicinity of the Botano household.

A few minutes after Souta's departure, a middle-aged man with short black hair arrived. He was Paente Botano, Gilaine's father and the Head of the Botano Clan.

"Gilaine, what are you doing here? It's dark; what if you fall ill?" Paente inquired.

"I'm just playing, father," Gilaine replied.

Paente shifted his gaze to the backyard of the small house. "You didn't disturb that, did you?"

"No, father," Gilaine affirmed.

Paente studied his daughter for a moment before heading toward the backyard. With a wave of his hand, his energy slowly radiated outward.

"I'm going to install an additional barrier in the backyard for safety measures. Remember, this is for your well-being."

A translucent barrier materialized, encompassing the entire backyard.

Now, a total of five layers of barriers enveloped the area, all designed to safeguard whatever was concealed within.

Not even Paente's senses could breach these protective layers.

Paente affectionately patted his daughter's head and assured, "Soon, you'll be able to explore outside."


Souta stood at a distance, gazing at the massive tree with a crease on his forehead.

'I've managed to elude all the sensors, but that barrier layer is thwarting my progress. Any object that comes into contact with it will trigger an alert throughout the entire estate, which will only bring unwanted attention.'

He found the mechanism intriguing. He planned to study it later and attempt to replicate something similar for the Guardian Fortress.

If the other Five Master Clans were as vigilantly guarded as the Botano Clan, then venturing there might prove fruitless. Such tight security was expected from a nation that had once produced a god-level powerhouse.

"I should have brought Isabella along."

Souta muttered before turning around and departing.

He made his way back to the mansion.

Night had fallen, with the moon hanging in the sky, casting a muted glow across the land. Simultaneously, various factions within the Selnes Country were making clandestine movements.

The Five Master Clans, the Holy Lands, and the Large Countries each harbored their own agendas.


Hoei, the Head of the Methal Clan, sat with a cup of tea, his gaze fixed upon the radiant moon.

Gently raising his cup, he remarked, "I sense their movements... They are active in the shadows. Their intentions are worthless if they fail to overcome the Army of Gluttony."

Hoei closed his eyes, savoring the flavor of the tea.

"The future holds boundless possibilities... I eagerly anticipate its unfolding."


Bezvin stood in his room, his gaze fixed upon the city.

"The enemy will appear soon. We must prepare. The citizens should depart gradually, although it holds little significance for those of the Five Master Clans."

His tone shifted gradually, and the aura enveloping his form receded to the extent of near-invisibility.

"The Darkna Clan operates in the shadows. Swiftly eliminating our adversaries is our approach. I will employ any measures necessary to safeguard this nation, even if I must make sacrifices..."

Under the moon's glow, an enigmatic force was stirring.

No one could anticipate what lay ahead, yet everyone was striving to manage the unfolding situation.

The common folk remained oblivious to these developments.

Meanwhile, several dozen kilometers outside the walls of the Selnes Country...

Beneath the moonlit sky, a sizable assemblage of individuals congregated. Each member was a seasoned warrior, bearing the resolve to lay down their lives for their god.

The Army of Gluttony had initiated their movement.

Their bloodlust permeated the entire expanse, heralding their advance. Their adversaries remained steadfast, refusing to yield to their deity, having already vanquished the initial army. This time, they intended to assail with formidable might, obliterating all that obstructed their path.

"The moment is upon us! Push forward, and we shall conquer the Selnes Country!"

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