The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 422

Chapter 422

Corpse Manipulation

As soon as the name of the magic was chanted, mana began to return into the supposedly dead body of Elphas.

At first I didn’t understand just what was going on but, now having seen it all, I finally understood just what exactly Elphas had done. 

Just like how I stock up my mana with [Mana Regen], Elphas had also made a stock of her own mana before committing suicide.

And as soon as she died, the mana was released, and autonomously activated that black clump-like magic that appeared.

Meaning, Elphas had casted a unique magic on herself for manipulating a corpse, and then turned herself into a corpse.

All her actions were completely and utterly insane, and regardless of what the end result of this battle is, the fact remains that she did in fact kill herself with that dagger.

When the fight with me is over and her mana runs out, Elphas will never wake back up ever again.

Seeing her take her own life without any hesitation all for the sake of winning——-I was left amazed, both at her incredible resolve to go this far, and at her talent for magic that allowed her to cast such a crazy complicated spell.

With said admiration also came the feeling of awe and fear but, I couldn’t waste any time hesitating at this point.

[Mana Rampage] would soon run out, and if I to face the now reawakened Elphas without it, I would have no chance of winning.

I needed to end the battle fast so I decided to fire only the strongest advanced level magic I knew at her.

My aim will be the black clump of mana floating above Elphas.

“[Burn Lightning]!”

I kneaded mana with both hands, and unleashed a fire-lightning magic designed to incinerate everything in sight.

A flash faster than the eye could follow rushed out and flew straight at the black clump floating above Elphas.

Thanks to [Mana Rampage], it’s intensity and strength was on a whole different level, and even Ralf would be unable to come out of this attack without any damage.

As long as it has physical matter, this spell could blast it to smithereens for sure——or at least I was confident of that but……..

“[Soul Protect] [Gaia Armed].”

With a rough raspy voice, she cast new spells,………no, Elphas mouth was forcefully made to chant those, would be the right way of saying it.

A blue aura continued to surround Elphas herself, and then manipulated the earth to completely cover herself with rocks to protect herself against my [Burn lightning] with her own body on the line.

Seeing Elphas move her own body in front to protect the black clump made me feel extremely unpleasant and I could only feel like the caster of the magic herself was being used as a mere pawn.

Of course, taking [Burn Lightning] head on meant that her body was not going to come out unscathed, and she was blown back with force as soon as my spell landed going through both the rock armour as well as the blue aura.

But she only flew so far before the black strings reached the limit of their length and her body jerked mid air and then fell to the ground.

The black clump soon began to manipulate the strings again and her body was dragged back into her original position in no time, hanging in mid-air as if nothing had happened.

She was already a corpse but the damage done to it was intense, as her joints were all bent in weird directions and parts of her body, flesh, and even her head were missing in places.

Even if she was being moved by those strings, it didn’t seem possible for her to even be manipulated properly anymore but……..

“[Things Repair]”

Elphas cast another magic, and the broken and torn off parts of her body began to mend themselves.

But, it did not feel like ‘healing’, but closer to ‘repairing’ instead.

Part of me wanted to just put Elphas to rest already although, her own ability was so strange that that I couldn’t really figure out just how to deal with it.

All her magic spells were ones I had never seen or even heard of before, plus her magic itself seemed to be acting like it had a mind of its own, and I had never heard of a magic that controls it’s caster instead.

I guess I really have to stick to my original plan of firing strong advanced magic and destroy her completely before she could repair herself.

Having reached that conclusion after analyzing her, I began readying another advanced compound magic to fire at her.

And thus began a battle between me who fired multiple advanced high power magic and Elphas, who used defensive magic to guard against those.

Everytime she got battered, she’d use [Things Repair] to mend herself, meanwhile I continued to fire more and more magic at Elphas who continued to defend the black clump with her own body on the line.

I realy thought I’d be able to push her back and break through at some point but, forget that, she to be getting better and faster as time went on and now she was even able to counter fire attack magic at me as well.

And so, unable to deal her the finishing blow——my mana ran out, and [Mana Rampage] turned off.

As I began to collapse, the mana I stocked up with [Mana Regen] was released into my body, giving me enough strength to at least normally move my body around, but now that my [Mana Rampage] was over, the situation was in a deadlock.

The black clump floating above Elphas still seemed to have enough mana left, so now the situation was overturning against me, and I was at a huge disadvantage now.

The black clump slowly began to move Elphas’ body forwards towards me, and I hurriedly retreated backwards as I racked my brains to think of something………but nothing came to mind.

And finally having decided to put an end to me, Elphas began to cast another magic.

“[Sabre Star]”

A sudden violent gust of sand blew directly towards me.

Should I run, or should I force myself to activate [Mana Rampage] again to challenge her again?

Not knowing what the right answer was, I simply stood there——-when suddenly, Snow jumped right in front of me.

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