The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 719 - Killing an Earth Immortal Realm Warrior

Chapter 719: Killing an Earth Immortal Realm Warrior

Translator: Panda_Penn Editor: Chrissy

After Leng Wuxin abducted Lu Li from the Inferno, she had never abused him. She never even laid a hand on him. Instead, she was treating him politely. She educated Lu Li about situations in the Central Imperial Universe, and she also gave him Zen Bead and other elixirs.

Lu Li had formed the wrong idea that Leng Wuxin was asking for a favor, which had led to a lack of crisis awareness on his mind.

But the slap woke him up. He finally understood that he was merely a puppet for Leng Wuxin. His life was controlled by her who could rip him to shreds at any time.

He had crossed the line by egging Leng Wuxin to snatch for the treasure. He had offended her, so she slapped the reality into him. She reminded him that his life was in her hands.

The lady was beautiful but toxic. She was cruel and cold-blooded!

Lu Li gasped. He stood up. On his face, there was no anger nor killing intent. Instead, he cupped his fists and said, “Lady Wuxin, I am sorry. I have gone too far.”

Lu Li buried every piece of emotion to the depth of his heart. From this moment on, the old Lu Li was gone. He would only carry with him his instinctive nature. He would be a frog dancing on a blade, and he must tread carefully with each step. He had to make an effort to live so that he could return to the Heaven Reverse Universe.

From now on, Leng Wuxin would cease to be a beauty, and Leng Wumi would no longer be an innocent and romantic girl. To Lu Li, Leng Wushang was not a handsome gentleman anymore.

All of them had the same identity, enemies!

The entire Leng Family was his enemy. The Central Imperial Universe and the other universes were his enemies. When chances permitted, he could not be irresolute when firmness was needed, or else he would descend into a bottomless chasm.


Lu Li’s change of attitude brought satisfaction to Leng Wuxin. She said nothing more and stared at the cave, waiting for Leng Wushang to come back out.


The time for three incense sticks to burn passed. Three people dashed out from the cave, namely Leng Wushang, Leng Wumi, and Leng Buji. They all looked awful. They yelled as they arrived at the opening, “Leave now!”


Leng Wuxin and Lu Li were taken aback. Were there powerful beasts in the cave? Lu Li stepped back without a moment of hesitation and Leng Wuxin did the same.


From the cave came a strange noise. Leng Wushang, Leng Wumi, and Leng Buji hadn’t made it to the opening just yet. They rolled over on the ground with hands laced behind their heads, appearing to be in extreme pain. Leng Wushang shouted, “Brother Lu, save us.”

“Feather Wind?”

Lu Li and Leng Wuxin were one mile away now. They looked at each other in shock, but then the shock turned into a pleasant idea.

The cave housed strong Feather Wind which was clearly much heavier than the one outside. Leng Wushang’s soul might not be able to survive this.

Leng Wuxin had always been looking forward to taking Leng Wushang’s life. Wasn’t this the perfect chance?

Leng Wushuang and Leng Tianba were still in the cave. They must be trapped inside, so they could not come out and save Leng Wushang. If Lu Li didn’t go and offer some help, Leng Wushang’s soul might collapse after being attacked by the Feather Wind.

“Young Master Lu, help them!”

Leng Wuxin looked at Leng Wushang for a while and spoke all of a sudden. Lu Li threw Leng Wuxin a surprised look. He saw how determined she was. He had no other choice but to dash into the cave.

“Hiss, hiss~”

The Feather Wind here was heavy. Even Lu Li felt his eardrums hurting though his soul was fine. He helped Leng Wushang and Leng Buji up with one hand, and carried Leng Wumi who had fainted in the other before rushing out.

He ran for two miles from the opening and stopped when Feather Wind was no more. Lu Li put Leng Wushang, Leng Wumi, and Leng Buji down. He asked Leng Wuxin, “What about the two Earth Immortal Realm warriors? Do we save them?”

