The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

True Identity

“The reason I became a priest is simple, the job I got from Heaven’s Blessing was simply a [Priest] that’s why. Before that happened, I was getting the basics of both swordsmanship and magic all beaten into me but, the moment I got [Priest] I gave up on all that very quickly.”

“So there was reason like that. Sorry if I made you recall something traumatic.”

“No, I have fully accepted my fate at this point so it’s fine.”

Graham said that while laughing but, it won’t be strange if he still had some frustrations boiling inside him.

It’s not like I’ve seen or know everything about him, and his relationship with his family is completely different than my own but, because I had to go through something similar, I feel like I understood his feelings.

I too was handed [Farmer] as a job but it’s only thanks to [Null Poison] that I was able to gain strength that was exceptional even among adventurers.

I was even blessed with incredible comrades like Ralf, Esta and Snow now so, if I could erase my past, I could live a very happy life from here onwards but……..

In the end, at my very root, at the core of my very being, the existence of my father and Klaus was still there. And no matter how much money I earn or how strong I may get, I could never forget it all.

I imagine things were not quite as bad as myself for Graham but, I’m sure that even he still have some bitterness left inside him.

Even as he showed his usual refreshing smile, I could tell that somehow.

“Umm…..Can you please not try and probe into heart and true feelings like that?”

 “My bad. I got a bit curious because your smile seemed a little fake.”

“Okay let’s stop with such intense prying that I can’t even talk back to it! Anyway, have I gained your trust now? I’d like to start eating our dinner if possible. I haven’t had anything since lunch so I’m really starving now…….”

With those words, I heard Graham’s stomach make a small growl.

I suddenly felt a bit apologetic considering I didn’t even sit down as we had this chat so, I quickly moved and sat down on the chair facing directly opposite from him.

“Sorry for wasting your time like that. I’m hungry as well so let’s quickly order.”

“Agreed. Let’s do that please! I recommend the meat dishes from here, so are you okay with the same order as mine, Chris-san? Do tell me if there’s something you can’t eat.”

“Sure, I’m fine with the same order. Order as you wish. There’s nothing I can’t eat.”

Soon after, graham made the order to the waitress, and in the time while our dishes arrived, I asked and heard a lot about Graham from him.

While I was coming here, I was sure that this would be mostly me being interrogated by him but, to think that the positions would get flipped like this.

But that’s just how curious I was about the [Crossland] name, and after hearing that the royal knight’s commander’s son had pulled a non-combatant job during heaven’s blessing, our similar circumstances made me even more interested in him.

“…….And so, that’s how I ended up working as a priest in Realzard. I really wanted to hear about what all Chris-san did after leaving the city but, it ended up me talking about my past instead.”

“I was curious so I asked, that’s all. But, it was really an interesting story so I’m glad I asked.”

While obviously very different from Ralf or Esta, I could tell after hearing his story that he too had lived a very harsh life.

In a way it was similar to myself in that—–even now, he was still bound to his family’s, the [Crossland] name. I could tell from all the stories I heard from him.

“I’m quite curious about Chris-san’s past as well but, there’s also a lot of other things I wanted to talk about with you.———but, before that, it seems our dinner has finally arrived.”

I didn’t really hear the waitress’ footsteps arrive but, like Graham said, after a moment’s gap, our dishes were brought inside the room.

Did he know from the smell? Or was it something to do with him being a regular here? I got curious again but……..more than all that, the meat dish set in front of me looked absolutely amazing.

In the middle of my dish was served a medium rare steak.

A bunch vegetables and sauces garnished the dish, and even the smell and looks of the dish were highly enjoyable.

I was honestly a bit worried that the quantity might not be enough but, according to Graham, there’s a bunch more coming after this as well so I’ll ignore that worry for now.

“This is Golden Fang made in poele. The sauce used is—–

“Ah, you can skip the explanation…….unless, Chris-san, are you perhaps interested in listening?”

“Nah, it’s not like I’d understand anything anyway.”

“Understood. Then please, enjoy your meals gentlemen.”

I think even he understood that I wanted to quickly dig in, as Graham stopped her explanation in the middle.

After confirming that the waitress had left after giving a curt bow, I picked up knife and fork, and carried this poele made dish or whatever into my mouth.

“——–Delicious! Both the meat and sauce work together perfectly, it’s amazing.”

“I’m glad you like it as well. Not just the meat, but all the other dishes are very tasty as well so please, enjoy them to your heart’s content.”

“As expected of a place you recommended Graham. I’m gonna enjoy the dinner tonight it seems.”

We began to consume all the dishes one by one as they came, and finally with the dessert, I had had my fill of [Ruan]’s dishes.

I was intending to ask and talk about the things we weren’t able to but, we were both so focused on the food that we didn’t really talk much outside of how good the food was.

It was a horrible waste of time in that regard but, the food itself was on par with the wyvern steak of [Pekopeko]. Absolutely top class.

To have had the chance to enjoy such a perfect dinner before heading off to my decisive battle, Graham has nothing but my utmost gratitude for that.

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