The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 321 - A Pleasant Surprise

Chapter 321: A Pleasant Surprise

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“You can draw the fish out?” The skinny black woman’s words made Zhang Lisheng unusually happy. “Believer, you’ve earned yourself a feather!”

After giving out the hefty reward, he ordered Tugra to take the woman away so she could draw.

Not long after, the drawing of the gray fish painted on bark paper using ground gray stone powder was presented to the tribal Raider by the Tudenan headman.

The drawing was not vivid but the drawing was clear enough, looking as though as if it was faithful to the original. Zhang Lisheng looked at the drawing before handing it back to Tugra. “Carve and copy this drawing on stone slabs and attach it to the mast of every fishing boat after tomorrow’s sunset!”

“Yes, Raider!” The Tudenan headman carefully held the bark paper with both hands and left in a hurry after his orders.

Only Zhang Lisheng was left alone in the tree house. He suddenly recalled the deal he made with the Lord that would be up in one month’s time, prompting him to turn around to take the Tudenan tribal book of history to hold it in his hands, before turning it to the last page.

Staring into the image of his own self in the book, a thought of having the Trinity being made up of the tribal totem pole, the tribal book of history and himself, tentatively flashed in his mind.

At that instant, his consciousness became blurry for a while. A kaleidoscope-like yet intriguing brilliance appeared in front of him. At the same time, the tribal book of history in his hand and the totem pole outside of the tree house echoed and erupted into a dazzling milky white flame.

After that flame appeared, it burnt vigorously around his body and harmlessly condensed shiny round stones the size of beans, before finally slowly extinguishing on its own.

“Sure enough, I’ve gained immunity already after having been burnt once!” After everything ended, Zhang Lisheng patted his chest in pleasant surprise and sighed a long sigh of relief. Muttering to himself, he jumped off the animal leather chair, and squatted on the floor to dexterously pick up the faith stones that had defined edges from the ground. “A total of 71 pieces. I need to give the Lord 26 pieces so the remaining 45 are all mine. Now that I have more than 600,000 believers, it’ll become easier for these faith stones to be produced. But still, what use does it have anyway? I don’t know how to use it at all…”

As he was muttering, this feeling of ‘having the key but not knowing which door to use it on’ turned Zhang Lisheng’s originally pleasant good mood into that of irritation. He put the faith stones and the tribal book of history together back onto the altar and walked out of the bark house. After transforming using the wyrmdragon’s power, he accumulated thick fog and rose to the sky.

He circled the island on an altitude several kilometers above and finally felt much more relaxed. Sitting on the clouds, the young man looked at the distant sea and pondered, feeling that since the Tudenan’s situation had already stabilized now, there was no need for him to worry anything before he fully digested the fruit of victory, since the deal with the Lord would not be carried out until a few weeks later.

Then, he crossed the world barrier and flew to New York.

It was much more convenient now that he had the ability to ride the clouds and fly. After two to three hours, Zhang Lisheng commanded the cloud to land on the roof of his office building on the outskirts of New York. After spending six seconds to change his incarnation power to become the lizard’s power, he nihilated and entered the office before the fog had even dispersed yet.

As per his usual routine, he took a hot bath, and then put a whole set of clean clothes. Refreshed, the young man took out an iced Coke from the refrigerator and walked towards the large office chair to sit down. He pulled out a spare mobile phone from the drawer of the table and called Charlie who took care of the LS Group on behalf of him.

“Hey boss, good afternoon, you haven’t called me for a long time. Have you invented any great inventions recently?” The phone was quickly connected and a very pleasant voice resonated from the phone.

“Good afternoon, Charlie. I haven’t invented any great invention but I’ve made great progress on other things. How much spare cash does the company have right now?”

“The company’s operating status is extremely good! However, as per your previous instructions, most of the circulating funds have been invested. If you want to take out cash, you can have about 500 million dollars in three days, but if you give me 2 weeks time…”

“No, wait Charlie! 500 million dollars is enough. You will immediately set up a subsidiary company in the form of exclusive funding from LS Group and call it, erm, Shrimp B1 Island Comprehensive Development Company with a registration basis fund of 500 million dollars. After that, you’ll wait for my news, understood?”

“Yes, boss.” Charlie was stunned for a moment. His tone was apparently filled with a lot of excitement. “Is the time ripe for you to make your big move?”

“There are things that are not convenient to talk about on the phone. I’ll fill you in when we have a chance to meet. I’ll hang up now!” After saying so, Zhang Lisheng hung up and then dialed Tina’s number.

“Hey, no matter who you are, I have a splitting headache now! You better hang up the phone immediately if there’s no urgent issue!” After the girl picked up the call, she sounded tired and impatient, as though she was being awakened from her sleep.

“It’s me, Tina. “Zhang Lisheng was stunned for a moment before answering with a smile.

“Oh baby! It has been two months and only now did you call me!” When Tina heard that the voice belonged to her boyfriend, her tone became gentle right away. “I’m sorry, it was Beatrice’s birthday last night. She’s the Executive Committee of Foreign Affairs of Harvard Sisters’ Association. Trish, Sheila and I have partied the entire night and finally fell asleep in the morning.”

