The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 412

Chapter 412

Rough Environment

For now, we ignored the giant door, and walked towards a much smaller door to our right instead.

Behind this door lay a passage that went even further underground that led to the residential area of the competitors.

To host as many fighters as possible so that they could keep fights going on all the time, the residential area was designed even more complex and bigger than the main floor, so in truth, we were really entering the real part of this ruins right now.

I still was not getting any reaction from [Life Presence Sense] but, Snow had begun to act a little fidgety so there must be something waiting for us at the end of this path.

“Quite contrary to the overall gaudy look of the place, doesn’t this door look a lot more basic and simple?”

“The area we were in was designed for the rich guests, but from here, we’re going into the living quarters of the fighters. A place that doesn’t need all the glamour and decoration.”

“The door itself feels like a gate into a different world…… if it was more like a jail instead. A metal door with no scratches feels really odd.”

“That’s enough for impressions, let’s just go inside already. I still can’t sense Klaus or anyone else but judging from Snow’s body language, there’s a high chance we’re about to run into something sooner or later. I know you two are already being very cautious but once again, prepare yourselves for whatever may come our way.”

Giving one more warning to Ralf and Esta, I opened the heavy metal door in front of me.

I did get the keys to this door from Charlotte already but, the door wasn’t even locked and it easily opened while making a scratching sound against the floor.

I had prepared myself to get attacked the moment I opened it but, behind the door was a dark and gloomy area and nothing more.

Just as I about to breathe a small sigh of relief, Ralf behind me suddenly made a small yelp.

“Ch-Chris! Look, that door!”


I thought there was nothing wrong here but, looking back towards this door that Ralf was pointing at……..

There were stains of blood splatters across it, and marks of someone having desperately tried to open it till their last breath.

It was the same door we had come in from but its look from the side of the main floor, and the one we saw from this side might as well be two different doors instead. The gruesomeness made me understand why even Ralf couldn’t help but yelp like that.

Also, I doubt this door had anything to do with Klaus and his party. This was probably like this from the days when [Foro Neem] was still active.

Since it made my imagination run towards darker thoughts, I turned my eyes away because I didn’t want anything else burdening my mind right now.

“Don’t think too much about it. These marks have nothing t do with Klaus anyway.”

“Re-really? Although, it’s hard not to think too much about this though.”

“Stray thoughts will only lead to horrible death in this situation, right? I imagine we’ll see a lot more things like this from here onwards so let’s keep our focus on Klaus and his party and nothing else.”

Hearing Esta’s words, Ralf nodded while still looking a bit hesitant.

It really was gloomy corridor like path but the state of this place was a lot worse than I had imagined.

Perhaps we really should have smashed open that big door and made it into the arena instead.

Forcing myself to not think much about it, we continued further inside down the stone stairs with Snow at front.

There was still no reaction to my skills but, after going down a couple more steps, it was my [Mana Sense] that caught a couple of readings first.

But judging by the lack of reaction from [Life Presence Sense], it was probably a bunch of undeads I imagine.

………meaning, they must have been set up by Elphas to intercept us.

And there weren’t just a few of them either. They numbered in almost a couple dozen judging from what I could sense from here.

Since I couldn’t sense any life presences, they were probably being controlled from far away meaning, Elphas was capable of controlling even large amounts of undeads from a long range as well.

I always knew that a [Necromancer] would be a big obstacle for us from the moment I heard of his abilities but, this is turning out to be a lot more troublesome than I had ever imagined.

“Ralf, Esta, I can sense a bunch of undeads at the end of these stairs. We’ll need to eradicate them instantly so get ready.”

“Undeads? Does that mean Elphas is nearby as well?”

“No, I can’t sense him. He’s probably left these here to intercept us I imagine.”

“He even brought the cardinal with him right? He’s being extremely cautious huh.”

“So, what’s the plan? Esta was supposed to face Elphas so should we let her take care of the undeads?”

“No, if Elphas is not nearby, we’ll all fight together and eradicate them as quickly as possible. Me and Snow ill charge in first and take down as many undeads nearby as possible. Esta, you’ll take care of the ones afar, and Ralf, if you see one that seems extra dangerous, pull its attention and keep it busy.”

“Understood. I’ll handle the ones away from here.

“Got it! I’ll target anyone that smells of danger!”

With our general plan set for what’s to come, we took formation and began to go down the stairs again.

And just as the end of the stairs came into view—–we charged in before the undeads could even react.

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