The General's Genius Daughter

Chapter 123 Terrorization

Shui Qianruo said indifferently, "I don't understand Prince Nan's words." He looked very pale.

"What's wrong with you? How can you talk to something that doesn't understand people's words? You are beating a dead horse." Hua Qiyue gave Prince Nan an angry stare and she pouted, "But if someone wants to hurt my son, then I won't be soft on him again. Of course, new accounts should be dealt with together with old accounts. It is just not the right time."

Hua Qiyue glanced at Shui Qianruo coldly. When she was about to leave, suddenly, something was whistling and rushing toward them forcefully!

The thing made the air drone all the time. It squeezed the natural front air and made the air scatter like waves of water!

It was a master's spirit weapon!

Hua Qiyue raised her eyes slightly, seeing a spirit sword rushing on her quickly. The sword body sometimes turned into a dragon shape with sharp teeth.


The wind ruptured because someone grabbed the sword that was rushing toward Hua Qiyue with one hand. Then his slender and white fingers pinched gently, giving out a series of "poof" sounds. People found that the Dragon-roar Sword, a famous sword of the Liu's Family's Qi Artist, was instantly pinched into a bunch of powder!

When Yun Shimo calmly pressed the sword into powder, he loosened his hand faintly, and the powder flew with the wind. His eyes showed disgust. "It is so absurd to use this kind of inferior spirit weapon to assassinate infanta."

Hua Qiyue felt slightly warm deep down in her heart. She probably wouldn't be hurt as long as he was around.

At this time, suddenly, another black shadow fiercely rushed to her from another side of the arena. The black shadow was larger than that magic weapon, and people also heard an ear-piercing meow!

"Blue-eyed corpse cat!" Someone screamed. It was the third-level spirit animal, and generally speaking, a Qi Artist under the Dragon Diagram was unable to handle it.

Most of the people who raised this kind of spirit animal were from the Four Great Families—

There was murderous look in Hua Qiyue's eyes because the spirit cat was rushing to Tianci.

Before Yun Shimo reacted, Hua Qiyue readily jumped. Her jade hands condensed a strong anima energy, and her spirit pressure squeezed the vacant space into a ball!

Hua Qiyue grabbed the fierce cat's head with one hand and used several spirit energy to squeeze it. The spirit cat screamed, which attracted all the people's attention. They saw Hua Qiyue standing in the air, and piercing the cat with one hand using spirit energy. People were shocked to find that a flame was in her palm!

The green flame burned the cat into a cloud of ashes instantly!

"Please show mercy!"

Someone shouted, but it was too late. Hua Qiyue got back down the ground easily, looking at the man who jumped off the competition arena coldly.

The man was Liu Yan, a Qi Artist of Liu's Family. When he saw his favorite spirit weapon was actually pinched into powder and the spirit animal borrowed from Liu Shaoming was also burned to death by Hua Qiyue, he could not control his mood and turn furious.

"What do you mean? Who do you think you are? How dare you disturb the order under the competition arena?"

The Qi Artist was furious with them. Obviously, he did not recognize Hua Qiyue and Prince Nan.

Hua Qiyue shook her head and thought that Liu's Family went too far in training Qi Artists. Had these Qi Artists been indoors for several years? Didn't they ever see Yun Shimo before?

"Disrupt the order? You think you can still justify yourself when your spirit weapon attacked others wildly because of your poor martial arts? Is it justifiable that your spirit animal wanted to hurt people?" Hua Qiyue sneered, and there was ice cold light in her eyes.

"You..." The Qi Artist's voice had left him. After all, there were so many people staring at him. He thought for a while and admitted it was his fault. But when he thought about that his favorite spirit weapon was pinched into powder by this man, he came back to his senses!

Those who could destroy the third-level spirit weapon must be a Qi Artist who was one level higher than him. Generally speaking, there was a world of difference between two adjoining levels.

If his opponent wanted to kill him, he would be able to take his life with just one move.

