The Husky and His White Cat Shizun

Chapter 107

When the scholars say that it is two hours, the person who is also Confucius and Meng Zeng Zhu, who is so dizzy and tired to sleep, has to make a deep interest, but also hard.

For the listening class, there is a set of ink burning.

At the beginning, I heard a "Oh?", frowning, seemingly puzzled and doubtful.

Waiting for the other party to talk for a while, then another "Oh...", the eyebrows are slightly extended, as if slightly slightly, and gradually understand.

In the end, remember to keep your eyes wide open, your eyes burning, and a "oh~" is essential. What you want is to let the person who speaks understand that he is open to the top after he has taught him.

Three "Oh", he did not use it in the evening class.

It is a pity that Chu would rather not eat this set, always look at him coldly and let him shut up.

Where can the little bookworm be treated like this, when it comes to the back, the two eyes are shining, and the leaps and bounds are overwhelming, and there is a sense of hatefulness with the ink burning, and there is still a little bit of arrogance.

"I understand." The ink burned and laughed. "Listen to your reading, and then look at this landscape map, you will know that Danqing is valuable, and the money is not changed."

If the bookworm is still a living person, he must be red-faced, but now he is blushing, but the other excitement is not bad. He is happy to know how to put it, just like a child, laughing, thin face It is light.

The first time I saw the ghost, I was so happy.

Almost, he got up and bowed to the other side and said, "It's not early, I will go around and find a place to stay. If you have time tomorrow, I will come back to you."

The scholar is cold and can’t be called Mr., but it’s a happy expression. Half of it’s fear is half bliss: “No, no, no, dare not, I’ve been tested many times, even a show is not allowed, I...hey...”

The ink burned and laughed: "The quality of learning is not in Lilu, but in the heart."

The scholar was greatly surprised: "You, did you say such a thing?"

"This is what my teacher said, and it’s just a matter of picking up people."

Scholar: "... pick up the teeth."

"Is it? Hahahaha." The ink smirked and scratched his head. "I remember it wrong."

When the scholars saw that the time was not early, no one would come to ask the painting again today, and they would pick up the basket and said: "There is nothing left to do, and it is rare to meet someone who can talk. Although the gentleman’s friendship is as light as water, but also pay attention to it. I have a thousand cups of wine, I see..."

Seeing that he started to sorrow off his schoolbag, and inked and laughed and cut off his words, said: "Do you want to say, I don't think it's early, why don't we find a place to have a drink?"

"Ah, yes, yes, drink, love, okay?"

"Good." The ink nodded, "Mr. pay."

Scholar: "........."

On the greasy little table, there is a plate of peanuts, pieces of ten pieces, two small wines, and a half cup full. There was only one candle in the wine cellar, and it was burning with sorrow. The boss of the pointed monkey licked a bowl of mouth after the cabinet.

"The place is broken." The scholar seems to be a little uneasy. "But I haven't received any paper money. I have been to a few stores before, and this is a good place to go..."

"It's very good." The ink burned the wine cellar and carefully licked it. "Ghost still eats?"

"It's all imaginary, it's the same as the sacrifice." The scholar gave a sip of peanuts, but the peanuts did not disappear. He said, "Look, like this. Try it."

The ink burned down the wine cellar. He was not a dead person, and eating would reveal flaws.

The scholar’s ​​wine was over thirty years old, and the mood of depression and sorrow seemed to be better. He chatted with the ink for a while. He asked: “Before Mo Gongzi asked Xiaosheng to help draw a character, is it the right person?”

The ink is burning and waving: "No, it is my master."

"Ah." The scholar gave a glimpse. "I have been standing in the underworld for many years. I have seen the pictures of Somé, but I have never seen my artist respect. Is it good for you to treat you?"

The ink sighed and said: "Good, especially good."

"No wonder." The scholar nodded. "Draw what he does?"

"Find people."

The scholar also screamed and was surprised: "He is also in the land?"

