The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 342 - The Commencement of a Great War

Chapter 342: The Commencement of a Great War

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

If Zhang Lisheng rejected the request made by the chief commander of the US Army’s troops stationed on Shrimp B1 Island, he would lose the full support from the US Army and it would undoubtedly become several times more difficult in conquering Kamando.

Adding on the fact that the conditions proposed by Cole were really tempting, Zhang Lisheng nodded with great difficulty and said, “Alright General. I’ll go find Tudenan’s leader now and talk to him.”

After shutting off the communication device, he fell into deep contemplation.

The attack on the human gathering place on the foreign world’s island was initiated by the 17 tribe alliance led by Samru, Pelungia and Eruya. The Kamando tribe was merely taking advantage of this conflagration to loot a burning house. When they were attacked by the joint forces of Steel Warriors and aircraft carrier fleets, the severity of damage suffered by both parties were completely different.

The tribal coalition lost one-third of its guardian spiritual monsters, tens of thousands of powerful warriors, while Kamando only lost less than 20 guardian spiritual monsters and several thousands of elite warriors with partners.

Not only that, even though the former could not be said as in a state of disunity, but no matter what, it was still composed of seventeen forces that ranged from being large or small. Once it was at an absolute disadvantage, it would easily collapse.

The latter, on the other hand, was very similar to Tudenan. It was also a Hellfire tribe entirely dominated by a powerful being so it could unleash and give play to its powerful strength from start to end in an integral whole.

“King of the Sierras, King of the Sierras…” Mumbling the name of this spiritual monster that had a position in the Kamando tribe similar to his own in Tudenan, Zhang Lisheng stood up from the muddy ground.

He left the Tree House of Blessing and told the dispatch warriors coming up to him, “Warriors, bring the Samru, Pelungia and Eruya warriors who have the highest position when they were converted to Tudenan to see me!”

“Yes, Raider!” The warriors whose faces were painted with red sap commanded the giant millispiders under them that had long slender limbs to disperse right away. After more than ten minutes, they brought seven to eight strong natives into the huge tree house enshrining the tribal book of history.

As the most sacred place of Tudenan, the bark house dedicated to the tribal book of history had become Zhang Lisheng’s private office and bedroom. When the people had crouched on the ground, they began to sing in praise, “Oh Great Raider, you’re our living faith. You’re the legend and hope of the tribe…”

While they were singing in praise, Zhang Lisheng, who was sitting on the animal leather chair, interrupted the words of the natives and asked, “Tell me, believers. Who among you has the highest position in your tribe before you converted to Tudenan?”

“Me, Great Raider! I used to have two feathers when I was in Samru.” An aborigine whose hair was completely shaved who had broad shoulders answered in a low voice.

“Great Raider, I used to be a two-feather chief warrior back in Eruya.” Then, another aborigine whose head appeared to be particularly huge replied in a trembling voice.

A two-feathered chief warrior could be said as the backbone of the tribe, but far from being a high-ranking person.

However, the longer the history a powerful Hellfire tribe had, the more chief warriors would be willing to die together with its tribe when it was conquered. For a tribe like Samru, Pelungia and Eruya that had thousands of years of history, with a population of more than 100,000 people, one could say that Tudenan was extremely powerful and attractive if there were still two-feathered chief warriors who were still willing to change their belief after their tribe had perished.

Zhang Lisheng had personally annihilated several dozens of Hellfire tribes so he knew the Hellfire tribesmen’s customs very well. Even though he heaved a sigh over the absence of miracles, he still did not show any disappointed expression. “In that case, tell me your impressions of the King of the Sierras of the Kamando tribe.”

When the word King of the Sierras came out of the young man’s mouth, the bodies of the aborigines kneeling on the ground became obviously stiff. Several of them began to tremble slightly as well. Only the aborigine with a big head did not lose his cool and continued to say, “Great Raider, the King of the Sierras is the most powerful monster on the island before you appeared. No one knows how many days it has ruled Kamando and we only know that its name has always been there in many ancient legends. He’s the nightmare of Samru, Pelungia and Eruya, no, I should say the nightmare of all the Hellfire tribes on the island. If it’s not for his stupidity and selfishness, the Kamando tribe would have conquered this entire island long ago.”

“Oh why do you say so?”

“In the past 1000 years, the alliance of Samru, Pelungia and Eruya have fought countless battles with the Kamando tribe before. However, regardless of the size of the battle, the number of Kamando’s guardian spiritual monsters who showed up would never exceed 30. It’s said that it’s because the King of the Sierras wants to dominate most of the Kamando’s offerings all by himself and doesn’t allow the tribe to have more guardian spiritual monsters…”

“It sounds like his approach is very similar to mine.” Zhang Lisheng frowned and blurted out.