As for Hua Qiyue's move just now, he had never seen someone control such a fire so well...

"Hey, Your Excellency Prince Nan and Princess Jinghua, I am really sorry, sorry! The Qi Artist in my family was too careless. I apologize to you here!"

At this time, a voice came out from the crowd. People parted to make way for the owner of the voice. Liu Mo arrived in a rush leading several Qi Artists, but there was no sincere feeling in his eyes.

Liu Shaoming and Shui Qianru saw this scene with their own eyes, and they couldn't help but be shocked. It was just a few days since they saw each other last time. The Qi Art of Hua Qiyue and Yun Shimo seemed to be stronger than before.

Ordinary people couldn't destroy the upper spirit weapon or spirit animal single-handly.

Hua Qiyue looked at Liu Mo came up to her indifferently. Liu Mo glanced at the Qi Artist standing nearby, noticing his empty hands. After hearing others' arguments, he found that the spirit animal that his family cultivated was burned to ash by Hua Qiyue, and the spirit weapon of this outstanding Qi Artist was also destroyed by Yun Shimo!

Liu Mo was shocked and angry at once because there were not many spirit animals that could be cultivated successfully. But now, one was destroyed by Hua Qiyue. However, it was they who hurt people secretly first, so he couldn't express his dissatisfaction directly.

"House Master Liu, the spirit animal in your family wants to hurt my son and I won't regret killing it. Please tell me what on earth your family wanted to do." Hua Qiyue asked coldly. Looking at the white-haired man, a cold light flashed in Tianci's eyes.

"Oh, mistake, it was a mistake! Because the young childe wears a jade bracelet made of etched jade. Infanta, there are things you do not know. The spirit animal likes this kind of jade best. And my family's Qi Artist was on the arena attending the competition just now. You know it is really hard for him to divert his attention. So infanta, please forgive us." Liu Mo was very angry, but he had to be polite.

Instead of getting angry, Yun Shimo laughed, "It turns out that it is a mistake. But this is a so interesting competition that your family's Qi Artist fails to control his spirit animal."

When Liu Mo heard that, his face suddenly clouded over.

In fact, everything was arranged by him. He thought that Yun Shimo would not react so promptly, but his strength was far beyond the great completeness of Cultivation Dimension. Otherwise, he would not have destroyed the spirit weapon at that level.

"Weapons have no eyes on the competition arena. So Prince Nan and infanta, I hope you won't mind that!" Liu Mo was still very polite, "What's more, the blue-eyed corpse cat also has normal human feelings. Generally, it will not hurt people when its owner left. What a Pity!"

Holding Tianci's hand, Hua Qiyue sneered slowly. "According to House Master Liu, the third-level spirit animal has been miserable, but not my son? My son was frightened and almost got hurt!"

"No, no... Infanta, please don't get me wrong! I didn't mean that!" Liu Mo was very embarrassed.

"That's exactly what you mean! The Liu's Family... um, is ostentatious. But at the beginning, who went to Hua's mansion to flatter my family with your young master? Uh huh? Do you remember that, House Master Liu? I, Hua Qiyue hate the villain most, and hate those who hurt me secretly more, including my families—whoever intends to hurt my son, they will die just like that mean cat!"

Seeing Hua Qiyue's cold eyes, a chill came creeping over the Qi Artist next to her. What's all this about? She was obviously only a Qi Artist in the lower stage of the Dragon Diagram, but why did he feel a sense of danger?

Hua Qiyue's words were unpleasant to hear. But it was the truth. This made Liu Mo even felt more shameful. There was a crowd of onlookers, and they laughed after hearing that one after another.

Liu's Family only pretended to be polite to Hua Qiyue. At first, they just wanted to inveigle her so they treated Hua's family with enthusiasm.

Once they found out that they couldn't gain an advantage from her, they tried to frame her—if they were not villains, then who were?

