The Frozen Player Returns

Chapter 641: Happy Ending of the End (6)

Chapter 641. Happy Ending of the End (6)

A girl was running around the hallway like an excited little puppy.

She stopped running upon seeing a man standing in front of her. The man’s expression was indifferent and cold as he said, “Your Royal Highness, Duchess Olive must have taught you that you shouldn’t run around in hallways. It’s part of etiquette, isn’t it?”

“I wasn’t running. I just happen to walk a little faster than everyone else.”

“...You shouldn’t lie either.”


The man’s cold expression melted when the girl smiled awkwardly at him.

He quickly managed to put his straight face on again, and he straightened the girl’s tilted hairpin.

“Oh, thank you, Kis.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Kis found it difficult to maintain a straight face of a dignified knight whenever the girl looked up at him with such adorable eyes.

However, Kis still took out his notebook to perform his duty as a knight.

“First of all, I’ll have to double the time for your etiquette classes since you’ve been running around the hallway.”

“What! C-can you let me off the hook just this once? Please?”

Kis looked down at the girl, who looked like she was about to cry.

He looked around and sighed deeply.

“...Then just this once. No exceptions next time.”

He lied.

Kis knew better than anyone that he would let her off the hook hundreds and thousands more times in the future. The cute princess in front of him was simply too adorable to resist.

“Oh, by the way, Kis! May the snow relieve your worries!”

“Ah, it’s a greeting for the snow day. May Your Royal Highness’ worries also be washed away by the snow.”

The snow day was special even in Niflheim, where it snowed all year round. According to history, snow fell for the very first time on this land today. Today was a public holiday, and there was a festive atmosphere throughout the kingdom.

Kis figured that perhaps it was because of the snow day that the young treasure of the kingdom was more excited than usual.

“It’s just another ordinary day for me since it happens every year… are you really that excited for today?”

“No shit. It goes without saying.”

“Excuse me? Did you just say shit? Who in the world taught you that word?”

“I heard the winter knights say it when I secretly visited the training grounds.”

“...All right. I’ll teach them a lesson.”

“Huh? What lesson?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

‘I’ll have to make sure that they’ll watch what they say,’ Kis muttered coldly to himself before escorting the princess to her destination.

“Your Majesty!”


The princess ran into the queen’s arms as soon as she entered the room. The beautiful scene looked like a painting—if it weren’t for the king standing beside the queen with a forlorn expression. “Why is the princess liking you more and more than me as the days go by? This is unfair.”

“Of course, she likes me better. She’s my daughter.”

“...But she’s my daughter as well.”

“Hehe.” The queen hugged the princess tightly and grinned.

The king smiled and said, “You look particularly happy today.”

“No s—”


Frost turned to Sir Kis clearing his throat. She smiled and continued. “It goes without saying, Your Majesty.”

“Is there a specific gift you want this year?”

“No. I’m expecting something else.”

The princess stretched out her small hand.

Snowflakes bloomed over her fingertip and floated about in the air.

“Today’s the day I finally catch Santa.”

“Oh? Santa? It’s not that easy to catch that speedy fellow.”

The king and queen looked at each other and smiled softly. It was said that Santa visited only the good children through the chimneys of their houses to give out gifts every snow day. Of course, Santa’s identity was the children’s parents.

“I failed to catch him last year, but I’m confident this year. I’ve frozen all the chimneys in the castle, so I’m sure he’ll slip as he comes in. I can just catch him once he gets hurt.”

The three hardened their expressions at the princess’ words.

The king’s expression turned stern as he asked, “Why do you want to catch Santa so badly? To get more gifts?”

The princess shook her head and explained, “No. I heard that children who haven’t cried for a year and have done a lot of good things often don’t get presents from Santa.

“However, I think that Santa must have forgotten about them because he had too many houses to visit. I’m going to catch him and let him rest in the royal palace this year. I’m going to make the knights give out the gifts to every child this year instead of Santa.”


The king burst into laughter at the princess’ words, and he beckoned to her.

The princess timidly approached the king.

The king patted her head as if he was proud of her.

“I am very proud and touched by your thoughtfulness. Don’t you agree, Kis?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I agree.”

“There are many people in this world who don’t care about others, but it is the virtue of the monarch to not only care about the surroundings but also to look over the places out of reach. I think the princess is going to be a perfect monarch.”

“Hehe.” The princess chuckled and grinned. Every day was a joyful day, and she felt like she was in a dream.