“Great Raider, y-you’re completely different from the King of the Sierras!” The big-headed aborigine said in terror. “You can grant spell-casting powers to ordinary Hellfire warriors and let them protect and strengthen the tribe increasingly in the place of the spiritual monsters. It’s precisely because I’ve witnessed this magical power of that I’m willing to convert to Tudenan. The King of the Sierras, on the other hand, is willing to throw away the opportunity to conquer the whole island just because of his covetous greed on Kamando’s offerings, rather than recruiting more powerful guardian spiritual monsters to guard the tribe. Now, it has become a mountain antelope waiting to be slaughtered…”

“Oh. The Kamando is not a mountain antelope,” Zhang Lisheng became silent for a while before sighing. “Have any of you met the King of the Sierras on the battlefield before?”

“Great Raider, our life is short so we have never seen the King of the Sierras on the battlefield. It’s said that it would show its powerful strength to intimidate the tribes every 100 years.” This time, it was the bald aborigine warrior who answered.

“It’s said, it’s said, it’s said…” Zhang Lisheng sighed. “It seems that your understanding of the King of the Sierras is merely based on imagination.

None of the aborigines answered as they only buried their heads deeper into the ground.

Upon seeing them answering with silent action, the young man sighed and let the aborigines retreat. After pondering for a while, he ordered the dispatch warrior to call the Tudenan headman to see him.

“Tugra, the King of the Sierras has attacked the outlander’s stone tribe and has killed hundreds of warriors. It makes way for us but attacks the outlander’s tribe so it’s apparent that his motive is not simple. For this reason, I’ve decided to send troops to Kamando in five days and occupy the entire island in one fell swoop. ”

“Raider, b-but we’ll only need to wait for the sun to rise and fall for 40 times more before the 1000 or so newly blessed chief warriors who have spell-casting abilities to wake up. Not only that, the 20,000 new giant millispiders that have matured…” Upon hearing the Raider’s decision, Tugra was stunned for a while before answering cautiously.

“But those outlanders no longer have the patience to wait. If we refuse them this time, we’ll lose the help from those alchemy machineries and it’ll be several times more difficult for us to attack Kamando in the future. Besides, if we can conquer the Kamando tribe within five days, the outlander will give us 12 big ships that are made from steel. Those ships don’t need sails nor manpower to sail at sea! We only need to burn wood and the ships can sail very fast at the sea. If Aruba can imitate this kind of steel ship, it’ll be easier for Tudenan to conquer the other islands in the future.”

“Yes, Raider!” Zhang Lisheng’s determination in doing things his own way could only make Tugra obey. “I’ll go prepare now.”

After the Tudenan headman retreated, an anxious expression appeared on the young man’s face.

After thinking about it, he took out the communication device from the animal skin pouch at the waist and got in touch with Cole again. “I have good news for you, General. The Tudenan’s leader agreed to attack Kamando five days later, however, he has a precondition.”

“What condition?” Cole asked concisely and powerfully.

“In the evening five days later, you’ll launch a missile and dispatch a plane to conduct a high-intensity air raid on Kamando for at least 12 hours. At the same time when you’re conducting your air raid, the Tudenan’s army will depart from its tribe. They’ll reach the Kamando tribe after about one whole night. At this time, the military will stop the air raid attack, and Tudenan will launch a ground attack to capture Kamando in one fell swoop.”

“This is the condition requested by the leader of the C1 tribe? It’s no problem, Mr. Zhang.” Cole agreed without any consideration and hesitation.

“And there’s one more thing, after the Kamando tribe is eliminated, I hope that you can get the steel steam ships in as soon as possible. This time, the main reason Tudenan is willing to attack Kamando earlier than planned is because of the temptation of interest. If there’s no steel ship, I may never be able to return home again,” Zhang Lisheng said with a sigh of pretense.

“Have those natives threatened you. Mr. Zhang?” Cole asked in a strange tone.

“It’s not a threat but I can’t seem to be able to leave the tribe now. I can’t even go to the forest to collect experimental materials now. This is the first time such a thing has happened to me.”

“It’s really unfortunate, but rest assured Mr. Zhang, I’ll definitely carry out my promise.”

“I’m not worried that the US government will sacrifice a billionaire and a talented scientist for the sake of 12 ancient steamships, General.” Zhang Lisheng ended his sentence with an underlying meaning and turned off the communication device.

Five days passed by in the blink of an eye. In the evening, when the raging bonfire of Shrimp B1 Island’s Tudenan tribe had just lit up, the tens of thousands of elite warriors who were ready to go crossed the jungle under the leadership of the tribal Raider and charged straight to the other side of the island.

In the darkness of the night, the beasts in the jungle made way for the army, only leaving behind countless giant spiders who would silently climb into the canopy or course through the woodland from time to time in the vast jungle,

Amidst the final and most crucial battle to unify the island, Zhang Lisheng sat on the back of Ghostface and stared in the distance in a pondering appearance. However, in fact, he could not help but be heaved with emotion in the depth of his heart.

After commanding the wizard gu to move forward with turmoil in his heart for more than ten hours, he heard the sound of explosions that was gradually getting clear from the distance. Watching from afar from the canopy, he saw that there was a sea of fire at the place where the night sky and ground met.

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