This kind of Qi Artist was the most unwelcomed one in the Association of Qi Artists.

Liu's Family only relied on the power of the Queen, so people dared not to show their dissatisfaction.

"Hua Qiyue, you are so arrogant! How dare you talk to my father so rudely!" Liu Shaoming couldn't bear it any longer, strode over and shouted coldly.

"Who do you think you are! Liu Shaoming, if I don't show my power, you would think I am weak, wouldn't you? I warn you, even if you want to hurt Tianci a little, I swear I will make your big head explode!"

Hua Qiyue shouted sternly.

Everone was shocked!

Hua Qiyue was more and more presumptuous!

At first, she was indifferent about everything and kept the distance from others. It was assumed that she didn't dare to establish cooperative relations with the Four Families just because she was afraid of the Emperor. Her personality had always been as mild as the water, but now she had gained power and prestige during a short time.

To be honest, it was because of Tianci. Those people tried to hurt him again and again, it was anomalous if Hua Qiyue didn't get mad.

Yun Momo glanced at Liu Mo indifferently, and said coldly, "Whoever hurts my godson, I will also—kill him!"

Even Prince Nan defended Hua Qiyue. Liu Mo was frightened and feared. Yun Shimo was the best alchemist in the world. Besides, he was the fair-haired boy of the Emperor.

It came no good end if someone offended him.

"Oh, how could this be possible? It was just a misunderstanding. Shaoming, go away! I apologize to infanta and the young childe here!"

The cold light in Hua Qiyue's eyes flashed. The old man knew how to behave in a situation like this at least.

However, she also realized that the Liu's Family was also determined to kill her because what happened just now wasn't an accident or misunderstanding.

"OK, Queen Liu, the Liu's Family, just wait! I'll play the game with you no matter how long it takes!"

Liu Shaoming was so angry that he even wanted to spit out blood on the side. He didn't know why he felt uncomfortable to see Hua Qiyue together with Prince Nan. He was angry, on one hand, for Hua Qiyue's words, on the other hand, because she and Prince Nan looked like a perfect match when they stood together. He was so jealous that his eyes turned green.

"In this case, I do not want to argue with you. But just this once!" There were wisps of murderous look in Hua Qiyue's good-looking eyes, which made Liu Mo pause in fear.

Watching them leave, Liu Mo screwed his eyebrows.

"All the actions tonight have failed. Hua Qiyue was really hard to deal with. She couldn't be hurt at all as if she had predicted all the things! No matter what she's facing, she would get an idea to solve it."

Wangyue River was still full of hustle and bustle. When Hua Qiyue, Prince Nan, and Tianci left, the good show tonight would end. But Hua Qiyue didn't know that someone was quietly gazing at her figure not far away, and the man slightly retracted his hand with a fine jade.

"Brother, why don't you go? Hey, Prince Nan just wants to get sister Qiyue out of trouble and there isn't a true marriage contract between them, right?" Ji Jing shouted over there.

Ji Feng smiled ruefully. "Jing'er, you don't get it. As a person like Qiyue, if she doesn't admire someone, she won't allow herself to be manipulated... but he is a good man, and I am relieved..."

Looking at her eldest brother's upset face, Ji Jing could not help but sigh. She did not know how to comfort him in a short while.

She also reached into the pocket in her sleeve and touched the belt that took her half a month to embroider. It was a gift she originally intended to give to Yun Shimo...

Unfortunately, she really had no courage and no such blessing.

On the carriage, after feeding Tianci some water, Hua Qiyue glanced at Yun Shimo on the other side.

"This guy, he obviously owns a luxury coach, but still followed me into this small one."

"What do others think when they, a single man and woman, are together alone in the same carriage."

While Hua Qiyue was worried about her reputation, she had forgotten what just happened.

"Yun Shimo, which organization in Changjing do you think is particularly strong? The kind of organization that can find someone easily?" Hua Qiyue suddenly remembered something and she looked grave.

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