The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 338 - Miracle

Chapter 338: Miracle

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Seeing a monster disappear the instant it appeared to swallow Tudenan’s Raider and sneak back into the ground from afar, the tribal alliance’s spiritual monsters who had fallen into a chaotic battle shouted in surprise, “It’s the King of the Sierras! It’s the King of the Sierras…”

Strangely, despite witnessing their mortal enemy being swallowed up like that, the horror in their tone was far greater than their joy.

However, no matter how strange this was, the sudden attack on the Raider, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, was a fatal blow to the Tudenan tribesmen. The group of warriors nearby had completely ignored the battle and were staring at the ground where Zhang Lisheng vanished to with their eyes popping wide. With numbness creeping upon their feet and hands, they trembled uncontrollably and some of them could not even hold their spears anymore.

A one-armed warrior from the tribal alliance, who had fallen to the ground after having his left leg being pierced by spears by a Tudenan warrior riding on the giant millispider, who had already quietly looked up at the night sky filled with drizzling rain waiting for his death to come, realized that the spear of the Tudenan tribesman never fell.

Dumbfounded, he tumbled and crawled up from the mud with great difficulty. Wiping away the muddy water on his face, he saw his opponent had seemed to have lost his soul. As his train of thought changed its course, the one-armed warrior shouted out loudly, “The ancestors are blessing us! Samru’s warriors, the evil guardian spirit of Tudenan has already died in battle…”

Upon hearing his shout, the smart tribal alliance’s warriors also shouted loudly. Not long after, the news of the death of Tudenan’s warrior spread throughout the battlefield.

The situation of the war had a sudden change just like that. The attacker who came with crushing force suddenly faced a reversal. However, at this moment, a monster that was 10 meters tall with its body entirely covered with steel-like muscles and yellow-blue round scales treaded on the muddy soil and charged out from the jungle, towards the Samru’s totem pole. With just a slam, it caused the stone column to tremble.

Then, the monster laughed hysterically with a voice that could even shatter the heavens. “Oh my devout believers, the brave warriors of Tudenan, it seems that these timid Samru tribesmen have not reached a stage of desperation yet. Go! Continue your killings! Tell them the meaning of ‘conquest’ using ‘iron’ and ‘blood’! ”

“T-The Raider! The Raider is not dead! The Samru people actually made such a scene on the battlefield! Go to hell!” Upon hearing the familiar roar and seeing the ferocious figure, the Tudenan warriors were frantic with ecstasy as they re-tightened their grip on the weapons in their hands, erupting with twice the courage as they began to slaughter.

Personally witnessing Zhang Lisheng being attacked sneakily by the King of the Sierras yet reappearing again on the battlefield completely intact but in an inexplicably different form, the spiritual monsters of the tribal alliance looked as though they lost a great half of their courage right away.

“T-Tudenan’s Raider i-is actually a powerful spiritual monster that can be evenly matched with t-the King of the Sierras? H-He has fooled us! He has fooled us…”

“Samru, Pelungia and Eruya’s annihilation is inevitable now. Even Kamando… Even Kamando may not be able to escape the fate of being conquered…”

“Is tonight the annihilation day for legacies of several thousands of years? I-I’ve tried my best… I’ve done everything that I could….”

Similar cries could be heard everywhere.

There was even one spiritual monster who wailed at the top of his lungs insanely, “The Lumaza that I’ve been protecting has actually come to an end. Even if I have to abandon transmigration, I’ll perish together with all of you!”

Then, he detonated his Gold Core and turned into droplets of flesh and blood together with the several Super Hellfiremen and hundreds of elite warriors from the Tudenan tribe.

Upon seeing their guardian spiritual monsters fall into such a desperate state, the warriors of the tribal alliance were reduced to despair. The scarce remnant desire of fighting till the end soon vanished into nothingness. More than ten minutes later, Zhang Lisheng, who saw that the battle situation had become a complete massacre now, once again slammed Samru’s totem pole, causing the stone pillar to actually collapse despite the fact that some of the guardian spiritual monsters were still alive.

The fall of Samru’s totem pole was like the last straw that broke the camel’s back, causing the other guardian spiritual monsters and warriors from other tribes in the tribal alliance to flee one by one. To the Samru tribesmen, this catastrophe had already ended. Other than the guardian spiritual monsters who still fought to their last breath, the ordinary warriors had already thrown away the weapons in their hands in a daze.

After completing the conquest of Samru, Zhang Lisheng ordered 1,500 elite warriors to escort the captives and the spoils while he led the other tribal warriors to chase the fleeing tribal alliance’s warriors and spiritual monsters. In the end, like a whirlwind that swept away scattered clouds, he made a clean sweep of all opposition and conquered the many tribes in the middle of Shrimp B1 Island like Pelungia, Eruya and Lumaza one by one.

While he was capturing Eruya, he even defeated hundreds of sea spiritual monsters who returned to reinforce the tribal alliance.

After this tough and bloody long battle that was filled with countless surprises ended, Tudenan became a worthy hegemony with a majestic bearing of having over a million in their population on Shrimp B1 Island after sacrificing 346 Super Hellfiremen and 7900 elite warriors and captured 400,000 captives.

