The Innkeeper

Chapter 1369 Old legends

Chapter 1369  Old legends

Lex did not immediately head to the turtle. This issue was particularly sensitive. He did not want the turtle to leave the safety of the Inn, especially with Zuri acting so suspiciously. Her offering Lex some genuine aid did not alleviate his suspicions, but just made him even more confused about the nature of what she was planning.

There was, of course, the possibility that there was no plot and she was sincere.

But it was hard to believe, and he didn't want to risk something so major on a mere possibility.

The solution was simple. All he needed to do was give up on his plan. He could use some other tree to build the treehouse, or decide to build a castle instead. Things did not need to be so complicated.

Yet Lex could resign himself to giving up just because the situation became complicated or troublesome. What king of supremacy did he have if he dared not display it when there was trouble?

His decision was basically made, so he teleported over to the turtle, who for once was not farming. Instead, he was resting under the shade of a large tree, using its vines to scratch the belly of Little Blue, who was floating around the turtle with its eyes closed.

The sight was cozy and comfortable, and Lex did not want to disturb them, yet he had to.

"I have a situation. I have a lead on getting you seeds for the trees you want, but the seed for the Void Sequoia tree I need for your tuition to be relevant to begin with is suddenly out of reach. To get it, I will require your help."

"Oh silly human. Of course you need my help. What would you do without me, I wonder. Probably land yourself in some trouble. Well, go ahead. Tell me how I can help."

"There is a senior by the name of Zuri Adissa. She is a clover that grew to greatness, having reached the Celestial realm. But now, she has run into a bottleneck and needs your guidance to break through it. Keep in mind, I have suspicions her motives might be something else, for she requires your guidance outside of the Midnight Inn.

"It won't be safe, and I can't guarantee that she won't try something suspicious. In fact, she has been behaving oddly to begin with. But at the same time, she has a monopoly on the seeds we need. Without her cooperation, our task will become much more difficult."

"Oh you silly human, you trouble yourself too much by overthinking. The solution is simple: think less. This is not even a problem at all. Let me tell you what we can do. So I…"

The turtle proceeded to tell Lex the worst plan he had ever heard, and one that would most certainly fail if anyone other than a Sovereign pulled it off. But with a Sovereign being the one doing this, it might just work.

An hour later, Lex arrived at the cabin once more, sitting atop the shell of the turtle.

"We are ready, but to go to your main body, we will need a sample of the planet itself. Once there, the turtle will give you the advice you need, and we will promptly return. After that, I expect to get the seeds I require. Is that acceptable for you?"

Zuri turned and looked towards the turtle with great admiration, yet instead of speaking she only presented a small, four leaf clover to Lex.

"This is from my main body, and will permanently retain its aura. You can use it to travel to my main body. I must warn you beforehand, my main body is in a peculiar location and is under supervision. When you arrive there, you will also be spotted. It's not so easy to avoid detection there."

"Being spotted in itself should not be an issue," Lex said, looking at Zuri. "As long as no one harms us, there won't be a problem."

"Oh, no one will harm you, of that even I can assure you. But I just wanted to let you know about that fact lest you want to retain your anonymity."

"Thank you for the warning, and see you soon" Lex said as he used the four leaf clover to purchase a ticket to that very planet.

Without hesitation he used the ticket, being teleported away while having a random thought. He was teleporting to the main body of a four leaf clover in the celestial level to help it breakthrough its bottleneck, to get his hands on a few seeds, to be able to plant and grow a tree quickly, so he could build a treehouse around it, so he could build a tavern and complete a quest in the hopes that he would not need to personally travel to every single planet he wished to connect to the Inn.

He was on a quest, within a quest, within a quest and so on for five layers or more. He really needed to get an assistant. Oh wait, his assistant was helping connect the Inn to a number of dungeons. Right. He needed another assistant.

Lex and the turtle teleported away, arriving on a new planet that immediately felt like its star rating could rival Dunya! That meant this was at least a 5 star planet.

All around him was a thick, luscious forest that seemed to extend to eternity with an exceptionally rich biodiversity.

In fact, many creatures around them were Earth immortals or Heavenly immortals. Lex was about to take in a deep breath, appreciating the freshness of the air, when he suddenly felt something. He was being watched by a very strong entity, and it wasn't Zuri.

As he looked up, Lex did not see a regular sky. Instead he saw a rainbow so massive it filled the entire sky itself, carrying with it a weight and depth that was abnormal. It was as if he was sitting under the weight of all the rainbows in existence.

"At the end of the rainbow…" the turtle muttered, giving Lex a very bad feeling as he recalled some legends from back on earth.

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