The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 401

Chapter 401

Confirming Info

An hour had passed since our ‘strategy meeting’.

Ralf and Snow, having finished the shopping, finally returned home.

“Phew, we ended up really buying a lot of shit! Hey Chris, help me carry it all inside the room will ya!?”

“You really bought a lot huh. Was all of this really even necessary?”

“Well, you don’t know what might happen so I pretty much bought anything that caught my eye! This is our last chance to do some essential shopping after all, can’t be stingy with money at this point, right?”

“While I agree, we still also have all the stuff that we bought in Edestor as well though. Too much luggage will actually make it harder for us to move around as well so in reality, we’ll only be able to carry of all this stuff you know?”

“Well, too late now! Anyway, we can worry about that stuff later. Just help me carry this please!”

While giving my frank opinion on the matter to Ralf who had bought a bit too much, I took half the bags from Ralf and carried it inside the room.

By the way, Snow had a bunch of ball-like bags fastened around its body, making it look like some new kind of species as well.

Taking those off to check what all he had bought for Snow, turns out, they were all big round melons and nothing more.

Seeing them, Snow began to pant happily again so Ralf must have succumbed to Snow’s coaxing and bought it all.

Even though we’re supposed to depart the day after tomorrow early in the morning, why the hell did he buy 5 of such big melons? Is what I’d like to complain but……

Considering how there’s a chance for all of us to lose our lives in the battle against Klaus, I guess I can’t complain if that’s what Snow wants to eat before such a tough battle.

“Snow, you want some right now?”


Howling happily at my question, I cut the melons into eatable slices and let it enjoy them.

While Snow was energetically biting into the melon pieces, we should also finish up our discussion as well.

“Ralf, leave arranging the stuff for later. There’s something we need to talk about.”

“Got it! Oh yeah, did you guys come up with a good strategy then?”

“No, in the end, we couldn’t come up with anything that’d qualify as a great plan.”

“The hell? Then what else do you want to talk about?!”

“We did decide on how we’re going to act though, and I need to tell you everything we know about Klaus and his team once again as well. By the way, we’ll go over all this once again tomorrow as well.”

“EH!? Why do we need to have the same talk multiple times!? In the first place, I already heard the info on Klaus and his team when you heard it from Charlotte as well. I still remember it all you know?”

“Stop complaining. I need you to have all the info in your head by heart, so that you can recall everything at a moment’s notice during any situation without even needing to think. There is no disadvantage in preparing excessively either, understand?”

“……….I guess. With our enemy being who they are, I suppose you have a point!”

I convinced Ralf, who wanted to rest after a long shopping session, and dragged him into our discussion.

I made Ralf and Esta both sit down at the table right in front of me, and then I began giving my one-sided lecture.

“First, let’s go over all the info we got from Charlotte once again. The first is the tank of Klaus’ party, The [Holy Dragon Knight] Gill Drake the IVth. “

“That’s the one I’ll probably I have to take on right? Don’t worry, I still remember everything about this one!”

“That’s good if do remember but we’ll go over it all regardless. This Drake guy hails from a place called Conch Village, a remote region in the kingdom. He is the only son of two normal farmers, nothing special but, for some reason this guy, even at age 10, was already 180cm tall and weighed over 100kgs. So even from a small age, he was helping the village fight against any monsters that attacked them. And by the time he was 16, his height crossed the 2m mark and at the [Heaven’s Blessing], he received the [Holy Dragon Knight] job and was invited to attend the royal academy at the capital. Both his abnormal physique as well as job were very quickly acknowledged and he was very quickly recruited by Klaus to become the tank of his party.”

“We both may come from shit backgrounds but in terms of natural talent, the difference is pretty big huh! 2m tall you say, man, is he bigger than even Carlo?”

“I don’t know the exact info but, yeah, he’s definitely bigger than Carlo.”

Carlo himself was almost 2m tall himself but, a lot of it was his muscles and the pressure he released that made him seem bigger than he actually was. Since I actually carried his dead body on my shoulders, I know he wasn’t actually 2m in height.

Though, that Prowse guy that I fought recently was definitely taller than 2m but, from what all the info tells us, this Drake guy was probably bigger than even him.

“Man, facing a guy this massive, it’s really hard to see myself winning huh!”

“If the size of one’s body alone could decide the victor in a fight, there’d be no point in even challenging…………..but don’t worry, I am confident that you are stronger than even this [Holy Dragon Knight] Ralf.”

“——-Well that’s a sudden compliment coming from you! I almost unconsciously teared up from happiness you know!”

“But it wasn’t even meant to be a compliment. I was simply stating a fact……….continuing on, let me talk about Drake’s fighting abilities. His fighting style is a rare one, where he dual wields shields in both hands, and that should make it very clear that he was completely defence focused fighter. But, he does carry a large sword on his back as well so, even if he fought with a normal style, he’d still be stronger than most adventurers around.”

“As expected of the absolute elite that the kingdom gathers personally eh. If the [Sword God] Klaus was here, Drake could have been hailed as a hero himself.”

“You’re certainly not wrong to think that way Esta. Also, according to Charlotte he has two skills. [Spirit of the Holy Dragon] and [Absolute Magic Guard]. The first one is a massive ability boosting skill, and the latter allows him to completely deflect any magic that may hit his shield when using that skill.”

The [Spirit of the Holy Dragon] sounds a lot like and advanced version of my [Physical Ability Boost] or [Flesh Enhancement], and I guess [Absolute Magic Guard] is somewhat like my [Anti Magic]?

From what all I heard from Charlotte it does seem like my[AntiMagic] was a lot more user friendly but well, it doesn’t change the fact that a magic nullifying skill will be a pain to deal with.

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