The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter 433

Chapter 433


For a moment I hesitated seeing this black-something cover Klaus but, then I swung down my Vendettatein regardless but………

Even though he was lying flat on the ground, he suddenly moved his arm alone and stopped my attack with his sword.

I didn’t really decrease the power in my swing either, if anything I pretty much swung it at my current max strength.

Unable to understand what was happening, I quickly created some distance between us and decided to assess the situation from afar.

On top of the poison, I had also dealt a wound deep enough that it should have instantly killed him.

Since his body was still lying face down on the ground, I couldn’t exactly tell what kind of condition Klaus was in right now but, he was truly a “living being” he should have been dead by now.

I hope he doesn’t move again—–but that was just my wish that couldn’t reach the heavens as Klaus slowly began to stand back up while being surrounded by the blackish thing.

From behind I couldn’t tell but, I had a feeling that Klaus right now, had stopped being human.

“Until just a while ago, I felt like the absolute worst and yet——right now I feel like I’m at my absolute best instead. I haven’t felt this good since the day I was given the [Sword God] title I think.”

His entire body was enveloped in a black shell, and a skull-face like design appeared on his face.

Where his heart was, a dark red core seemed to be embedded in, and he looked more monstrous than actual monsters.

From his once empty back, two jet black wings suddenly sprouted.

The deep wound that I had given him was nowhere to be seen anywhere, and if I hadn’t seen him transform right in front of my eyes, I wouldn’t have ever believed that this creature was actually Klaus.

“Wow, you sure turned ugly. Is that also a skill of yours?”

“Wrong. It’s a type of Devil core that I obtained by using [Under Eye]. I embedded it into my body to gain its power.”

His highly unstable emotions seemed to have dissipated as he calmly and directly answered my question.

A Core eh? I imagine its similar to the ones that were used to power golems and the ones the old golem guy was always researching about.

I have never heard of a devil core but, I reckon that thing embedded on Klaus body is probably that.

It was about the size of my fist, and yet I could feel a completely different kind of energy emanating from it, the likes of which I had never seen before. Just looking at that thing made me feel unpleasant.

“You sure turned talkative suddenly. Did you even forget your anger towards me?”

“As if. It’s just that this body makes it hard to fully release your emotions, but I’m actually angry enough that I could literally punch you to death and rip you to pieces.”

“Well that’s a relief. That means I can cut you to shreds without any remorse.”

“Spare me your prattle, damn small fry.”

Having turned into a monster, Klaus awkwardly began to walk towards my direction.

I guess he hadn’t gotten used to using that monstrous body yet, and was unable to freely move that body around as he wished.

This was the best opportunity to kill him and his monstrous form but…….

Even though he walked so weirdly, I couldn’t see any gaps or openings for some reason and was unable to close in on him.

Or rather, having attained the body of a monster on top of his talent as the [Sword God], I could tell even without fighting him that I couldn’t beat him like this.

I don’t think he’ll be turning back to normal anytime soon, and I even thought of running away as well but——I highly doubt he’d allow that to happen.

I’m sure it won’t take long before he gets used to this new body either, and when he does, he’d be even faster than me.

Which means, I have no choice but to face him head on right here and now and kill him if I want to survive.

I didn’t want to use this but…….I have no option but to activate [Ability Unleashed] and [Mad Warrior].

First, I used [Ability Unleashed] at maximum output, and then——I let [Mad Warrior] take over.

With a severe bout of dizziness, for a moment it felt like my consciousness was blown away.

I released [Pain Inhibition] to make sure that I retained my senses by feeling the pain from my abdominal injury.

Even then, it continued to feel like a different personality was starting crawl back out from inside me again, I gouged further into my own wound to inflict myself with more pain just to forcefully suppress it.

If Klaus had attacked me while I was still struggling with the battle within myself, it would have really dangerous but Klaus continued to stagger slowly towards me still.

Cold sweat drenched my entire body as I inflicted myself with this intense pain but even so somehow, I managed to retain my consciousness while activating [Mad Warrior].

I was worried whether I’d be able to move around properly while feeling the pain of my wound but, if I reactivated [Pain Inhibition] again, I was sure I’d lose control to [Mad Warrior] so I had no choice but to fight while in this state.

“Just when it looked like you were suffering from pain, you started smiling. Why? You really are a creepy guy.”

“Am I really smiling? In that case, I really might be as creepy as you said.”

I didn’t notice it at all but, while I was struggling with the pain, I had started smiling to myself it seems.

I want to believe that it’s because of [Mad Warrior] but………I know that’s not true.

Faced with this despairing situation, I was genuinely enjoying it all from the bottom of my heart.

A situation where one can gamble their life or death, my body start releasing these strange things inside that make me feel that way.

On top of that using [Mad Warrior] and [Ability Unleashed] without any restriction, my head for whatever reason felt inexplicably clear and awake.

Even I don’t like to admit just how much of battle loving freak I have become.

Even though my father would beat me up so much and I hated him for it, just when did I suddenly start to enjoy fighting so much——

…………perhaps, it was on that day when Klaus almost killed me.

What came with the fear of death was the thrill of battle, and a pleasure unlike no other. My hatred planted a seed in me and my talent blossomed as a I awakened as true battle maniac.

My eyes met the main cause of this all, the monster in front of me, and I instinctively knew that this was all true.

“I’m starting to get used to it now. Time for you to die—-CHRIS!!”

“Come at me whenever. I’ll end everything today, once and for all.”

We took stance with our swords aimed at each other once again, as we faced with no more tricks up our sleeves, no more hidden trump cards. Both at our absolute full strength.

Now then, I dragged a lot of people into this——-but it’s time to end the world’s worst sibling quarrel of all time!

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