‘Nothing has really changed, but every day feels refreshing and heartwarming.’

The peaceful days that she had always been enjoying felt more precious to her for some reason over these past few days.


However, she had recently been feeling this emptiness in her heart for some reason.

“Hm? You look pale. Is everything okay?”

“Huh? Oh, yes. Everything is fine.”

The princess shook her head and put her hand on her chest.

‘What is this feeling?’

She had been eating delicious food and taking fun classes.

She felt that everything was going well, but there were times when she would feel like she had lost something precious, like right now.

“Ah, it’s time to head over to the banquet hall.”

The princess’ parents walked toward the door and beckoned to her.

“Princess, let’s go to the banquet hall together.”

“Come to Mother.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The princess walked toward her parents without thinking much, but she suddenly came to a halt.

Her eyes were unwittingly transfixed on the potted plant placed by the window.

“Your Royal Highness?”

Kis stared at her with curious eyes as she walked toward the window and stared at the flower in the pot without saying a word.

“...Kis, look at this. The flower is withering,” she said.

“Moonlight flowers don’t bloom during the day. If you come back at night after the banquet, you’ll be able to see it in full bloom. Now, let me escort you to the banquet hall.”


‘But why do I feel this way?’

The turmoil in her heart got even stronger as she stared at the flower.

The princess was afraid of facing the feeling of melancholy and longing. She was convinced that if she turned around and ran to her parents, she would be able to forget such feelings and live happily for the rest of her life.

‘But a monarch shouldn’t run away even if everyone else turns around and runs away.’

The princess was taught that way, and that was how she had been living her life.


The princess closed her eyes and faced the suffocating emotions. She opened her eyes a long time later, and the air about her had changed drastically. Her eyes gave off not the innocence of a child anymore but the poise and dignity of a monarch.

“...Your Royal Highness. We still have plenty of time for the banquet. Let’s go.”

“No.” The princess slowly turned around and smiled sadly at her parents waiting for her. “I don’t think I can go with you.”

“Princess? What do you mean? Hurry up and come to me.”

“I’m sorry, but I need to go back to where I belong.”

“What are you talking about? This is where you belong—next to us.”

The princess shook her head slowly despite her parent’s earnest words.

“Dad, Mom, and Kis.”

The princess called out to her precious people and bit her lips. She held back her tears and said, “It was a short time, but I was happy to see you again.”



The king and queen looked at each other at the princess’ words and smiled sadly but proudly.

“They do say there are no parents who can defeat their child. It seems that our princess has grown up.”

“I couldn’t be more happy. Our baby looks so brave...”

‘Perhaps their words are from the Archduke, who must still be trying to mess with me, but those words might have also come from the bottom of their heart, even though this world is nothing but just an illusion.’

“It was a short time, but it was an honor to serve you again.”

“...Take care, Kis.”

Frost said her final goodbye to her parents and Kis before reaching out for the ceiling.

The world froze and collapsed like glass.


Seo Jun-Ho was struggling to keep himself awake. If it hadn’t been for Hero’s Mind, he would have collapsed long ago.

“...How stubborn,” said the Archduke. He sounded sick and tired of Seo Jun-Ho’s resistance, which had lasted for more than ten hours. “I must say, you must be proud of yourself. Even Rompel couldn’t last at least ten hours against me, and he was an Absolute.”


The Archduke’s meaningless praise couldn’t reach Seo Jun-Ho’s ears. He was gasping for air, and he felt like his heart would burst at any moment. His severe injuries meant that if he were to keep this up, he would eventually die standing up.

“But it all ends here…” The Archduke snapped his fingers once more.

Multiple rifts in space manifested in the space above them, and another cataclysmic Meteor Shower poured down on Seo Jun-Ho.


Seo Jun-Ho squeezed as much magic as he could, and he forced his magic into the four blades of the Freedom Blade, which quickly flew into the sky to meet the meteors.

The four blades sliced every single meteor before collapsing to the ground. They went still and quiet as if they had already fulfilled their goals.

“Your attack just now must have consumed all of your remaining magic.”

The Archduke was right.

Seo Jun-Ho desperately tried to gather more magic, but he couldn’t gather even a single particle of magic as the surrounding was filled with the Archduke’s powerful demonic energy.


Seo Jun-Ho couldn’t even make use of nature’s magic through the Black Moon Heart Method, as he needed magic to execute the method in the first place

“Let me ask you one last time,” said the Archduke. He sounded impressed—he was truly in awe of the miracle that a mere human had achieved despite the human’s short life span.

