The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 637

Chapter 637: Teach You a Lesson

Translator: Panda_Penn Editor: Chrissy

Wealth and influential families were of noble origins. Their disciples valued their demeanor, dignity and elegance.

They had a born reversion to dirty and vulgar things even though…sometimes they would do things more shameless than riff raff. That being said, in public, they were neatly dressed, gentle and refined.

There might be times when two sides had a fallout in some banquets but both sides would refrain themselves. The worst case scenario was table slapping and a duel. They would never call each other names like vixens, not to mention talk in such a vulgar way as Lu Li.

Ji Mengtian could hardly conceal the shame and anger in her eyes. Die Feiyu’s was as red as blood. She looked away, regretting asking this redundant question.

Ye Luo was speechless. If Lu Li had shown his identity, nobody would say anything against his words. Maybe some young ladies would flirt with Lu Li in a shy and reserved way.

But it was not proper for Lu Li to speak so with his current cover identity. The young ladies would feel that they were defied by a scoundrel…

Ye Luo didn’t say much but Ye Rong was enraged. He was the host today but someone had talked a lot of nonsense and offended so many honorable young ladies. It would be impolite if he didn’t step forward as a host.

He was about to stand up, scold Lu Li and had him thrown out. Only, someone else beat him to it. The young masters would not let go of such a good apple-polishing opportunity.

“How dare you!”

A young master from a sixth rank family stood up first. Glaring at Lu Li, he scolded, “Lady Mengtian, Lady Feiyu, and Lady Yu are all here. How dare you speak of such bawdy? Did you received no education at the Gu Family? If so, I, Liu Fu, don’t mind teaching you a lesson.”

This young master called Liu Fu was about 25 or 26 years old. He was at the middle stage of the Noble Lord Realm and acted with arrogance and provocation. It was evident that he thought Lu Li was only at the peak of the Eternal Realm and he could overwhelm Lu Li and show off.

But Lu Li didn’t want to fight nor to call each other names. He only wanted to eliminate Die Feiyu’s doubts. He wouldn’t waste time on such a minor character.

Therefore, he sent Liu Fu an indifferent glance and sat down with no words but a snort. He went back to drinking.

It was embarrassing. Liu Fu was frustrated that he received no response. He had thought that Lu Li, a boor, would abuse him or even fight with him in moment of impulse. Then, he could show off his abilities in front of Dei Feiyu and Ji Mengtian. He never expected that Lu Li paid no regard to him.

In that moment, Liu Fu pounded the table, pointed at Lu Li and said, “Gu Fengliu, do you have the balls to duel with me? Let’s fight till the end of our lives!”


There were noises of disapproval. Lu Li looked at Liu Fu as if he were an idiot. It was till this moment did Liu Fu realize that it was beneath him to have a duel when Lu Li’s realm was much lower than his. It was as if an adult was bullying a kid.

Liu Fu felt embarrassed but he reacted fast by saying, “Given that your realm is lower, I will give you a head start of three moves. I will stand on the spot to let you hit me, okay?”

Nobody was making disapproving sounds this time. Lu Li now was at a favorable position to be able to strike Liu Fu for three times on the spot. Liu Fu was ready to take great risks.

Many turned to Lu Li to see if he would accept the challenge. It was normal for young masters and young ladies to have duels over a storm of jealousy. It was time for them to enjoy a drama.

Ye Luo knew that Lu Li didn’t want to reveal his identity and that it was not easy for him to take action. Ye Luo cleared his throat and said, “I think…we should just let it go. After all, we are at the City of Buddha.”

They were at a city controlled by the Great Buddhist Temple. Even though they didn’t have a representative here, violence was forbidden in the city. Therefore, Ye Luo’s words were within reason and nobody thought he was cleverly helping Lu Li out.

Ye Rong, on the other hand, would rather chop Lu Li up and feed him to a dog. That being said, after Ye Luo, the future Family Patriarch had spoken, Ye Rong couldn’t say much.

Many young masters and young ladies were disappointed. They had expected to see Liu Fu beat the hell out of Lu Li so they could vent their anger. But since Ye Luo had said so, they couldn’t disagree.

“It’s okay…”

Right at that moment, Ji Mengtian suddenly spoke. She had recovered from her initial anger. She continued with a smile, “I think the Great Buddhist Temple will ignore it for my sake. They will not intervene as long as nobody is dead. But…Young Master Gu, do you have the courage to accept the challenge?”


Ye Luo’s expressions made a turn for the cold. He couldn’t say more now that Ji Mengtian had stated her position. Otherwise, she could tell who Lu Li really was.

The mood here became quite exciting. Liu Fu was glowing, high-spirited and vigorous and arrogant. He looked at Lu Li from the corner of his eyes. He was very close to abuse Lu Li verbally to provoke him.

Lu Li went on drinking calmly while he began to think. Was Ji Mengtian trying to get back at him for verbally abusing them? Or, was she having doubts and wanted to determine his identity by forcing him to fight?

He was forced into a corner. Either he admitted defeat to patch up a quarrel and reconcile the parties concerned or he took actions!

Lu Li was not afraid to take actions. He could kill a warrior of the middle stage of the Noble Lord Realm easily. But Ji Mengtian might see something. Also, now that he was under the influence of Shrink Skill, he could risk revealing his true identity by using too powerful means.

Seeing that Lu Li remained silently, Ji Mengtian said again, “What? Young Master Gu, are you afraid? If so, just bow to Young Master Liu and say you are sorry. Then, we can let it go.”

Ji Mengtian went further to provoke him. Lu Li was getting angry. He stood up, grinned at Ji Mengtian and said, “I am not afraid. But it is not fun to duel with Young Master Liu. What is it in it for me?”


Many sneered. Lu Li should just admit he was scared. How could he make it so grandiose?

Before Liu Fu could reply, Ji Mengtian said with a sweet smile, “Young Master Gu, you are looking for some sugar?”


Acting arrogantly, Lu Li sent lascivious looks to Ji Mengtian and said, “If I win this fight, Lady Mengtian, how about you kiss me as an incentive?”

“How dare you!”

Several young masters pounded the table and jumped to their feet, even including Ye Rong. Who was he? Was he crazy? Was he not afraid that the Gu Family would be destroyed? One order from many of the young masters here could lead to the destruction of the Gu Family.

“Ha, ha, ha, I am kidding. Relax.”

Understanding that he had gone too far, Lu Li said with a grin, “If I win, Lady Mengtian, you toast to me. How about that?”

Ji Mengtian stayed calm. She said with a gentle smile, “If you win, I will drink with you three times.”

Ji Mengtian was intrigued. A young master of a fifth rank family had the guts to talk to her in such manner. He even dared to defile her verbally. If this man was not crazy, then he might have something up in his sleeves. Or…he had assumed a fake identity.

She tried to inspect him with psychic power, failing to find anything wrong. There was some energy protecting Lu Li’s soul. She could not probe at her will.

Lu Li wolfed down a goblet of wine. He strode out and said, “Young Master Liu, come on out. I am waiting for you to teach me a lesson.”

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