The Innkeeper

Chapter 1289 Spying

Chapter 1289  Spying

Lex did not get too close, just in case she had some kind of treasure which might detect him. But even so, he had to be close enough that she was within sight, for his spirit sense could not detect her at all. Even his soul sense could not detect her.

In fact, he highly suspected that if his affinity for Glyphs had not drastically increased since he got the heart of a dragon, he would not have been able to sense her through his bloodline tracking Glyphs either.

Now that she was in front of him, though, Lex was not worried. Instead, he wanted to see what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into. After all, of his sisters, he was the least familiar with Liz, so a little friendly spying would not hurt.

"Looks like they haven't found you either," she whispered, retaining a thick, authentic British accent. "But we can't continue like this. Otherwise we'll end up spending hours here, and eventually we'll get caught."

"Look, if you want to track the Gilded Dolphin, then Harriet is your final lead. Help me save him, or we'll both end up with nothing."

Liz looked at the wooly dog with hesitant eyes, and struggled for a few moments, before eventually making a decision.

"If you're lying to me, I swear to god I'm going to personally wax your body," she whispered, before taking out a red, crystal bottle, and popped open its top. She poured a single drop onto the wooly dog, and another onto herself before carefully placing the crystal bottle back.

Lex's eyes flashed, as Liz became completely invisible right before his eyes, undetectable to any means - including the bloodline signal.

Even as strong as he was, with all his various means, Lex could not track Liz at all at that moment. He finally understood how she had avoided capture from whoever was chasing her for so long.

Having said that, sometimes one need not rely on advanced techniques for something that could be done simply. He could not sense her, but when the door to the broom closet opened on its own, Lex casually stepped into the next corridor, and spread his spirit sense out to check for any more doors that opened on its own.

At the same time, any time he passed by an insect, he gently touched their heads, diving into their thoughts and searching for any information relating to anyone named Harriet.

As it turned out, Harriet was the name of a high value wooly dog that had been captured by the insects, and had been kept cryogenically frozen with all the others. But at the same time, he also had a lot more attention and security than the rest.

With that knowledge on hand, Lex searched for the way to the holding cell where Harriet was placed, and walked through the ship towards it. Coincidentally, he often saw doors opening on their own on the way to the cell. As a soul hiding within the walls, though, Lex did not need the doors.

In a few minutes, he ended up in front of Harriet, and saw how that specific frozen statue of a wooly dog was gently lifted off the ground. A silent alarm was triggered when the statue was lifted, but since Lex had already learned of it, he took the opportunity to access a nearby console and deactivate it using the credentials of a high value insect whose minds Lex had read.

He didn't see what Liz did, but soon even the statue turned invisible. But though invisible it may be, it was a fact that without being specifically kept frozen, the statue began to quickly thaw. While it would take hours, or even days for Harriet to recover consciousness, he did begin to drip water as he was carried through the ship.

A single drop every few hundred feet was not enough water to attract anyone's attention - unless they were looking for it. As it turned out, soon after they left, an insect came to inspect the cell and noticed that a statue was frozen. It was about to ring another alarm, but Lex knocked him out.

Before Liz and the wooly dog could make it to the hanger - which is where Lex assumed they were going - Lex noticed that the camouflaged ship had secretly arrived within the ship, and a small team of infiltrators had slipped in.

They seemed to have certain passcodes which allowed them to not trigger any immediate alarms, but Lex suspected that they would not remain hidden for long.

His suspicion was proved true when, fifteen minutes later, red lights and an alarm set off in the entire ship. Lex sensed an invisible force spread out through the ship, and while it did nothing to Lex, since he was not invisible to begin with - he was only hiding inside the walls as a soul - Liz and the wooly dog were revealed.

"What happened? I thought you said no one could detect us!"

"They can't!" she exclaimed. "Something else must have triggered on the ship. Hurry up, we can do this."

As it happened, the two of them were running right in the direction of several entire teams of insect security guards. For a moment, Lex pondered about whether to interfere, but then decided to only do so partially.

Moving faster than any of the insects could detect, he incapacitated almost the entire team, and left behind only one, very confused, completely disoriented insect.

A few moments later, Liz and the wooly dog stumbled upon the insect guard and froze. The guard also looked back at the, and then the frozen statue. It had no idea what happened to it, or its team, but it knew that what was in front of it was an issue.

A fight commenced. Lex was quite interested to see Liz's hyped up, 100% compatible Beast Master cultivation path, which is why he was completely disappointed when she took out a blaster and shot at the insect!

Her aim was good, and the blaster was quite effective, but this was a cultivation world, not a sci-fi one. What was going on? Where was the Beast Master cultivation he was looking forward to?

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