The conquering army returned with triumph. In the bark house enshrining the tribal book of history, the Tudenan headman kneeled below the animal leather chair and was completely thrilled with excitement. “This was a legendary battle, Great Raider! This was a legendary battle! Even though I know that you have infinite power, it’s still unimaginable to think that you achieved such a feat by leading fewer than 40,000 warriors to conquer 17 tribes in one fell swoop.”

“I was just riding the wave of the situation, it has little to do with my strength.” Zhang Lisheng did not appear to be hypocritical in the face of Tugra. “Had the spiritual monsters guarding the tribal alliance not split up into groups; had it not been for the tribal alliance’s chaotic army that has completely been shattered which prevented the sea spiritual monsters who returned to aid from giving play to even 60% of their strength and caused them to shatter just like that; had it not been for those avenging outlanders who used the alchemy machinery to attack the Kamando people all night to restrain them… There were many more ‘had it not’s and even if only one of them had turned out differently, I’d not have been able to achieve such victory at all.”

“You’re too humble, Great Raider!”

“This is not humbleness. I merely know my own limitations well. That’s right, Tugra. Have you captured the wild beast alive as I ordered?”

“I was just about to report to you that the warriors have just captured a Giant-teeth Dragon. It could be said as the most ferocious beat on this island. We’d not have been able to capture it had it not been led by the chief who can cast sorcery.”

“Is it so?” Zhang Lisheng sighed. “There are only 400 warriors who can cast sorcery left in the tribe. It seems like we’ll have to carry out the blessing ritual again. This time…”

The young man calculated the number of Gold Cores on hand. He had risked his life and stole 107 pieces when the human gathering was attacked by the tribal alliance. Yesterday, when he was conquering various tribes like Samru, Pelungia and Eruya, due to the reason that some spiritual monsters had fled at the end of the battle, out of the slightly over 190 Gold Cores that he was supposed to obtain, he only managed to get his hands on 156 in total.

Even so, when the two were added up together, there were still a total of 263 Gold Cores. According to his past practice, he could smash them into roughly 6,500 fragments and add another 1,900 Super Hellfiremen to Tudenan.

After careful calculation, Zhang Lisheng was shocked by the gains he obtained in these past few days as well. After pondering, he continued to say, “This time, we will raise 6,500 volunteers who will volunteer to accept the blessing ritual. Oh yeah, we need to expand the army to 150,000 as well.”

“Yes, Raider!” Tugra bowed and buried his head on the ground.

“We haven’t finished digesting the ‘fruit’ we obtained last time and now we have an even greater ‘fruit’ to eat. The tribe appears to be prospering but in truth, the foundation is already unstable. However, the opportunity to attack Kamando is close at hand now so we must seize it… In short, you must have a good sense of propriety.”

“Yes, Great Raider!”

“On top of that, since we have already occupied more than two-thirds of the islands, it is imperative to establish a ‘separation’ of the tribe. We’ll allocate 300,000 people to establish a new tribe at Eruya’s original dwelling position in the middle of the island. That place is not far from the beach so fisheries can be built there, not mentioning that it can overlook the hunting grounds as well. After we have conquered the Kamando tribe in the future, we’ll also build another separated tribe and just like before, we’ll allocate 300,000 people too. In that way, Tudenan will have completely occupied the entire island. Oh yeah one more thing, the tribal fishing boats can already sail at the shallow seas so our dependence on the underground river catches will become smaller in the future. However, this place will always be Tudenan’s foundation, do you understand?” Zhang Lisheng pointed downward and said.

“I understand, Great Raider!”

When Zhang Lisheng saw the respectful manner of the Tudenan headman, he smiled. “Tugra, the longer time goes by, the more I feel that my decision in choosing you as the Tudenan headman last time is correct. You’re a qualified in-charge person for internal affairs. As a headman, this is even more important than being courageous and good in battle. Let’s go! Accompany me outside to look at the Giant-teeth Dragon!”

He then leapt down from the animal leather chair and strode out of the bark house.

The ceremony of converting the captives outside was still undergoing. The blood pools of various sizes lined up together that were soaking the totem poles and bodies were particularly eye-catching too.

“Tugra, don’t bury the bodies in the blood pool. Since they are so stubborn and would rather die than believing in me as their living faith, then I’ll do as they wish and put their bodies together with the bodies of those spiritual monsters guarding the tribal alliance, and then give it to those outlanders as a gift!”

Originally, the Hellfire tribesmen who were willing to die together with their perished tribe were usually regarded as warriors, to the point where even their enemies would have great respect for them. However, without hesitation, the Tudenan headman answered right away, “Yes, Raider!”

When the Tudenan warriors kneeling by the side heard Zhang Lisheng’s words, there was no sign of change on their expressions as well, as though they felt that since the dead in the blood pool were unwilling to convert to believe in their great tribal Raider, their bodies deserved to be humiliated as a matter of fact.

This thing did not seem to be a great deal, but actually, this was the sign of Zhang Lisheng’s gradual change of status in the heart of his believers, from the tribal god to a true god one would commend his soul to, by relying on his miraculous ceaseless triumphs.

It was a pity that at this moment, the young man did not realize this significantly meaningful glad tiding. His entire attention was distracted by the beast tightly shackled by more than ten thick chains on the edge of the open space..

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