“In that case, you continue to sleep, I’m calling to tell you that I’ll go to Boston tomorrow to see you.”

“That’s great. I thought you forgot about it,” the girl whispered in a hoarse voice. “Dear, when will you arrive tomorrow?”

“I’m not sure, I’ll contact you again when I arrive in Boston.” Zhang Lisheng looked at the metal door of his office being pushed open slowly as he said in a low voice.

“I’ll wait for you then, baby! I really can’t wait to see you! See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.” Zhang Lisheng hung up the phone with a slightly dried voice and took a deep breath, before looking at the beautiful girl wearing a simple and elegant open-collared white shirt with straight black pencil pants walking up to his desk. The chilliness in his eyes had long vanished without a trace, as he coughed dryly and said, “Hey Maddie, long time no see.”

“Have you just called Miss Tina?” The girl did not seem to hear Zhang Lisheng’s greetings. After pondering for a while, she asked.

“This is my private matter…”

“Have you just called Miss Tina?”


“Have you just called Miss Tina?”

When the young man heard the girl repeatedly ask the same question for the third time, he sighed and replied, “Yes.”

“Is she coming back to New York to see you tomorrow?”

“No, I’m going to Boston to see her.”

“How lucky for her!” Maddie became silent for a moment, said with a smile.

“You can have that as well, as long as you find someone who loves you…” Zhang Lisheng said in a low voice but when he was speaking halfway, he saw the indescribable sadness in the girl’s eyes, prompting him to choke on his words right away. “Ah shit, I’m a wizard, and a devil! It’s not that you’ve never seen what kind of ruthless murderer I am. What’s more, well, you also know that Tina and I are very in love. W-We… We’re both…”

“When I see you getting worked up like this, for the first time in a few months, I feel much better now. I feel like it’s indeed right for me to come up to your office to take a stroll everyday when I have time.” When Maddie saw the way the young man lost control, her dim eyes suddenly turned bright, as a smile that originated from the bottom of her heart crept upon her mouth.

“The reason I get so worked up is because I hate seeing you acting so f*cked up like this! You grew up in New York so why can’t you be more open when it comes to relationships, like other normal urban girls?” When Zhang Lisheng heard the girl’s reply, he gradually calmed down and said with a wry smile.

“Well, you’ve obviously a billionaire so why can’t you be like other normal young and wealthy men and have multiple girlfriends?” Maddie walked around the desk and sat down on it lightly. Tiptoeing, she placed her nude high-heeled shoes with thin heels between Zhang Lisheng’s legs and lowered her body down to ask.

Zhang Lisheng went silent for a while. Quietly, he took out a car key from the drawer of the desk and without warning, he summoned force to both his hands and feet, prompting himself to fly and tumble over the girl’s head, before striding towards the metal door of the office without even turning his head around.

“Can I take that as you’re escaping? Yeah, dear wizard descendant who came from China who always thinks you’re so great?” Dumbfounded, Maddie turned around and looked at the young man leaving. When he was about to open the door, she suddenly asked in her acrid manner of speaking that she used to have when she first encountered Zhang Lisheng for the first time many years ago.

The young man froze. Silently, he walked out of the office without words, and when he reached downstairs with a blank expression, a bird-chirping ringing sound suddenly resonated from his pocket.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Lisheng took out the phone and looked at the screen. When he saw the picture of a pretty girl with short black hair flashing on it, his heart shuddered immediately as he quickly picked it up, “Senior Sister, why are you so free in calling me?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. I just wanna let you know that the visitation invitation letter from Sichuan University that you asked me to arrange has already reached Stanford now.” The phone was silent for a moment before being filled with a beautiful female voice.

Originally, Zhang Lisheng thought that after his cruel means and the answers that came straight from his heart was exposed in front of Guo Caiying, his plan of going back to China with a disguised intention would have some change but to his surprise, it was actually abruptly settled just like that.

Zhang Lisheng walked out of the office building ecstatically and entered the Mercedes-Benz recreational vehicle in front of the building. However, he replied, “Senior Sister, it doesn’t seem to be me who asked you to arrange the invitation letter, does it?”

“Oh come on! It’s the same outcome anyway so is it that important for us to debate who is the one who wanted it to be arranged? In short, you’re now a visiting research scholar invited by the Sichuan University and is registered in the China Ministry of Education. Even if you don’t want to go, you’ll have to go as well! You can’t turn back on your words!”

“Turn back on my words? Of course I won’t do that. Since I’ve given my words already, I’ll definitely go,” Zhang Lisheng said with a smile. “I’ll have ample free time about a month later so there should not be a problem for me to return to China. Okay, Senior Sister, I’m about to drive so if there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up the phone.”

“Hang up then! No matter how rich you are, you’re still a nouveau riche! How rude of you to actually hang up a lady’s call in such a rush!” Guo Caiying said angrily and beat him in hanging up the phone first.

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