Leng Wushang was breathing heavily. It took him a while to answer, “Yes, please hurry. The Feather Wind in there is stronger. Do… be careful.”

Leng Wuxin nodded and said, “Young Master Lu, please go and save Uncle Wushuang and Uncle Tianba.”

Lu Li looked into Leng Wuxin’s eyes and saw something different. Lu Li was surprised. How cruel Leng Wuxin was? She was trying to suggest Lu Li to kill the two Earth Immortal Realm warriors.

The Feather Wind near the opening of the cave must not be strong enough to kill Leng Wushang, which was why Leng Wuxin decided to let Lu Li help them. On the other hand, the two Earth Immortal Realm warriors must have been trapped inside by the Feather Wind. This could be a chance to take the both of them out.

Lu Li made up his mind and ran into the cave. But he slowed down when he entered. He valued his life and wondered if the silver dragon could not withstand the powerful Feather Wind.

He mobilized some Xuan Energy to his eardrums to relieve some of the pain. Once his eardrums were ripped, he could temporarily go deaf.

He walked into the cave which was meandering downward. The Feather Wind came from the depth of the cave. The deeper into the cave, the heavier the Feather Wind was.

He was more than a mile into the cave, but he still hadn’t seen the two Earth Immortal Realm warriors yet. Lu Li felt a bit relieved. Feather Wind at this point was beyond strong. However, he didn’t feel a thing on his soul. The silver dragon could defend against stronger Feather Wind.

Lu Li slowed down again as he progressed forward. The cave was a narrow one, allowing for merely one person to pass. He even swung his fist and punched the wall.


Lu Li didn’t punch in full strength, but it was a heavy blow nonetheless. However, he felt he had hit against an iron slate. The action created a muffled sound, but the stone wall sustained no damage.


Lu Li did it again but with all his strength. Still, the wall didn’t budge. Nothing changed except for another muffled noise. He pouted and moved on.

“Ah, ah~”

Lu Li heard a faint miserable cry after he walked for another mile. He was able to tell the cry came from Leng Wushuang.

Lu Li stopped and listened in for a while. He made sure that Leng Wushuang was the one yelling in pain, but he didn’t hear Leng Tianba’s voice. A cold glint rose in his eyes. He stayed where he was and waited.

Leng Wuxin had control over his life, so he must think of a way to kill Leng Wushang. To accomplish that, the two Earth Immortal Realm warriors must be taken care of. Otherwise, even if Lu Li could kill Leng Wushang, his life would come to an end nonetheless.

A rare chance had presented itself!

Lu Li held his breath and waited. He stayed for the time for half an incense stick to burn until Leng Wushuang made no sound. Then, Lu Li crept forward.

Half a mile, one mile, and Lu Li finally found two faint figures. It was pitch dark in the cave. Lu Li sensed the presence of the two through their breaths and heartbeats.

Leng Wushuang and Leng Tianba have passed out. Their breaths were shallow, and their heartbeats were slow. But clearly, they were still alive.

“Should I kill them or not?”

When unconscious, people’s defense could be weak. The two of them must have sustained a heavy blow to their souls. It wouldn’t be a risky endeavor to kill both of them.

“I should—”

Lu Li made up his mind. By killing two Earth Immortal Realm warriors, he could buy him a chance to survive. He concealed the killing intent in his heart and walked on slowly while continued to sense their heartbeats and breaths.

When he was close enough, Lu Li shouted, “Lord Wushuang, Lord Tianba, are you okay? Wake up. I am here to get you out.”

The two of them stayed on the ground like dead bodies even though Lu Li’s voice was loud. Lu Li carried Leng Wushuang on his back and walked out for dozens of meters before he put Leng Wushuang down.


Lu Li mobilized Xuan Energy and released Burning Blood Skill at the same time. He swung his fist and smashed at Leng Wushuang’s head forcefully.

He planned to kill Leng Wushuang with Soul Shattering Skill.

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