The Kind Older Sister Is No More

Chapter 155 - Kreisen's Mission

Chapter 155 - Kreisen's Mission

The Grand Duke went back first after mentioning it would be ‘better to part separately’, which left only Irene and Noel alone in the conference hall for the time being.

Irene settled down in an empty chair, and Noel sat next to her.

There was no conversation between the two for a while. After a few minutes of dead silence, Noel opened up first.

“You might get upset if I say this, but…”


When he halted, Irene looked at him puzzled, prompting him to continue.

He rested his hands on his thighs, and faintly smiled at Irene.

“Honestly, I thought it would be okay even if I did not inherit the Grand Duchy.”


Irene’s eyes widened at his shocking remark. She could not believe her ears, did he really say that he would not mind if he were not to succeed the Grand Duchy? What nonsense was he spouting...

“Didn’t I say in the carriage earlier? Let’s run away and live on a faraway land where no one can reach us.”


“I reckon that would not be too bad.”

“...but, is it really ok?”

“What do you mean?”

Irene pursed her lips for a moment. Her hands anxiously tightened, and she squirmed in her seat. Her lips eventually parted. It was a topic that she would rather never mention.

“Actually, if it happens that Noel does not succeed to the Grand Duchy, there is no reason for us to remain married.”

She finally said it...

Her heart ached as if it was being tugged by something; it was suffocating.

It was not out of her own will, but after listening to him, she felt compelled to mention it. Perhaps, she herself knew better than anyone that their relationship was more fragile and delicate than a single thread. She wondered whether his thoughts would change after realising this fact.

Irene’s words left Noel speechless for a moment.

“Irene, what are you going to do?”

“...Pardon? What are you referring to...?”

“Do you want me to break off this relationship?”


Upon asking the question he stared at Irene as if he attempted to see through her.

In fact, it was a pointless question since the answer had already been settled.


“My Lord!”

As Irene was about to answer, the door to the conference hall swung open and Tom rushed in. When Noel gave him a cold glare, Tom, who had run all the way here hastily, was taken aback.


“Oh, nothing much...just that I heard the news, but what is with the sudden investigation into the Western Dukedom... Nevermind that, are you mad at me? Why are you displaying such an intimidating expression… ”

When Tom put up a perplexed expression of someone who had just suffered from pure injustice, Noel merely let out a deep sigh and rose from his seat.

“Enough, after this do not show up unless you are called.”

“Pardon? What is that supposed to mean...”

“Well, shall we get going then?”

Noel ignored poor Tom and turned to Irene smiling. He reached out his hand toward her without giving Tom the chance to protest at his absolute order. Irene, who, by that time was drained, smiled despondently as she took his hand. She, too, stood up from her seat and accompanied him out of the room.


That being said, Irene and Noel left the meeting room, followed by the discouraged Tom.


“So, all of a sudden, you are going to investigate the territory of the Western Dukedom just like that? And with the Young Madame?”


“Ha…I never thought they would go as far as to give this kind of task.”

Just as Tom finished his words, he caught sight of Irene in the corner of his periphery.

“Madame, are you okay with it?”

“Oh yes, I am completely fine.”

Tom cocked his head seeing Irene answer so casually.

Come to think of it, the lady has changed significantly.

Tom knew more about Irene than one would normally know, since Noel initially asked him to look into her background.

At first, she was timid.

At that time, he could clearly see the tiredness on her face as if she was being oppressed by something invisible. But the Irene in front of him now was far different from then. She had a confident expression, unwavering eyes, and a relaxed smile on her lips.

And it was not only Irene that changed.

Noel had also changed a lot. Especially today.

Even though the succession to the Grand Duchy had almost slipped by him, he looked so comfortable – as if he had just been on an outing. He was so relaxed to the point that he seemed to have no interest in the succession.

It seems like they are starting to be like a real couple...

They really did appear like real lovers. Couples were said to resemble each other, because of the time they spent together, and Irene and Noel were a perfect match.

“Have you thought about the investigation team arrangement? I assume you must have some people in mind.”

“Yes, they would be my greatest strength. And seemingly, it would be good to have a few knights on the team. I will leave it to you.”

“Yes. What do you think Louiselle will do? If the Madame were to go, she would undoubtedly try to follow, even if that meant d3ath for her.”

“I will take her. In case something happens, she will protect Irene for me.”

“When do you expect your departure date to be?”

“We should set off as soon as possible and return before winter arrives. Nothing good will come if we postpone it any longer.”

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