The Husky and His White Cat Shizun

Chapter 172

As the raging waves helped the storm, this robbery burned almost halfway through. Originally, the monks who came to the meeting fled to the Quartet, but the flames had been pressed against the back, and they were chasing after them. Countless monks who lost their spirits lost their battles and were swallowed up. .

They flew along the road to the villages and towns near the Confucianism Gate. Those people did not know what happened. Seeing the fire in the direction of the Confucianist Gate approached, the family dragged and ran and wanted to run away, but where can the flesh and blood legs? Have you escaped a melt-like fire?


"Auntie - Auntie!"

Wherever he went, he cried a lot, Xue Zhengyi and others had expanded their weapons to the maximum, and they were filled with the upper-class people who were brought up.

Mrs. Wang calmly pacified: "Don't cry, don't cry, sit inside, be careful, pull each other, don't fall down..."

But the iron fan will expand again, and it will only be so big. There are so many people in the passing town that can’t be saved. Xue Zhengyi is in front and leans over and wants to pull another crying child, but only then. With a force, the iron fan couldn't stand it and swayed violently. He had to loose his hand and watched the tear-scarred eyes, and the face filled with hope was thrown away at the bottom.

Rao is the tough guy of the iron skeleton, and can't help but cry: "Why? Why? When a person is wronged, is there so many innocent people to bury him?" Xue Zheng couldn't help but choke, tears rolling And fall, "Isn’t it not enough at the end of the day? People who are dying... Isn’t it enough?..."

Mrs. Wang’s eyes were also red, and she was holding two children who were rescued. The parents of the two children put them on the iron fan and they couldn’t come up. They were eventually swallowed by the fire. The child was crying. Madame Wang, holding them, stroking their hair and trying to comfort, but I don’t know what to say.

She looked back, and there were more than a dozen monks behind them. Many of them had already been caught up by the flames. Others fled in the other direction from the beginning. Chu Ning and Mo was not here. She With tears in his eyes, he silently prayed for peace between the two.

Not far away, Xue Meng, still unconscious, was held by Jiang Yan, and the fire shone on his facial features. Zhou Hao’s gorgeous sword was not good enough to sizzle under his feet.

Jiang Yan looked at Xue Meng with a disgusting look. He had sprouted the thought of simply throwing the kid down and burning it. But when he saw the eyes of Mrs. Wang’s begging on the iron fan, he still had a sullen face and licked his lips. Did not let go.

Xue Zhengxi cried, and wanted to pull a child who was younger and perhaps able to carry the child, but although he had the heart, the iron fan could no longer do anything about it.

When he once again released a hand that had already been held, Xue Zhengyi almost collapsed. He was kneeling there, squatting, and hurting the liver due to the thinness of his own strength... However, at this time, the silver-red streamer flashed. Jiang Yan waved his hand and flashed his brilliance in his sleeve. He mentioned Xue Zhengyi’s girl who was unable to carry it on his sword.

The beautiful long-sworded sword and phoenix screamed louder.

Jiang Yan didn't have any good temper. He lifted his leg and licked it. He screamed: "What are you calling? You have to plant, don't stand for me, wait for the fire to burn you."

Snow phoenix did not ring, carrying Jiang Yan and the other two, flying forward silently, but the slender hilt looked really laborious, as if it would break at any time.

Jiang Yanfei flew to Xue Zhengyi, and he gave him a very disgusting look. He said: "What can a man's husband have to cry? If you can save it, you can save it. If you can't save it, why bother?"

Mrs. Wang: "Senior brother..."

"How, I said wrong?" Jiang Yan sneered, although he is extremely handsome, but the curvature of his mouth is mean and vicious, it is particularly unappealing. "If you didn't go with him that year, stay in the lonely moon night, now it is not good. Without the power of the chicken, you can't even have your own sword. If you vacate your position, your husband, the full-fledged hero, can save one more person."

Mrs. Wang seems to have been stabbed, and she suddenly lowered her face and slowly closed the eyelash curtain. She never said a word again.

In the opposite direction to them, in the distant place, the long sword of the ink burned also expanded to a great extent. Except for the late night of Chu, the upper head was also filled with the ordinary people who were rescued.

Those people groaned and swayed, staring at the homeland and being swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, flattened to the ground. The flames reflected the tears of their eyes, closed their eyes, and wept.

In such a dignified atmosphere, the ink burned silently and there was no snoring. He is not like Xue Zhengyi, he has not done extra struggles, knowing that he can no longer carry more people, and he will no longer go to the feet and rush to pass, crying in the village.

"The front is the sea." The eyebrows twitched slightly. "Master, where are we going?"

"Go to Feihua Island, can you hold it?"

Feihua Island is the closest island to Linyi in Linyi. The ink burned and nodded. He said, "I can hold it, but I am not familiar with the East China Sea. It takes a lot of effort to find it. Master, you look at them. Let them wake up, the sword is too crowded, and if they fall asleep, I am afraid they will fall."

Chu night Ningdao: "Good."

The ink burned the sword for more than one hour. When the sea level raised a thin light of the sun, when the first sun rose, they broke through the clouds and saw a circular island that was not too big on the sea.

Feihua Island is finally here.

Although the island is under the jurisdiction of the Confucianism, it is deserted and sparsely populated. Most of them are scattered fishermen who depend on the sea for their livelihood. There is only one large family. They glimpsed the fire of the Confucianism Gate in the sky across the sea, and they felt awkward. I don’t know what happened. Many residents looked at the yard, fearing that there would be a vision in heaven and they would not sleep.

