The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Words of Gratitude

After clearing and cleaning up the room I had been using, I picked up all the packed luggage and then left the room.

When I left the room, I saw Isabelle was waiting at the front door to see me off.

“It was only for a short time but you really helped us a lot. Thank you for everything you’ve done. I won’t forget this debt.”

“Don’t mention it. I too had fun becoming friends with Esta after all!”

Speaking of which, Esta seemed to go on shopping trips with her every one in a while as well. And they would often be chatting with each other when they were home together as well.

Since Esta mostly lives with us two guys, I imagine she too enjoyed being able to spend some time with a fellow woman I imagine.

“I should be thanking you for that as well, to be honest. Esta’s the only girl in our party so I imagine she too enjoyed being able to make friends with you as well, Isabelle.”

“It’s not like I did it to get any thanks but, as long as Esta really enjoyed my company, that makes me really happy as well! She, and you guys as well, can come visit me anytime you want.”

“Sure. If something happens, we just might come again to get your help………Also, this might not seem much but, here’s the payment for the letting us live here.”

“Oh no no! I don’t need something like that!”

She shook both her head and her hands to the side but, her eyes were very clearly locked to the pouch in my hands.

I wondered what kind of reaction she’ll give if I actually did withdraw my hand but………I’m not the type to tease my benefactors.

I grabbed her hand, and then forced the money on to her.

“Eh!? I can’t accept this!”

“I don’t care. I’m forcing it on to you anyway.”

“b-but, this is a bit too much money though!”

“You should learn to accept what you get with honesty. We are still high ranking adventurers, you know……Ah well, if you really don’t want it, I guess I can take it back then.”

“I-I d-don’t need——uugh, fine I’ll take it! Chris-san, thank you very much!”

“It’s simply thanks for helping complete strangers like us. Treat yourselves to a good meal or something with that.”

Saying that in the end, I bid farewell to Isabelle who was sincerely bowing her head, and then left the house for good.

Now then, what should I do next?

All the info analysis will have to wait until Esta finds and decides on our inn, so it’s either shopping or going to the church……….

No, should I finish my rounds for thanking all my benefactors first?

Isabelle was of course the one that helped us the most here but, I do want to go and thank the old Uzef from the orphanage for introducing us to that place as well.

Yeah, what’s the correct order for finishing all this?

I stood there in the middle of the road, pondering for a while and then once I had decided on the order, I decided in the end that I’ll start with finishing all the shopping first after all.

As for what I needed to buy, it as of course rations, items, and anything that we’ll need on our journey to [Foro Neem]. Other than that, I also want to buy some battle items for our fight against Klaus.

All that said, I had already hoarded up on a lot of items from our little shopping spree with Bors, so rations and basic items are the priority.

Also, I want to see if I can buy some deadly poisonous drugs as well.

There’s always a chance that Milworc was simply an exceptional case but, it really seemed like [Venom] was really not very effective.

So first I’ll need to look for a drugstore or an alchemist’s store to buy some poisons.

With my first few objectives set, I found a drugstore called [Rakanka] on the main street.

It seemed like a store mostly focused on selling healing items so I am not expecting much but……

A while back, Trisha from [Gaddfoura] told me that skilled healers often dealt with and used much stronger poisons than even an alchemist.

As the saying goes, “The dose makes the poison” and depending on usage, it wasn’t rare for even poison to have beneficial usages apparently.

And with that in mind, I came to this drugstore instead of an alchemist’s store.

Even though [Rakanka] was located on the main street, the store itself seemed quite modest.

 Yet, it also had this refined polished feeling about the place as well, and honestly, I trusted simple looking places more than the overtly gaudy and luxurious looking stores.

The moment I entered the store, the smell of medicines rushed into my nostrils.

Potions have a somewhat similar smell as well but, these smells had much more mixed together and smelled a lot closer to chemicals so I didn’t like it much.

It’s hard to put it in words but, it made me feel like I was smelling artificial plants or something. That’s the closest analogy I could give.

The store itself seemed decently busy, but it wasn’t crowded like some of the other stores on the main street, and for its size and location, it honestly felt a little empty if anything.

The employees weren’t moving about either, and were simply sitting at the counter as well. It seemed like they were only cashiers who managed the sales and purchases and nothing more.

It didn’t seem like they’d be much help, but if I can’t find anything useful after a round, I’ll try asking them for help anyways.

Deciding that, I began going through the numerous shelves with all sorts of medicines displayed upon them.

From there, I went around the entire store from top to bottom, and after getting a cursory glance on pretty much everything that was on sale, I came to the conclusion that as expected, they didn’t have any kind of poison displayed on sale openly.

I mean, it feels obvious at this point but, now that I’m finally here, I might as well go ask the clerks even if they don’t seem very reliable.

Choosing a moment right when the only other customer had paid their bills and left and there were no other customers in the store, I went and talked to the only remaining clerk on the floor that was currently attending to the cashier.

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