The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 403

Chapter 403


Having regained her confidence back, I began to tell Esta about Elphas’ abilities in detail.

Since both Charlotte and Mielle knew a lot about Elphas, we had a lot of detailed info on him.

“Alright, let’s talk about his abilities then. Elphas is a bit different from normal magicians in that his magic allows him to control the dead. Creating undeads like zombies and skeletons, and even the control of naturally occurring undead types is something he can do apparently.”

“Sounds like a ability a villain would have huh! Rather than hero’s party member, it feels like an ability the demon lord’s subordinate would have!”

“And in fact, there’s a lot dark stuff behind his exterior as well. Apparently, he’s been going around digging up graves of nameless forgotten adventurers, and been raising them back to life as undead or so Mielle told me.”

“Wait, isn’t that taboo? How is it allowed?”

“Well, I imagine Klaus was probably in favour of the idea so I guess anything goes when the hero allows it. I mean he had Milworc, [Under Eye]’s leader in his party as well after all.”

“When you put it that way, suddenly, raising dead bodies doesn’t even sound that farfetched in comparison anymore huh!”

“Well, it’s not ‘farfetched’ because it is a quite literal fact according to Mielle. They really are actually doing this stuff.”

Other than that as well, apparently they were also experimenting reviving dead monsters as well or so Charlotte told me.

The reason they challenged the Edestor dungeon was also not actually because they wanted to clear the dungeon itself but more because they wanted to turn the boss monster on the 50th floor into an undead under their control as well apparently…….

The reason why Charlotte, Gautier and Mielle went there was also to confirm that fact.

The dungeon boss would revive periodically so they weren’t able to confirm it in the end but, according to Charlotte, it won’t be too strange if they actually had succeeded.

According to Mielle, they were apparently doing something even far worse and were supposedly even experimenting on not just monsters but living humans as well which was why Milworc was recruited into their party.

Of course, this was simply a hypothesis on Mielle’s part with no real proof but, judging from the amount of bodies discovered in [Under Eye]’s basement, she might not be that far off from the truth.

“A magic that allows you to control the dead sounds extremely powerful. I don’t want to think about it but even one of us could get killed and get turned into a pawn of the enemy.”

“That is certainly something that can happen……….But, the real danger with Elphas is not even his ability to raise and control the undead. Like I said, he was able to use basic magic of all 4 base elements by the time he was 12. Considering the level of job he received, it won’t be strange if he could now use advanced level magic of all 4 elements as well.”

“So you’re saying he’s super strong even without his undeads!? That’s so unfair! And Esta’s supposed to fight this guy?…………can you really win?”

“There’s no point hesitating anymore so don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I won’t lose no matter what. But, if either you Ralf or Chris-san were to die and get turned into an undead, I really won’t be able to do anything more so please……….you two better not lose okay?”

Showing a wide smile, Esta said so.

Looks like I really don’t need to worry about Esta anymore.

“I ain’t gonna lose no matter what either! That’s why, everything hinges on you Chris! After all, all this began with you as well!”

“Leaving you two and your cocky tone aside, don’t worry, I don’t plan on losing any time soon……..but, if any of us had the highest chances of losing, that certainly would be me I suppose.”

“Are you not confident Chris-san?”

“It’s not that. If I wasn’t confident I wouldn’t have come all this way to challenge Klaus in the first place. But, I’m still simply lacking enough info on him.”

Being a [Sword God] as he is, Klaus may be very famous compared to his fellow party members but, when it comes to actual data or info on his fighting abilities, there’s not a lot out there.

He’s been intentionally very secretive about his abilities so even Charlotte didn’t know much.

He was too cautious and overtly watchful.

He didn’t let his status as a [Sword God] get to his head, and his innate shitty personality remained the same which was quite troublesome.

“But as his actual brother, surely you know him well enough right?”

“Well, I’ll talk about all that now as well. Since I already killed his third party member aka Milworc, we can skip his details and let’s talk about our, no my main target. My younger brother Klaus. I don’t plan on letting either of you fight him but still, you should still know as much as you can learn.”

“Of course! I have been working really hard to get strong enough to beat Klaus and then call myself the strongest adventurer alive! If I get the chance, sorry but I might take him down myself you know!”

“Sure sure, but let me have go at him first alright?”

Saying that to Ralf who was overly eager about it all, I finally began to talk about the [Sword God] Klaus with the two.

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