The Innkeeper

Chapter 1436 Seraphines

Chapter 1436  Seraphines

The two Rhinocentaurs had been living a decent enough life, but they were having an early life crisis at the same time. They were effectively prisoners in the Midnight Inn, not that they went around telling people that. There was no point in antagonizing his jailers.

But living in this prison had over the years not only advanced their cultivation, but also improved their cultivation talent.

They were much stronger now than they were before, healthier than before, and had greater chances of raising their cultivation level to a higher ceiling. The most absurd thing was that they didn't have to do anything special to achieve this - they merely had to live in the Inn for it.

The magical energy within the Midnight realm nourished their cultivation, the fresh air and clean food nourished their bodies, and the generally peaceful and relaxing environment nourished their souls. For all intents and purposes, they were in heaven.

So where did the crisis come from? It was because they couldn't resign themselves to the fact that they had gone through so much to try to get systems, yet they achieved so much without ever even needing a system.

All they had to do was use their groupchat to spy on the universe and submit one piece of news every day. It was so absurdly easy that they were even beginning to develop a guilty conscience.

After all, living at the Midnight Inn was not cheap for others, but for them it was practically free. Moreover, it wasn't like there was a shortage of things to do at the Inn.

Between the numerous ongoing events, the games, the ever-expanding book club, making friends with other long term residents of the Inn, and countless other activities, there was never a shortage of things to do.

The thing that they enjoyed the most these days was talking to new Inn guests who ventured over from beyond the Inns walls, and not from other realms. They liked to learn about the strange lands they came from, their cultures, their ways of life, and so on.

One of the reasons why they enjoyed it was because of how quickly their civilizations were developing once they gained access to the new online portal that had encompassed the Midnight Realm.

Considering that the absence of the Heavenly Tree was still affecting the realm, from things such as abnormal weather patterns to the unexpected amount of spiritual energy currents that developed, a day in the life of the Midnight realm residents was unusual and exciting.

Also, much more importantly, since the two Rhinocentaurs couldn't access the portal used by residents, the only way for them to learn anything was by talking to them in person. It was a nice change of pace from constantly conversing online.

"Hey, you two," called one of the Inn workers as he approached them. "There's a letter here for you."

The two Rhinocentaurs looked at each other in confusion, then reached out and opened the letter, which turned out to be a set of new instructions.

From now on, their daily pieces of news had to pertain to the Versalis Bank and the New Age Expo. More importantly, for every bit of additional news they provided about these two, they could get additional rewards - especially if the news was something very important or critical.

The two shared a look before suddenly turning around and rushing back to their residence. An opportunity like this was rare, so they had to rack up all the benefits they could gather.

Who cared about hunting for systems across the universe? It was more than likely going to end up with them dying in a ditch somewhere, perhaps plotted against by others in their own groupchat.

Instead, staying at the Inn and relaying information was a much better option. What early life crisis? Such things were the luxuries of those who had struck it rich!

"I've found 3 channels within the groupchat server discussing the New Age Expo to some degree, but there are hundreds discussing the Versalis Bank. It'll be tough to sift through all of this information to find something useful," said one of the Rhinocentaurs.

"It's pointless to look through these things randomly," said the second one. "First we need to dissect why exactly the Inn suddenly needs information about these two things. There's a high chance that they've predicted something big is going to happen, so we need to look for what these two things have in common.

"For the bank, ignore all other random pieces of information, unless they are a level 8 on a category of importance ranging from 1 to 10. For the most part, look for their involvement in the New Age Expo."

"That's narrowed the list of channels greatly," said the first Rhinocentaur. "But there's an issue. I suspect that the more important pieces of information are not available on general chat. To truly gain access to the higher, more secret levels of information, we'll need to raise our level within the groupchat. To do that, we'll need to get our hands on systems to raise our authority within the chat."

The second Rhinoccentaur pursed its lips, thinking of a solution.

"We'll see what we can do about that later," he eventually said. "Perhaps we can consult the Innkeeper for this matter. For now, just do your best. Here, I'm sharing some links with you. I've found 3 incident reports stating that the bank might have suffered an attack, but someone is trying very hard to keep the information hidden."

"I've found something on the Expo! Holy hell, this is huge! According to rumors, the Artica race is gearing up to form an alliance with the Seraphines! Why would a race block like Seraphines form an alliance with newcomers like the Artica race?"

"I don't know, but this is good. Forward this information to the Inn, but leave a comment on the side denoting the unusual nature of such a move. We wouldn't want to be blamed for passing on fake news, after all, this is just a rumor for now."

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