When the dawn dawned, the vision did not affect them, but the sword with a handle carried a group of people, and the black scorpion fell on the wet tidal flat. The head was a tall, handsome man with some mottled splashes on his cheeks. The blood is obviously going through a bad battle.

There are no monks in Feihua Island. They live in ordinary people. Therefore, when they see him, they are all afraid. I don’t know if he is good or evil. Why come here?

"Oh, how are they black on their faces..."

Someone whispered, looking at the men, women and children after the ink burned.

"It seems to have escaped from the fire... Is it from Linyi?"

A sturdy fisherman bravely approached and asked, "You... are you a Confucianist?"

"The death of life." Mo-burn handed the child in his arms to Chu Yuning, the child is too young to support, in order not to let him be squeezed, the ink burned on the way to Yu Jian has been holding him "There are some things in the Confucianist Gate. These are all residents of Linyi. The fire is too strong, and the weight of the sword is limited. It can't save too much, I..."

He talked half-heartedly and looked up to see the fishermen look like they were stunned. This was how they reacted too quickly.

Those people on these flying flower islands, where is it clear what fires are, what kind of swordsmanship?

So he licked his lips and said in a warm voice: "I can't help you, I will talk to you later." He looked back and looked at the crowd behind him, and he was so embarrassed. "Can you give them some food first?" And water?"

A cowardly child who lost his parents was horrified, slowly slammed into the ink-burning leg, and stretched out his hand and rubbed his robes helplessly.

The ink burned his head and touched his hair and said to the fisherman: "I am really embarrassed and disturbed."

Most of the residents of Feihua Island were very good, and soon people came to tea and snacks and sent them to them. The ink burned the story from the beginning and the end to the islanders. Those people kept their mouths for a long time and stared at the endless waves of the Haiping line.

"The Confucianist doors... are all burned out?" Someone is unbelievable.

"Is the head of the Nangong Palace lost?"

Ink ignited: "It’s not the death of the gods. It was taken down by Ling Yueguo and was taken to other places."

"What is Ling Xiaoguo?"

"That is..."

Chu Xiaoning stood by, watching the ink burned slowly and explained to the fishermen, but they did not come forward.

He looks a little inhuman, his eyes are naturally dyed with frost and snow, and he is asked to negotiate with the villagers. The result will not be better than the ink.

In the arms, the sleeping child woke up and saw a cold man who was holding himself. He couldn’t help but scream, and then he cried, and he didn’t have a sigh of relief when he was burning his arms.

Chu nightning looked at the ink and saw that the ink was still surrounded by the villagers. He couldn’t get out of it, and he was a little helpless. He used to say to his child on the floor and said, “Don’t cry.”

The child yelled louder and yelled, and he couldn’t stop shouting in his mouth: "Hey, A Niang... I want to be awkward, I want to be a mother."

"Don't cry." Chu nightning screamed hard. "You, don't cry."

"Wow - A Niang... A Niang..."

There is no way for Chu tonight, holding him in one hand and trying to lift it up and touch his hair. He expects the child not to touch him, and leans his head backwards. A small red face is covered with tears and snot: "I want A Niang, I want to be jealous, I want to go home..."

This is really a no-brainer. Chu Ning has never had a child. He didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t help thinking about what he should say. He could comfort the little guy a little, but when he fell into meditation, he didn’t realize his brow. Wrinkled up, lining the whole person is like a squat in the water, black iron cold.

The child was crying very uncomfortable. When he was struggling, he couldn’t help but see the face of Chu’s late night. He suddenly stopped, and he was scared to say no more than half a sentence. He just bit his lip and his tears were like broken beads. Fluttering down.

Chu night Ning suddenly thought of something, one hand untied the Qiankun sac, from which he found a glutinous rice candy, peeled off the sugar paper and handed it to him.

"..." The child with tears, twitching in a funny way, looking at the night, and looking at the candy in his hand.

When he was a child, he told him a bunch of stories about children obedient. There were many vicious and terrible monks. They should dizzy the disobedient children and take the refining of Xiandan.

The child snorted silently and stared at him, and suddenly he was terrified.

Chu night Ning did not know what the other party meant. Some of them looked back at the child with a stunned look and held the glutinous rice candy in their hands.

He is a phoenix eye, his eyes are slightly biased, his eyes are long and slender. Although this kind of scorpion looks good, but when he is not laughing, he has his own attitude of arrogance and judgment. Even if he smiles, these eyes will add a few points to him. The spur of the rose is full of provocation and arrogance.

But not everyone can suffer this arrogance, so Chu Xiaoning's face is handsome, but he is not born to like people.

More do not like children like it.

"Eat." When he was on the sword, he saw ink burning with candy to appease a few little guys. He did the same, but he did not understand why it was unreasonable.

The child clenched his lips, hesitating, shaking, then slowly shook his head.

...he should not be made into an elixir...


When he hadn't finished speaking, the child endured the limit, and he was so scared that he woke up, crying and shaking his heart and shaking the mountain, causing people around him to look at each other.

Chu nightning did not react, still holding the glutinous rice sugar, whispered: "...very sweet."

What he wants to say is that the sugar is sweet, but the child connects the half of the "you" that he said before, and it becomes "you are very sweet". The little head ponders a circle and thinks this Taoist It must be that I have to use my own alchemy, and I have to make myself into a very sweet elixir, and I am so scared that I cry very fiercely.

Chu night Ning froze: "........."

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