The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 425

Chapter 425


(Ralf POV)

Leaving Chris back at the arena, I followed after Drake all by myself.

To be honest, I was really worried about Chris but right now I was in no position to be worrying about others. I need to be focused entirely on Drake else I’ll die instantly.

We left from the entrance we gate from and kept walking back the way we came until the point where the arena wasn’t visible anymore at which point, Drake suddenly stopped.

The road here was still narrow so it wasn’t really a place suitable for fighting but he stopped regardless, which made my heartbeat quicken in response.

“SHIT!! That bastard Klaus, ordering me around like he’s some hot shit!!”

While stomping on the ground again and again, Drake roared angrily.

He had been threatened pretty badly just a while back, and it apparently took until now for his frustrations to show back up it seems.

To throw a hissy fit only after the arena was completely out of view made him seem like a proper small fry but………the fact is, Klaus is just that dangerous and scary.

From the moment Chris called him out, it almost seemed like he was completely unhinged and had no control over his emotions.

“Aaah, seriously, that guy pisses me off!……..Hey, you guys came here to kill Klaus right? Then, why not join hands with me as well? I have a lot of pent up frustration against Klaus as well and I’m at my limit now. Not a bad deal for you guys as well, right?”

He was sounding so irritated just a second ago, but suddenly he turned calm again as he gave this suggestion.

Now then………how the hell do I even respond to this?

Hearing a suggestion like that from the guy I was intending to fight to the death and had fired myself up over, caught me off guard and made my head fall into chaos.

Normally Esta or Chris are with me so talks like these progress even if I just stay quiet and stand behind them but, when I am alone, I have to be the one to give an appropriate response.

After thinking for a while, I couldn’t figure it out so, whatever, I decided to refuse it!

“It’s certainly not a bad deal but—–I refuse!”

“Hah? But why? You should have no reason to refuse me?”

“My reason……….I have none!”

“Whaa……….man, I’m really unlucky. Looks like I got drawn with a totally brainless idiot it seems.”

Drake sighed deeply hearing my response and began walking again as if tired of it all.

I really had no idea what he was planning to do but, I decided to continue following him.

We kept walking until we reached a somewhat open room, seemed like a place where some competitor used to live in back in the day.

It was quite close to the arena, and was much bigger than the other rooms we saw on the way which meant that this was probably the place where the strongest competitor of the arena lived, if what Chris explained to me is correct that is.

Entering the large room, Drake kept walking to the other side before slowly turning around to face me directly.

He took stance with his shield, and then drew his sword with his other hand, while another shield remained rested on his back.

“What now? So you’re gonna fight me after all then!? If you really don’t want to fight, you can run away as well you know!? I’m not so shitty that I’d go around attacking people that don’t wanna fight me!”

“Kakaka! Are you joking, or are you actually that stupid?—–why the hell would I run away huh?”

He laughed before frowning and glaring at me.

I really didn’t get this guy but anyway, this means he wants to fight right?

So why did he even suggest cooperating with us in the first place?………my head hurt just trying to make sense out of Drake’s words at this point.

“Didn’t you say you hated Klaus and didn’t want to fight for him? I don’t want to join hands with you but, if you want to just run away, I’m saying I’m not gonna chase you down or anything!”

“You, really are a fucking idiot huh. I may hate him, but I’m not gonna betray him that easily either. I simply gave that offer hoping to sweet talk you to get you to lower your guard, that’s all. When that plan failed, now I have no choice but to fight you head on is what I’m saying.——–Did you understand all that now?”

He was talking to me as if he was ridiculing me and revealed to me his real motivations behind the deal he offered.

………I see. He wanted to make me careless and attack me from behind!

I thought these guys were supposedly hero calibre people, but that sounds pretty cowardly to me.

I should just hurry up and take this guy down and quickly head back to help Chris.

“Is that so. I didn’t think a so called potential-hero would stopp down to such dirty tactics! But, if you wanna have a good ol’ head on fight, I’m all for it!”

 “It’s not dirty, call it cunning instead. Anyway, I suppose I should beat your dumbass quickly and wrap this up eh?”

He cracked all the bones in his body and then took a stance again—–and then kicked the ground and lunged at me.

Chris said he was a complete defence focused fighter but his movements seem both nice and quick!

I put up my shield as well and read his attack and then perfectly guarded against Drake’s attack.

Yeah! He’s strong but nowhere near Chris.

If it’s this level, I can keep an eye for openings and counter attack as well——-or at least that’s what I thought.

“You may be an idiot but you do know how to guard properly eh! Alright then, let me raise up my speed a little in that case, okay? [Martial Arts First Form. Fierce God Rampage]”

He had been attacking normally until now but, the moment the skill activated, his movements suddenly became completely different like he was a totally different person.

His strike was heavy, and his speed increased, making it really difficult to keep up.

Forget tracking him with my eyes, I had to depend entirely on instinct to keep a grip on this battle.

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