The Legend of Chu Qiao: Division 11's Princess Agent

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

He Xiao waved his hands again and again in command of archers, “Fire! Fire! Kill those b*stards!”

“General! General!” A messenger rushed up while shouting, “Master’s orders! Prepare the catapults?”

A row of catapults each more than three meters in height was brought up to the city wall. These were not normal catapults. They were bigger, thicker, and more powerful than common catapults. With three additional axles as support, with a massive spring for propulsion, the range would be further than 400 feet. This range would be twice of a normal catapult’s.

A soldier stood atop the city walls with his forehead full of sweat. His eyes brimmed with maddening anticipation. Holding a dagger, he roared, and cut into the rope that was holding back the arms of the catapult! The creaking of the springs sounded off, as the catapult lurched into action. With the onlookers staring on with mouths agape, a boulder that was as big as a millstone was sent flying in the air. With a huge boom, it smashed into two charging knights. With loud shrieks, the enemies turned around, only to see that not only the soldiers but even their horses had been smashed into a bloody mush.

“Long live the master! Woooo!” On the city walls of Chidu, the crowds erupted into cheers. Since being trapped by the Xia army, this was probably the only time that they felt that they might actually win the battle.

Before such powerful machinery of war, no one would still keep their wits together. The soldiers looked left and right at each other, and even forgot to continue their charge. Yet, this was when the real nightmare began. The entire row of catapults launched all at once, as a rain of massive boulders rained down from above.

That scene was so hellish. What those catapults shot out were not just normal boulders. There were millstones from households, thick wooden pillars of houses, or even thousands of roof files. A dozen of soldiers were struck down by a massive object, and upon closer inspection, one would realize it was a lion statue that would usually be placed in front of big households! No armor or shields could defend against such weapons. Blades were smashed into pieces, as spears were reduced to mere firewood. The Xiao army fell to these projectiles as the soldiers turned into a bloody mush of blood and flesh!

Seeing that, Zhao Yang’s eyes turned red, as he grabbed the weapon logistics officer by the collar and screamed at his face, “What weapon is that? Why can it shoot so far? Why is it so fast? Tell me?”

That official was an aging man whose hair had already started turning white. With much breathing difficulty, he struggled to explain, “Pardon me! Pardon me, Your Highness! I really do not know!”


“Your Highness, let the soldiers retreat! At this rate, we cannot even approach!” Situ Jing walked over with a grimace.

“No! No retreat!” Zhao Yang’s eyes were full of conviction, as he coldly ordered, “Anyone who dares to retreat even one step shall be punished by death!”

“Advance!” the Xia Army desperately shouted.

Near to the castle, the rain of arrows pierced through their prided shields. Further away, the rumbling of rocks could be heard. Under this patch of sky, shrieks of death were the only voices that could be heard. This one conflict lasted for three days and three nights. At the dawn of the fourth day, the soldiers of Chidu city could barely believe their eyes as the Xia Army broke into a full rout. The Chidu conscripts and the soldiers of Southwest Emissary’s Garrison cried joyous tears as they cheered in unison.

“The Xia army has retreated! They are gone!” The waves of ecstasy spread from the walls.

Chu Qiao sat within the headquarters and was still drafting orders. Suddenly, hearing the news from the frontlines, this lady who had not had any shut-eye for the past three days and three nights froze up. Sitting upright, the blazing sun that illuminated the earth made it seem almost like a dream.

“Master! Master! The Xia soldiers are gone! We are victorious!” Donned in messenger’s attire, Pingan rushed in while happily brandishing the blade that was half his height. But at the entrance, he was stunned. The first thing he saw was Chu Qiao sitting quietly before the table with an exceedingly calm expression, except that a crystal clear trail of tears flowed down from her eyes.

“Master! Master!” The soldiers of the Southwest Emissary’s Garrison soon charged in as well. Wiping away her tears, Chu Qiao stood up, once again turning back to the decisive leader she was known as. Striding out from the doors, a wave of cheers erupted. Regardless of civilians of soldiers, they crowded around her as they happily reported the situation.

She could understand their excitement because such a feat was enough for anyone to be proud of. Facing 200 thousand elites with a measly ten thousand troops that were less well equipped, they had lost less than 200 men apart from the initial 3,500 men that were sent out. With that measly loss, they had killed over 50 thousand enemies and broke off 17 charges. With that, the Southwest Emissary’s Garrison would be listed as one of the elite units of this continent. The battle of Chidu would forever be recorded into history as one of the turning points of the Northern Campaigns!

That night, as the two armies rested, Chu Qiao had not shared the excitement of those officers. She knew that Zhao Yang’s loss against her was merely attributed to his unfamiliarity with her tactics and advanced machinery. From the next day onwards, he would adjust his tactics accordingly, and it would be impossible to achieve such easy victory henceforth.

In addition, the Weapon logistic officer had just reported in. In the intense battle, over 300 sets of the Paitian Crossbows had been damaged. That was over three-quarters of the entire arsenal. More than half of the arrows had been exhausted. As for the catapults, while the damaged catapults could be repaired, the entire city was already barren. Except for some incendiary fire-pots that were leftover, there was little ammunition left in the city. In the first place, most of the weapons here were made and stockpiled in a rush as Chu Qiao anticipated that Chidu would become a strategic location. As expected, these weapons were indeed useful.

