The Hitting Zone

Chapter 1156 V4 ch4

Chapter 1156  V4 ch4

Coach gathered us up and Rose soon showed up…pushing a wheelchair.

"Here you go, sir." Rose pulled up right behind Grampa.

Grampa was shocked. He frowned. "I don't need that."

"Yes, you do." Noah took over the handles from Rose. "Thanks, Rose. I'll push him." He looked at Grampa. "There's going to be a lot of walking to get to the field and then to get to the seats. Just take a seat and let me do all the work. You've had a long weekend. Let me make it easier."

Grampa's face softened up, but he still grumbled as he sat down and got comfy.

When Coach confirmed that everyone had arrived, Rose took the lead, introducing herself and explaining that when we get to the field, everyone would have to follow her instructions and don't go beyond the ropes that would separate us from the players.

Jeremy was already waiting around, immediately coming to me and my family. He greeted everyone, Zeke and Grampa got asked a few extra questions since he hadn't seen them in a while. Next, I introduced him to my teammates, going down the line saying their name and position. Jeremy was patient with everyone, talking and taking pictures. There were so many us that he didn't get much of a break. Luckily a few other players from both teams came around to take pictures and shake hands. The whole team was buzzing with excitement afterwards.

Rose took the parents up to the seats while we waited with other employees and the other CIF winning teams that came today. Noah wanted to take Grampa on the field, but since we were walking on the outfield grass, it wasn't advisable to take him a wheelchair. Zeke took him up to the seats instead, promising to cheer the loudest for us.

I was surprised by how many other CIF champions were to take the field with us, thinking everyone would have gone Friday and Saturday. But I guess it makes sense. There were over a handful of divisions and more than a handful of sports for both girls and boys.

Garret was handed a banner, the one that was to be hung up at our school. It was from the CIF federation, stating our championship status with the sport and division. Every team's captain was handed one.

Once Rose got back, she started to organize all the groups, instructing everyone on what to do (smile and wave) and what not to do (mean hand gestures and running around the field). Then it was show time.

The stadium's PA announcer already had the info on all the schools present and for every one he called out, he mentioned the sport and division, then there would be a burst of applause from those families and friends that came.

When it came to our turn, our family group was easy to find as they cheered. Jeremy and Rose improved our nosebleed seats to those under the overhang and mostly in the shade. How considerate. I smiled and waved to our group.

After all the announcements were done, we were sent back the way we came. Then we headed for our seats, getting there just in time for first pitch. It was fun to hang with the team one more time before it got broken up and the seniors graduated. The A's won with some help from Jeremy, putting everyone in a good mood on the drive home.

We dropped Zeke off back at his school and continued on the way home, getting back before dark. I love the summer and its late sunsets.

Monday morning, Noah said we should text Kaylee to wish her luck so we did. She didn't reply. We found out from Alisha later on that she had to be at the hospital at 7am this morning so she probably didn't have her phone on her. It felt quiet without her, but thankfully Marie sent out a mass text saying that Kaylee's surgery went well and she would even be able to go home later in the day.

"If we didn't have Driver's Ed class this evening, I would have liked to go over." Alisha said during our cooking class.

"Want to go over tomorrow after school?" Noah offered. "We can make Kyle drive us. He should be willing since he would get to see Marie."

"What about Dave?" Alisha asked.

"Dave's cool. He won't mind going over for a little bit." Noah shrugged.

"I want to go over so we'll out vote them." I offered.

Noah nodded. "Yep. We work on the democracy system." He looked at Alisha. "Want to go with us? We'll take you home after."

"I'll accept the ride there and then stay until dinner, but my dad can pick me up." Alisha made up her mind. "Thanks."

After school, we finished our homework early in preparation to go to our in-person driver's lesson in the later afternoon. Noah sat next to Mom up front and I sat in her backseat behind him.

"Are you boys planning any pranks on the twins on Wednesday?" Mom suddenly asked just as we pulled out of the driveway.

"We haven't thought of anything yet." Noah complained. "We've been so busy with the end of the season, plus it's hard to top what we did to Zeke." He paused and slowly looked to Mom. "Why? Do you have any ideas?"

Mom tapped her steering wheel as she drove. "Not sure if it's an idea per se."

Noah turned his whole body to face her. "Just tell us what you have in mind and we can see what we can come up with."

I got my phone out and entered Google, ready for the search engine to come up with an idea.

"Your father and I…got the twins-" She stopped herself. "Well, we didn't necessarily 'get' them anything. But we're going to gift them the two SUV's. The family car will go with Dave to college and Kyle can take your father's car."

My jaw dropped. The twin's are about the get their birthday wish granted. They both wanted cars.

"Uh…what are we going to drive then?" Noah asked, sounding confused. "We can't just share your car, can we?"

"Seeing as you two can't officially drive for quite some time, it'll be on the to do list. Maybe wait for a holiday when dealerships have deals going on." Mom mused. "Plus, your Grampa will still have his car so we won't just be relying on this one." She pat the steering wheel.

This must be why Mom looked a little stress when Zeke mentioned getting a car too. "What about Zeke…?" I asked her.

Mom looked a little guilty. "We didn't expect him to want a car this summer and that's on us for not inquiring. But we've spoken to him this morning and we'll help his car buying process as long as keeps the price reasonable."

Noah laughed. "That's messed up. The twins got their own cars before him. That's what he gets for being the responsible one."

"Noah James." Mom glanced at him with a warning look. "It wasn't something we anticipated. We just worked on the logistics of Kyle needing a car since we don't know how much traveling he may or may not do this year. And to be fair, Dave should get one too."

"The price of having twins." Noah joked.

I grinned. Made sense to me. You can't just give one a car and tell the other to suck it up. It would be hard to keep a balance. At least with Zeke it was unexpected and he's more understanding.

"When can we get our licenses?" Noah asked.

"After Jake turns 16, we'll schedule your tests." Mom said. "But don't worry, we'll make sure you kids get your practice in every chance we get. For example, going to school at the start of the year. Your father or I will be present in the car while one of you drive us to the school. We'll drop you off and take the car back. When we pick you up, one of you will drive us back."

"Sounds like a lot of work for you guys." Noah commented. "Maybe I should have tried to get my permit at 15.5 like the twins and Zeke did. Then I could be in charge by my 16th birthday in July."

I nodded. "That would have been better. And Alisha could have still done the class with you." And that would mean I wouldn't have to worry about driving at all.

Noah laughed. "Yea, right. You wouldn't have been able to do the class alone. With a bunch of strangers. And then no doubt, you would be afraid to do the actual driving lessons with a strange adult."

I chuckled, guilty. "The actual driving lesson stills scares me. I really don't know how to drive at all."

"We'll take you boys for practice in a parking lot." Mom assured me with a glance in the rearview mirror. "We've done it with Zeke and the twins. Just to get a feel for the car so you're not so on edge with the instructor."

I nodded, grateful.

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