"Yeah." Ink burned, "I heard that the dead person has to stay in Nanke Township for ten or eight years. I can't worry about him, I want to find him and be a companion with him."

The scholars are suspicious, and even a little moved, indulge in a long while, and finally sigh: "It’s rare to see Tao Li. Deep! Mo Gongzi, I will help you this busy!" Then he got up and went out of the box, take Painting tools.

The ink burned overjoyed, and thanked him again and again, and asked his name and surname, secretly remembering it in his heart. He wanted to focus on returning to the sun and he would definitely burn more gold and silver to the poor brother.

The two of you are feeling, I am excited, and I am busy making paper and ink.

After the start of the project, there were no more than two sentences.

"My teacher respects him...he..." The ink burned his hand into a fist, and after knocking on the lap, he still didn't knock it out. So for a long time, the poor man finally said, "He In short, it is a beauty, you draw."

The scholar is staring at him.

Ink burning: "Drawing."

"...How is a beautiful child?"

"It's not very simple, it's beautiful, look good."

"I know to paint in good looks, but... forget it, you said, what is his face?"

"What face?" The ink burned and shouted, "...the face is the face."

The scholar was a little annoyed: "Papaya almond wood word goose egg, do you say one?"

"I don't know if there is something that is not there, but it is quite good."

Scholar: "........."

Ink burning: "Forget it, you don't know how to paint according to my face, and the face is not too much."

Scholar: "........."

Then there is the eye.

"What eyes?"

Seeing the burning of ink, suddenly stopped him, added.

"Don't say that the eyes are the eyes."

The ink burns the hand: "I know what you mean, his eyes are growing... This, how do you say it? It’s fierce...mei? Indifferent and gentle."

The scholar fell off the pen and angered: "I don't paint! You please ask Gao Ming!"

"Don't!" The ink burned and pulled him. "No one else painted."

The scholar endured forbearance and stared at him, but when he saw his face burned with sincerity, he would hardly say: "Then you say it well, what do I ask, what do you answer."

The ink burned and he was wronged. He thought that he had not answered well yet. Isn't it also asking people what he answered? But there was something to be soft, so I had no choice but to nod, and pitifully hugged the light of the soul in my arms.

The book said: "It's still the eyes. Is he a leopard? Three white eyes? Apricot eyes? Eyes? Or..."

The ink burned and fainted, shaking his head: "Sewed eyes? That's not very small, no, his eyes are picking up, I don't know what to call, in short... oh, it's flying up, it's pretty good. of……"

"That is the eye of the eye."

The ink burned open the mouth, but the book was unhappy, so he closed his mouth again: "Well, you can seam your eyes."

The scholar then asked: "Is the nose high and short?"


"Is the lips thin and thick?"


"Is the eyebrows thick or light?"



"Fortunately... I know that I should be a sword eyebrow."

"Okay." The scholar added a few more questions and asked, "Can there be a seal on the face?"

The ink burned his head and thought about it. Thinking about it, his face was red, and he said: "There is..."

"where is it?"

"Left to the ear." The ink burned slowly. "Small, the color is very light, then..."

Then when you kiss him here, it will be extra sensitive.

The scholar raised an eyebrow: "And then?"

"No." The ink burner shook like a rattle, and his face was redder. "No then."

The scholar looked at him quite strangely. Fortunately, the light was dim, and he could not see the blood on his face. The tip of the pen runs on the ink, and asks: "Continue to wear the dress?"

"He likes to wear white clothes. A bunch of blue jade crowns, or a high ponytail." The ink burned and thought, added the road, "sometimes also draped, when draped, especially..."

"Don't say goodbye!" The scholars can't stand it.

"Well, then it’s pretty."

Scholar: "........."

It’s hard to grind for a long time, and it’s finally finished. The ink burned and blown the ink, and when I looked up, I felt that although it was not as good as Chu, I was not very similar, but I couldn’t use it very much, but I laughed and said: "Thank you, Mr. It’s good."

"I only painted Pan Anfan, Xizi."

