The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

The Final Decisive Battle

(back to Chris POV now)

After Ralf and Drake left, the atmosphere started to get even more tense and strained.

I observed Klaus once again but, what he was wearing wasn’t even armour and was more of a gaudy outfit nobles would wear, with the colour black as its main theme.

From a purely defence point of view, it was clearly not the best, but I imagine that like me, he has prioritized ease of movement more than just raw defence.

It was annoying to see our thinking match like this but, unfortunately we do share the blood flowing in our veins so I suppose this was bound to happen.

The sword in his hand was a long sword that seemed a tad thinner than usual ones, but the blood red blade of the sword was certainly eye cathcing.

I want to believe that it’s not as high quality as Vendettatein but, the sword Klaus was holding was releasing a tremendous aura as well so there’s no doubt that it’s also some kind of legendary blade that has been passed down for many generations.

I guess I was being too naive hoping to have a clear weapon advantage after obtaining Vendettatein.

………no, if I hadn’t gotten Vendettatein, he would have had the superiority in weapon as well, so I guess I made the right decision to go through the dangers of getting it after all.

I changed my mind after reconsidering it inside my head, as I continued to stare and observe Klaus’ face, having met him directly after quite some time.

Back when he had tried to kill me at home, the expression on his face was horrible but, right now I feel like he’s become even more heinous than even back then.

The aura around him seemed so black, you could only call it evil.

I doubt anyone would consider him to be a hero if they saw him like this, and it’d be easier to convince them that he was the demon lord instead.

“Let’s start this already. I did always regret not finishing you off Chris. So I should be thanking you for coming all the way to me yourself, just to get killed.”

“I came here to kill you, Klaus. You’re going to regret not killing me that day.”

“………why the fuck is a [farmer] getting this cocky huh?”

With those words as a signal, Klaus suddenly burst forward and rushed towards me.

He was indeed pretty fast but, not as fast as I was expecting.

“[Radiance of the Sword God][Sacred Accel].”

——or that’s what I thought but, the moment he activated his skills, his movements rapidly changed.

In contrast to the dark evil aura surrounding Klaus, a much brighter shining aura began to wrap around his body and mix with his own aura.

Klaus’ movements accelerated by more than double, and before I even realized, the red blade was fast approaching my head.

So this is what seeing your life flash before your very eyes feels like eh?

It felt like time had come to a halt in that moment, and I could see the blade of his sword slowly approach my neck in a beautiful arc very clearly.

But only my consciousness seemed to be active and my body refused to move.

……….will my neck get chopped off just like that? Hell no. No way am I dying to him that easily.

[Skin Strengthen][Fortification][Iron Wall][Hardening]

I activated my skills focusing only on my neck area, and to try and reduce the force in his slash as much as I could, I drew back my body at the last moment to try and  ward off Klaus’ slash.

Thanks to my instant reaction, I thankfully had avoided letting the sword dig deep into my neck but, even so, the fact remained that a sword had struck my neck at an insane speed, and blood began to gush out of the spot that was cut.

Even after activating all my defensive skills, and even though it barely scratched through my neck, the fact remained that it had cut open a wound very easily.

Rather than the blood, it was sweat that my body was releasing in larger quantities as I quickly jumped back to create a distance from him again.

“How strange. I clearly felt my sword make contact——-so why is your neck still attached to your body?”

“Because I dodged it at the last moment of course. You sure were talking a lot of shit to me for being a mere [farmer] and yet you tried to go for a surprise attack? What a coward.”

Klaus’s eyes looked livid as I retorted that back, and then I fully activated all of my physical body enhancement skills.

With that one attack, I got a good feel for just how powerful Klaus was with my own body.

This was not a fight where I could test my skills, or try and inflict pain and torment my opponent out of vengeance, or anything like that. I needed to go all out and kill him as fast as possible without thinking about anything else.

I took my stance with Vendettatein, and poured my mana into it, activating the first rune.

A pale light enveloped the sword as the sword became sharper.

“I am sure the job you got was nothing more than a [Farmer]……….so there’s no way you should have been able to avoid my attack Chris.”

“I worked very hard to catch up to your level. To you, who got handed the title of [Sword God].”

“——-Are you fucking joking with me? Unlike you, I was chosen by God himself! You were simply born a few seconds before me, but it was I who received all the talents and you are nothing but trash in comparison! How could someone like you ever catch up to me!?”

As Klaus screamed, he once again rushed towards me like before——and this time, he launched a diagonal  slash to try and split my entire body in two instead.

Perhaps the skills he had activated before were still active as neither the speed nor the force behind his attack had gone down even one bit.

If he had done this bigger attack the first time around when I wasn’t fully ready, he really would have done some serious damage to me.

As I thought of such a useless imaginary situation——-I easily blocked Klaus’ slash with Vendettatein.

With all my skills active, I could easily handle attacks like these.

Further using [Strong Arm] on top, this time I counter attacked back at Klaus next.

I fired a horizontal slash aimed to chop his head off——but that was a feint, as I turned my sword to launch a similar diagonal slash at his body.

Back in the day, this would have been enough to hit Klaus but, as you’d expect he had certainly been training enough to just barely react in time to block my sword.

But, he still failed in completely killing the force behind my slash so his body was sent bouncing, crashing and tumbling across the ground of the arena.

I had a scratch on my neck, while Klaus had tasted the earth in full.

In terms of damage, it was mostly similar, but I did enjoy getting one back at him.

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