Chu Qiao rubbed her temples as she frowned at the map. She repeatedly considered several methods of defense. Pingan quietly entered the room and swapped the pot of tea. Seeing that the charcoal in the fireplace had already been exhausted, he quickly went to replace it with a new batch.

“Pingan, what time is it now?”

The child lifted up his head and replied, “Master, it is already nine pm. You should rest a while if you can, as you have not slept for many days.”

Struggling to keep her bloodshot eyes open, Chu Qiao laid on the desk and said, “Call me up when it is 11 pm.”


Not long after she fell into a slumber, an urgent call for her attention came. Pingan irritatedly whispered, “Master has just fallen asleep. What matters do you have? Can’t you wait until dawn?”

“Pingan, let them in.”

“Master Chu!” Four young soldiers entered the room, as the leader walked up and explained, “We are subordinates of Lady Yu. Lady Yu received the message from you, and sent us.”

“Lady Yu received my letters?” Chu Qiao was ecstatic as she stood up. “What did she say? When can she send us reinforcements? Are there any details about deployment?”

“Master, Lady did not mention anything. She merely said that you have to immediately head to Lan City, and she has something urgent to discuss with you.”

Chu Qiao frowned, as she slowly asked, “What did you say?”

“Master, the Lady informed that you are to immediately head to Lan City to discuss matters of importance with her.” the soldier carefully repeated his words.

Chu Qiao nodded, “Did she say anything else?”

The soldier replied, “No, master.”

“Oh, sure. Please wait a moment. I will pack my belongings.” Chu Qiao nodded. “Pingan, come here, bring my coat over from my room.”

Pingan frowned, but he was surprisingly sharp as he said nothing and turned into the inner room. At this time, one of the soldiers grabbed the child’s hand as he lifted his head and said, “Master, there is no need for that. We have already prepared everything. We can leave now.”

But in the blink of an eye. Chu Qiao’s hand stretched out. In a quick flash, an inkstone flew out and struck that soldier squarely on his arm. With a loud crack, that soldier’s bones had definitely snapped, but despite the immense pain, that soldier did not even cry out. Pingan was sharp. With a roll to dodge the other soldiers, he jumped out of the window.

“Capture her!” The leader saw that they had already been exposed, so he decided to just throw away their pretense. The group pounced on Chu Qiao, and it was obvious that they were all masterful at martial arts.

Chu Qiao’s movements were exceedingly fast. With a shake of her arm, the dagger that was hidden on her arm dropped to the ground. In a flash, the blade stuck onto the assailant. But that man merely groaned as he managed to avoid injuries to his vitals, and the blow merely struck on his shoulders. Chu Qiao pushed onto the desk, and with a roundhouse kick, she stomped onto the stomach of another assassin. That man flew back and slammed onto the bookshelves. The two vases that were placed on the shelves fell and shattered into a million pieces. At this instant, the door suddenly openly. Over 30 guards dashed in, and with a few quick moves, they suppressed the assassins. These men were all appointed by Yan Xun as her personal guards. Song Qifeng, the leader of the bodyguards, walked over and anxiously asked, “Master, are you alright? Were you injured?”

“I am fine.” Chu Qiao shook her head and solemnly said, “They did not try to kill me.” Walking over, Chu Qiao looked at the leader of the assassins and interrogated, “Who sent you?”

That man smiled bitterly. “I had heard that Lady Chu was really skillful in martial arts. Today, after experiencing it personally, I can finally tell it’s not just rumors.”

“Tell me the truth, and I will consider letting you go.”

“Master, all my words are true. If you do not believe me, I have no choice either.”

Chu Qiao frowned in confusion as countless thoughts flashed past her mind. Turning back, she asked Song Qifeng, and asked, “Who let them into the city?”

Song Qifeng’s expression was unnatural, as he quietly replied, “This servant does not know.”

Chu Qiao looked left and right, and suddenly asked, “Where is Pingan?”

“Pingan?” Song Qifeng asked. “I have not seen him.”

“You did not see him?” Chu Qiao’s eyes were shimmering with doubt as she stared as Song Qifeng. Suddenly, she gently smiled and said, “Oh, he might have gone to call for help. He probably headed for the Southwest Emissary’s Garrison and missed you. Shall we go and take a look?”

With a whoosh, a dozen shiny blades were set up against her neck. Song Qifeng bitterly smiled and said, “Since you have already guessed it, I need not act anymore.”

Chu Qiao’s expression turned frigid as Song Qifeng untied the four men. If only gazes could kill!

“Master, I am sorry. Qifeng is merely following orders. If there was anything that upset you, please forgive me.”

Chu Qiao calmly and coldly asked, “Who are you working for? The Da Tong guild? Or the Xia empire?”

Song Qifeng bowed with deference. “When we reach our destination, you will naturally understand.”

The man walked up. “This servant understands that Master is really skilled. I have really no choice, so I seek your cooperation.” Having said that, he blindfolded Chu Qiao’s eyes and gagged her before tying her up, restricting all movements.

“Move out!” Song Qifeng ordered. The crowd walked out. Before long, a carriage appeared. Chu Qiao was lifted up onto the carriage, as they rapidly headed North.

“Halt! Who are you?”

Song Qifeng sat atop his horse and replied, “I am the head of the bodyguards for Master Chu, and this is the messenger from Lan City. We are heading towards Lan City. This is proof from Master Chu.”

Seeing it was Song Qifeng, the soldiers immediately changed their attitude, “So it is Master Song. Please wait a minute, I will immediately open the gates!”

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