"Ha ha ha." The ink burned and said, "When I find the teacher, I must thank you again."

I also accompanied the scholars to drink some wine, and chatted for a while, until the sky was darker. The two separated in front of the wine cellar, and the ink burned the portrait of Chu Yuning. According to the scholar, there is a building on the fifth street of Nanke Township. It is called "Shunfeng Building" and is dedicated to the new ghosts and ghosts to inquire about various news.

He is going to see it.

The red plaque outside the SF building is faintly floating, with a black serpentine totem on the top. The ink burned the door and saw the long counter in the hall. The ghost behind the counter was wearing a blushing robe, and they all wore a wooden paint mask with a rushing crown. They could not see the true appearance. These masks are in front of each other, each with a long queue, and they are all dead people who have different looks and do not ask for anything.

Hundreds of white candles floated on the top of the building, and the overlapping lights reflected the overlapping of the dead. The ghost is coming to the ghost, and the end is busy.

"Little Master, can you help me find out where my brother is? He is Zhang Yiyi, Gusu, twenty-one years old when he died..."

“Can there be a portrait?”

"No, no."

“You can find it without a portrait, and the cost is ten times more expensive.”

"Big Brother -"

The mask coughed and the sound was crisp.

"Ah, I can't help it. It turned out to be a big sister. The big sister, this is the case. When I was dying, the head of the family said that she would never remarriage, but I always looked at her brother and brother for a long time. You can't swallow this breath, you can help me check it out, see if she is really ruthless in the Yang, or with her brother!"

"Chayang affairs, the price is this, you are squatting first."

"I’m disturbed, Xiaosheng liked a girl in her life, but she was so precious that she couldn’t get a lesser reader. She was timid and never showed her heart. Later she married, and Xiaoshengyuan also replaced She is happy. Whoever expects her to be a non-person, is a man who has become a pro.... Hey, later, she changed... She is one step ahead of Xiaosheng. So Xiaosheng wants to check two things. The first is this. Where is the girl now, the second is... want to know the fate of my next life..."

"If you want to make a living, you can check it, but you don't collect the money. You need to exchange for life. As for where the girl is, I am tired of the name of the son and the portrait."

"Oh, good, good. The portrait is there, here. The girl surnamed Yao, the single name is a blue..."

In front of each cabinet is a slang word, the body is rotted, but the obsession is still not allowed.

The ink burned the lamp, walked around and looked around and found out what was asked. The people in the downwind building either collected money or collected Yangshou.

He has no money. If he is allowed to receive Yangshou, he will be aware that he is a surviving person who is mixed into the Yin Cao government. For a moment, I don’t want to be a guilty master. I don’t know how to put some paper money ingots in my pocket.

But looking at the price, it doesn't seem expensive to ask the individual. The ink burned the heart and ran back to the vicinity of the wine cellar. It was hard to catch up with the scholar. Say, I said that I borrowed some meager silver and returned to the Shunfeng Building.

After a long day of teaming, it was hard to turn him.

The ink burned and said: "I am looking for people. This is a portrait."

He handed the portrait of Chu Xiaoning to the other party and was about to go down. After the man looked at it, he even chuckled and asked the picture to be combined. "What do you want him to do?"

"Ah?" The ink burned. "Look at the painting, you know where he is?"

"Yeah. But tell me first, what do you want him to do?"

"He is an old man."

The other person gave him another look and said: "You wait." Then he leaned over and whispered a whisper with a colleague. When he turned back, he had a lot of tone and goodness.

"Since it is the old man of Mr. Chu, the money will not be collected." The man got up and waved at him. "You go upstairs with me."

The author has something to say: the deposit box is wrong, today only. . . Two more. . . . . cry. . . .

The first three oh, from the rotten stalks of the bib segments and pieces, non-original stalks, but because of too much use, I want to find the origin, can not find. . . . At first, it seems to be appearing in the Spring Festival Evening essays? Stunned, is this kind of local interest? To avoid misunderstanding, hereby declare QAQ

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