“Agree with my plan, and I will send you to the paradise that I will create.” The Archduke’s words were tempting. “Just once. You only have to nod just once. You will be at ease, and your mind and spirit will live happily in the world where you are the main character.”


Seo Jun-Ho’s hands trembled. He was currently on the verge of a cliff and was slowly falling down into it. He couldn’t think straight anymore, so his body answered the sweet suggestion.


Seo Jun-Ho raised his hands and clenched them into fists.

“Is that so?” The Archduke lost all interest as his eyes turned cold and indifferent upon seeing Seo Jun-Ho’s answer. The Archduke was truly disappointed in Seo Jun-Ho, and he said, “Then, disappear.”

The Archduke stomped lightly, and the demonic energy in the surroundings surged toward Seo Jun-Ho like a deluge.


Seo Jun-Ho was left with neither strength nor magic, so there was no way he could withstand such an attack.


The long battle was finally over.

Catharsis was about to strike the Archduke, but…


A massive wall of ice abruptly manifested and protected Seo Jun-Ho.


The deluge of demonic energy failed to break the ice, and it helplessly bounced away.

“What?” The Archduke's pupils constricted. He shook his head and exclaimed, “What nonsense is this?! She has no resistance to mental-type skills!”

“You’re right.” The massive wall of ice shattered, revealing a woman supporting Seo Jun-Ho. “But I’m sure you’re already aware that nonsense happens and exists everywhere.”

“...How did you escape the illusion?”

“Contractor called me.”

“Nonsense. You couldn’t have heard his voice.”

“Of course, I’m not saying that I actually heard his voice, but…”

Her contractor and soulmate’s exhaustion and pain reached her.

“Contractor, I’m back.”


Blood flowed down from Seo Jun-Ho’s mouth as he forcibly smiled.

However, he soon shook his head in disappointment.

He was happy that the Frost Queen had returned, but it was already too late. He had exhausted his magic, and he could no longer fight the Archduke, even with the Frost Queen’s help.

“It’s not too late,” said the Frost Queen.

Seo Jun-Ho stared in confusion at the Frost Queen.

“The culmination of the Administrator’s hopes and dreams is in your hands, Contractor. Only you can use it.”

‘Is she talking about the Edit Core?’

Seo Jun-Ho trembled as he recalled the strange device.

“Are you… are you telling me to turn back time with that? It couldn’t even give me a single stat point, so how can it possibly do such a thing?”

The System that Chaos had created didn’t allow an artificial rise in the prowess or level of a particular being.

It was a restriction that had been troubling the Administrators for a long time, and it was all because they had to support Seo Jun-Ho without violating the System’s laws.

“There’s a way.”

“...” Seo Jun-Ho stared at the Frost Queen in a daze, and she stared at him in return.

Seo Jun-Ho was about to ask her to elaborate, but he shut his mouth. “...Ah.”

Seo Jun-Ho smiled hollowly. ‘The Administrators, including Frost, did not let go of their hopes all for the sake of this one moment, even though they had experienced so many defeats against the Archduke? Is that why they have such high expectations of me?’

Seo Jun-Ho closed his eyes.

A crude mechanical device appeared in his hand.

“Everything was decided from the first time you and I met. To be exact, it was when I decided to end this eternal fight with you by my side,” said the Frost Queen.

“...” Seo Jun-Ho tightly gripped the mechanical device in his hand before saying, “Frost, freeze it.”

“I’ve been waiting for you to say that!”

The Frost Queen let go of Seo Jun-Ho and stretched out both of her hands.

“Absolute Zero!”

The world froze over.

The Archduke was frozen thoroughly, and even his blood vessels were frozen.

However, his eyes remained calm. His gaze seemed to be asking Seo Jun-Ho about what he could do when he had already run out of magic.

In response, Seo Jun-Ho muttered, “Edit Core.”

The mechanical device shone brightly.

Seo Jun-Ho gave his very first and last command to the Edit Core.

“I only need one thing from you.”

‘There’s only one way to use the Edit Core without violating the System’s laws.’

“From now on, this place is the 11th Floor.”

“...?” The Archduke blinked rapidly in confusion.

[This is the 11th Floor.]

[Bringer of Spring’s effect has been activated. All stats increased by 30.]

Seo Jun-Ho’s dried-up magic circuits began to fill with magic.

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